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  • Result 1-10 of 265
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  • Ambrose, Aimee, et al. (author)
  • Looking back to move forwards: A social and cultural history of home heating (JUSTHEAT) : Interim findings from the first round of case studies
  • 2023
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This short report is one of a series of outputs to flow from the international,interdisciplinary project ‘Looking back to move forwards: a social and cultural historyof home heating’ (JUSTHEAT), funded through the Collaboration of Humanities andSocial Sciences in Europe (CHANSE) initiative, which began in 2022 and runs until2025. Within this project, we aim to understand how major changes to home heatingand heating technology over the last 70 years have impacted our lives in diverse andoften profound ways and how these impacts are experienced differentially acrossplace, time, social groups and even between different members of the same household.Ultimately, we aim to distil learning from these historic accounts to promote a morehumane, user centred and just approach to the current transition from fossil fuelled tolow carbon heating systems across the UK and the EU. In pursuit of this, the projectemploys a combination of oral histories, archival research, a network of fine artists andinnovative approaches to bridge the chasm between policy makers designing lowcarbon heating transitions and the needs and expectations of the citizens they serve.
  • Fenton, Paul David, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Stakeholder participation in municipal energy and climate planning – experiences from Sweden
  • 2016
  • In: Local Environment. - : Taylor & Francis. - 1354-9839 .- 1469-6711. ; 21:3, s. 272-289
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article analyses the factors influencing stakeholder participation in municipal energy and climate planning, together with stakeholder experiences of participation in such processes. The article presents findings from a survey of 60 Swedish municipalities and detailed case studies of energy and climate planning in five Swedish municipalities to explore which stakeholders are involved, how and why they are involved, and the impacts of participation on both stakeholder experiences. The results of this study provide insight into the role of stakeholders in municipal energy and climate planning.The study proceeds as follows: the Introduction is followed by a discussion of theoretical perspectives on stakeholder participation and energy and climate planning. The Methods used to conduct the study are presented, followed by Results and Analysis. In the subsequent Discussion, the authors propose a conceptual approach that may assist municipalities in development of energy and climate strategies. The Analysis and Discussion inform Conclusions in which the authors advocate early and active stakeholder engagement in energy and climate strategy planning and emphasise the possible utility of their conceptual approach in supporting stakeholder participation.
  • Fenton, Paul David, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Sustainable Energy and Climate Strategies : lessons from planning processes in five municipalities
  • 2012
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Swedish municipalities have traditionally had significant powers and played a major role in implementing national energy strategies. This paper describes the factors influencing development of municipal climate and energy plans in five Swedish municipalities and assesses the relevance and importance of these factors from theoretical and practical perspectives. The questions raised in the paper are: what are the characteristics of municipal climate and energy planning processes in the five Swedish municipalities, how do municipalities include stakeholders in the process, and in what ways do stakeholders influence outcomes? Results suggest that a number of key factors influence the development of municipal climate and energy strategies and their content. These include the importance of a clear, shared vision and engaged politicians; the size and organisational structure of the municipality and its willingness and capability to act; the organisation of the process and extent to which stakeholders have been involved and feel included; the need for clarity about financial aspects, such as planned financing of implementation; the need for greater clarity concerning selection of targets and their relevance to global climate and energy trends. By illustrating the characteristics of the municipal climate and energy planning processes in five Swedish municipalities, the study makes a contribution to the research on local governments and sustainable development in general, and specifically to the growing literature on municipal climate and energy planning. The study and its results may be used to inform policy-makers on the national and local levels about the factors influencing municipal energy planning and the importance of involving stakeholders and citizens in the strategic work to reduce climate impacts and energy consumption.
  • Fenton, Paul David, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Sustainable Energy and Climate Strategies : lessons from planning processes in five municipalities
  • 2012
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The presentation describes the factors influencing development of municipal climate and energy plans in five Swedish municipalities and assesses the relevance and importance of these factors from theoretical and practical perspectives. This will help answers the research questions: what are the characteristics of municipal climate and energy planning processes in the five Swedish municipalities; and, what lessons can be learnt from these cases which may be applicable to other municipalities in Sweden, the EU and other countries?
  • Fenton, Paul David, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Sustainable energy and climate strategies: lessons from planning processes in five Swedish municipalities
  • 2015
  • In: Journal of Cleaner Production. - : Elsevier. - 0959-6526 .- 1879-1786. ; 98, s. 213-221
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Swedish municipalities have traditionally had significant powers and played a major role in implementing national energy strategies. This paper describes the factors influencing development of municipal climate and energy plans in five Swedish municipalities and assesses the relevance and importance of these factors from theoretical and practical perspectives. The questions raised in the paper are: what are the characteristics of municipal climate and energy planning processes in the five municipalities, do these municipalities include stakeholders in the process, if so how, and do the stakeholders influence the content of strategies? Results suggest that a number of factors influence the development of municipal climate and energy strategies and their content. These include the importance of a clear, shared vision and engaged politicians; the size and organisational structure of the municipality and its willingness and capability to act; the organisation of the process and extent to which stakeholders not only have been involved but also felt included; the need for clarity about financial aspects, such as planned financing of implementation; and the need for greater clarity concerning selection of targets and their relevance to global climate and energy trends. The study and its results may be used to inform policy-makers on the national and local levels about factors influencing municipal energy planning and also contribute to a discussion on benefits and problems of involving stakeholders and citizens in the strategic work to reduce climate impacts and energy consumption.
  • Fenton, Paul, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Sustainable Energy and Climate Strategies : lessons from planning processes in five Swedish Municipalities
  • 2012
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This report forms part of the research project “Sustainable Energy and Climate Strategies – development and potential”, which is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency’s Sustainable Municipality programme. In this research project, case studies of the processes to develop energy strategies in five municipalities were prepared. The five municipalities were participants in the Sustainable Municipality programme’s second phase, which began in 2008, and represent different types of municipality, in terms of geography and population.This report presents analysis of the five case studies, using a policy theoretical perspective to focus on issues including how problems and solutions are identified and formulated, which solutions are proposed, which actors are included or excluded from the process, and which local resources are used or not used in the process. The report reflects on the implications of increasing stakeholder cooperation in energy planning processes and using different types of organisational approaches during the development of energy and climate strategies.Each case study began with an inventory of publically-available documents shaping the context for energy and climate strategies in each municipality. These documents were compiled in time lines showing the documents or decisions influencing energy planning in each municipality. Subsequently, group interviews were held with participants in planning processes in each of the five municipalities. In addition, individual interviews took place with stakeholders who had been active in the processes. Interviews were recorded and then transcribed. The results from the document study and interviews were then compiled in a summary of each municipality’s energy planning process, forming the basis for the analysis in this report.The case studies highlight both similarities and differences with regard to the organisation of work to develop and introduce energy strategies. All municipalities established, at an early stage, internal organisations for the process and throughout the processes, the organisational form, participants and their role, and division of tasks and responsibilities were fairly clear. For example, all five municipalities made use of Steering Groups and Working Groups, although the extent of the roles which these groups played – and the background of their members - varied. Four municipalities had a Reference Group in which external stakeholders were represented. A number of other constellations, including thematic working groups, were present in some but not all municipalities.The municipalities also took different steps in their energy planning processes and identified different drivers stimulating their activities. Participants from one municipality considered the Sustainable Municipality programme as a pivotal moment in their strategic energy work, whereas others felt the programme did not significantly influence their approach or outputs. The report identifies a number of factors influencing the development and implementation of municipal energy strategies, as well as a strategy’s scope and content.
  • Gustafsson (Emilsson), Sara, 1974-, et al. (author)
  • Aktörssamverkan i lokala strategiska energi-och klimatplaneringsprocesser : Slutrapport från forskningsprojektet Hållbara energi-och klimatstrategier- lärdomar ch potential
  • 2013
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Svenska kommuner har en lång tradition av energiplanering. Dock har verkningsfullheten avkommunernas energistrategiska arbete varit föremål för diskussion. Syftet med det här projektet vardärför att analysera kommuners arbete med att ta fram och genomföra kommunala energistrategiersamt att reflektera över hur/om ett vidgat systemperspektiv genom ökad aktörssamverkan kan bidramed kunskaper till det lokala energistrategiska arbetet.Utifrån projektets resultat har vi sammanställt ett antal rekommendationer som stöd till kommuner ideras arbete med att införa, implementera och utveckla det energistrategiska arbetet. Dessarekommendationer sammanfattar också de huvudsakliga resultat som vi vill skicka med kommunernai deras arbete. Det energistrategiska arbetet bör hanteras som en del i en långsiktig verksamhet och intesom ett projekt Både kommunens politiska majoritet och opposition bör vara med i processen att utvecklaenergistrategin och de ska ha en aktiv roll under hela processen Informera och utbilda politiker om de lokala energisystemen för engagemang och delaktighet Vid målformulering bör de som berörs av målen involveras Koppla mål och åtgärder till den ekonomiska uppföljning som redan görs i kommunen. Energistrategen bör sitta i ledningsgruppen för att möjliggöra att det energistrategiskaarbetet blir en del av det övergripande strategiska arbetet För att säkra kontinuitet i arbetet bör energistrategen ha en tillsvidareanställning och inteprojektanställning Det behövs stöd för kommunernas utåtriktade energistrategiska arbete från regional ochnationell nivå. Formulera en öppen process med en bred regional systemsyn Att samverka kan bidra till mycket positivt samtidigt som det kan göra processen merkomplex. Reflektera därför över vilka aktörer som bör vara med, varför de ska involveras, näri processen de ska involveras samt hur de ska involveras. Det är möjligt att det krävs olikametoder eller struktur för olika aktörsgrupper. Utveckla en förståelse för andra aktörersperspektiv och agendor. Det är viktigt att ha en fungerande samverkan mellan kommun och lokalt energibolag
  • Gustafsson (fd Emilsson), Sara, 1974-, et al. (author)
  • Management and stakeholder participation in local strategic energy planning : – examples from Sweden
  • 2012
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Rapid environmental degradation and consumption of natural resources is a growing global concern, leading to the awareness that environmental sustainability is a critical new strategic objective. Municipalities are important actors when it comes to energy efficiency and improve environmental sustainability. One important tool to promote this work is implementing a local energy and/or climate strategy. How such local strategies are and could be designed in order to make a difference and promote sustainable energy solutions will be in focus for this paper. In order to promote strategic energy work at the local level, the, Swedish Energy Agency initiated a program called Sustainable Municipalities. As a part of this program participating municipalities were mandated to develop local energy and climate strategies.This paper aims at creating a general overview of approaches to, and uses of, local energy strategies among the participants in the Sustainable Municipalities program. This overview includes: analyzes of whether energy plans or strategies are present, which issues these plans address, what actors that are included, and whether follow-up is pursued.We will elucidate local energy strategies from a management perspective, and discuss if and how the composition of actors influence suggested goals and measures, if there were plans for implementation and follow-ups. Our theoretical ambitions are to integrate theories on how to manage an efficient energy strategic planning and on how to achieve successful stakeholder participation. This in order to discuss weaknesses and strengths in existing municipal energy planning practices and how to improve energy planning in relation to those theories.Document studies and structured telephone interviews with representatives from 60 municipalities were used to collect data. Around 75 percent of the municipalities in the study had adopted local energy strategies. This figure is surprisingly low; given that participation in the sustainable Municipalities program required energy strategies. In general, processes to develop a strategy included different parts of the municipality, and resulted in concrete measures. There were no correlations between included actors, and measures suggested and themes in the strategies. Most commonly occurring were strategies related to public buildings and other buildings owned by municipality owned companies. The most commonly suggested measures were related to transports. Almost all respondents claimed that they performed follow-ups and that this was planned for already in the set-up phase.Ten out of sixty respondents, who mainly were managers or strategists, meant that they were they alone were the main driving actors in strategic energy issues.The studied municipalities had not adopted energy plans or strategies to a higher degree compared to other Swedish municipalities. Cooperation is often broad within the municipalities but limited when it comes to external actors. The content of the energy plans do not always reflect the content of the measures and goals. The rather limited participation in the process could affect the impact and legitimacy of the strategies in the organizations.
  • Gustafsson (fd Emilsson), Sara, 1974-, et al. (author)
  • Management and stakeholder participation in local strategic energy planning – Examples from Sweden
  • 2015
  • In: Journal of Cleaner Production. - : Elsevier. - 0959-6526 .- 1879-1786. ; 98, s. 205-212
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • When it comes to improving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, municipalities are important actors. The Swedish Energy Agency initiated a program called Sustainable Municipalities to support strategic energy activities at the local level. Participating municipalities were mandated to develop local energy and climate strategies. This study gives a general overview of how the 60 participants in the Sustainable Municipalities program developed and used energy strategies. The paper focuses on analyses of whether energy plans or strategies are present, and if present, how the municipalities address the issues, what actors are involved, and whether follow-up of the strategies is pursued. The empirical data were collected using structured telephone interviews and other studies. The paper elucidates local energy strategies from a management perspective, discuss whether and how the composition of actors influences suggested goals and measures, and explore whether there were plans for implementation and follow-ups. The theoretical ambitions are to integrate theories on how to manage efficient strategic energy planning with theories on how to achieve successful participation of stakeholders. These theories are used to discuss weaknesses and strengths in existing municipal energy planning practices and potential improvements.The results from this paper show that only 75% of the municipalities adopted local energy strategies. In addition, it was revealed that the processes to develop the strategies generally included several municipal actors although other stakeholders were rarely represented. The strategies resulted in concrete measures; however, there were no clear correlations between included actors, suggested measures, and identified themes in the strategies. The rather limited participation in the process could affect the impact and legitimacy of the strategies.
  • Gustafsson, Sara, 1974-, et al. (author)
  • Översiktlig kartläggning av kommuners erfarenheter kring energi- och klimatstrategiarbete : en enkätstudie
  • 2011
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Kommuner har en viktig roll i att bidra till positiv utveckling inom miljö- och hållbarhetsområdet genom myndighetsutövande, som fastighetsägare, informatör och ägare av energibolag et cetera. Alla kommuner måste också, enligt svensk lagstiftning upprätta en energiplan, men flera studier visar att efterlevnaden av denna lag är låg och att dess verkningsfullhet är ifrågasatt. Därför är det intressant att studera och analysera om och hur det energistrategiska arbetet ska utformas för att göra skillnad i lokala energiplaneringsprocesser. Den här rapporten presenterar resultaten från en enkätundersökning som genomfördes vintern 2010/2011 som en deletapp av forskningsprojektet ”Hållbara energi- och klimatstrategier – lärdomar och utvecklingspotential”. Syftet med undersökningen var att ge en övergripande ögonblicksbild av Uthållig kommun-kommunernas arbetet med energistrategier. Enkätundersökningen riktades till de som står som kontaktpersoner för respektive kommun i Uthållig kommun och behandlade frågor såsom: huruvida det finns en energistrategi, vilka områden som omfattas av strategin, vilka aktörer som varit med och utarbetat den, vilka aktörer som driver energi- och klimatarbetet i kommunen, samt om energistrategiarbetet utvärderas eller följs upp. Av de 66 kommuner som kontaktades valde 60 att delta i undersökningen, vilket resulterar i en svarsfrekvens på 92 procent. Resultaten från undersökningen visar att deltagarna i uthållig kommun inte har antagit energistrategier i större omfattning än övriga svenska kommuner och att strategierna främst tagits fram i samverkan inom kommunen och med de kommunala bolagen. Mindre än hälften av kommunerna har samverkat med externa aktörer som industri, medborgare eller handel i framtagandet av strategierna. Förankringen av det energi- och klimatstrategiska arbetet i de kommunala organisationerna tycks vara god och både politiker och tjänstemän är i stor utsträckning drivande. De vanligaste åtgärdsområdena i strategierna är energieffektivisering i kommunala fastigheter och transporter. Majoriteten av kommunerna har genomfört konkreta åtgärder för att implementera strategin och alla säger sig arbeta med uppföljning. Ett stort antal olika benämningar på energistrategier identifierades bland enkätsvaren och variationerna på vad som uppges ingå i energi- och klimatstrategierna är också stor. Att variationerna finns kan förklaras med att det finns fördelar för förankringen av arbetet om arbetsmetoder och semantik anpassas för de lokala förutsättningarna och rådande kultur. Detta kan också leda till osäkerhet när det gäller jämförbarhet med andra kommuner och för samverkan med andra kommuner. Detta kommer att studeras vidare i projektets kommande etapp.
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  • Result 1-10 of 265
Type of publication
journal article (94)
reports (51)
conference paper (43)
book chapter (31)
doctoral thesis (15)
editorial collection (9)
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book (6)
research review (5)
licentiate thesis (5)
other publication (3)
editorial proceedings (2)
review (1)
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Type of content
other academic/artistic (139)
peer-reviewed (109)
pop. science, debate, etc. (17)
Palm, Jenny, 1973- (111)
Palm, Jenny (111)
Ellegård, Kajsa, 195 ... (13)
Karlsson, Magnus, 19 ... (13)
Wihlborg, Elin, 1970 ... (11)
Gyberg, Per, 1971- (10)
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Palm, Jenny, Profess ... (10)
Reindl, Katharina (10)
Thollander, Patrik (9)
Theorell-Haglöw, Jen ... (8)
Ivner, Jenny (8)
Widén, Joakim (7)
Ljunggren, Mirjam (7)
Palm, Andreas, 1971- (7)
Ekström, Magnus (6)
Sundh, Josefin, 1972 ... (6)
Ambrose, Aimee (6)
Södergren, Karolina (6)
Mccormick, Kes (5)
Harvey, Simon (5)
Grote, Ludger, 1964 (5)
Alvfors, Per (5)
Moshfegh, Bahram, 19 ... (5)
Söderström, Mats, 19 ... (5)
Backman, Fredrik (5)
Alm, Maria, 1973- (4)
Gustafsson, Sara (4)
Thollander, Patrik, ... (4)
Ellegård, Kajsa (4)
Libertson, Frans (4)
Boije Af Gennäs Erre ... (4)
Palm, Jenny, Dr. (4)
Fenton, Paul David, ... (4)
Löfström, Erica (4)
Wangel, Josefin (3)
Svane, Örjan (3)
Karlsson, Magnus (3)
von Platten, Jenny (3)
Bocken, Nancy (3)
Midgren, Bengt (3)
Richter, Jessika Lut ... (3)
Palm, Fredrik (3)
Wallin, Fredrik (3)
Dahlquist, Erik (3)
Hansell, Peter (3)
Edlund, Jenny (3)
Magnusson, Dick, 198 ... (3)
Lazoroska, Daniela (3)
Kjeang, Are, 1952- (3)
Govindarajan, Venkat ... (3)
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Linköping University (174)
Lund University (81)
Uppsala University (19)
University of Gothenburg (6)
Royal Institute of Technology (6)
Örebro University (6)
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Chalmers University of Technology (6)
University of Gävle (4)
Mälardalen University (4)
Malmö University (4)
Umeå University (3)
Karlstad University (3)
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (2)
Stockholm University (1)
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (1)
VTI - The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (1)
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English (184)
Swedish (79)
French (1)
Norwegian (1)
Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Social Sciences (185)
Engineering and Technology (63)
Natural sciences (18)
Medical and Health Sciences (13)
Agricultural Sciences (2)
Humanities (1)


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