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Search: (WFRF:(Pears Arnold))

  • Result 1-10 of 155
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  • Adams, Robin, et al. (author)
  • What is the word for 'Engineering' in Swedish : Swedish students conceptions of their discipline
  • 2007
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Engineering education in Sweden – as in the rest of the world – is experiencing a decline in student interest. There are concerns about the ways in which students think about engineering education, why they join an academic programme in engineering, and why they persist in their studies. In this context the aims of the Nationellt ämnesdidaktiskt Centrum för Teknikutbildning i Studenternas Sammanhang project (CeTUSS) is to investigate the student experience and to identify and support a continuing network of interested researchers, as well as in building capacity for disciplinary pedagogic investigation. The Stepping Stones project brings together these interests in a multi-researcher, multi-institutional study that investigates how tudents and academic staff perceive engineering in Sweden and in Swedish education. The first results of that project are reported here. As this study is situated uniquely in Swedish education, it allows for exploration of “a Swedish perspective” on conceptions of engineering. The Stepping Stones project was based on a model of research capacity-building previously instantiated in the USA and Australia (Fincher & Tenenberg, 2006).
  • Afzaal, Muhammad, 1989- (author)
  • Explainable AI for Data-Driven Feedback and Intelligent Action Recommendations to Support Student Self-Regulation
  • 2024
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a cognitive ability with demonstrable significance in facilitating students’ ability to effectively strategize, monitor, and assess their own learning actions. Studies have indicated that a lack of selfregulated learning skills negatively impacts students’ academic performance. Effective data-driven feedback and action recommendations are considered crucial for SRL and significantly influence student learning and performance. However, the task of delivering personalised feedback to every student poses a significant challenge for teachers. Moreover, the task of identifying appropriate learning activities and resources for individualised recommendations poses a significant challenge for teachers, given the large number of students enrolled in most courses.To address these challenges, several studies have examined how learning analytics-based dashboards can support students’ self-regulation. These dashboards offered several visualisations (as feedback) on student success and failure. However, while such feedback may be beneficial, it does not offer insightful information or actionable recommendations to help students improve academically. Explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) approaches have been proposed to explain such feedback and generate insights from predictive models, with a focus on the relevant actions a student needs to take to improve in ongoing courses. Such intelligent activities could be offered to students as data-driven behavioural change recommendations.This thesis offers an xAI-based approach that predicts course performance and computes informative feedback and actionable recommendations to promote student self-regulation. Unlike previous research, this thesis integrates a predictive approach with an xAI approach to analyse and manipulate students’ learning trajectories. The aim is to offer detailed, data-driven actionable feedback to students by providing in-depth insights and explanations for the predictions provided by the approach. The technique provides students with more practical and useful knowledge compared to the predictions alone.The proposed approach was implemented in the form of a dashboard to support self-regulation by students in university courses, and it was evaluated to determine its effects on the students’ academic performance. The results revealed that the dashboard significantly enhanced students’ learning achievements and improved their self-regulated learning skills. Furthermore, it was found that the recommendations generated by the proposed approach positively affected students’ performance and assisted them in self-regulation.
  • Alghamdi, Fayiq, et al. (author)
  • Changing the Educational Epistemologies of Computer Science Teachers : A Case Study of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • 2018
  • In: 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - 9781538611746
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This paper explores the attitudes of Computer Sci- ence (CS) teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) who are confronted by the Saudi Teaching Competencies Standards (STCS). The STCS is a response to a substantial need to develop both subject-specific pedagogical ability as well as teachers subject area knowledge. The Ministry of Education in the KSA is encouraging teachers to improve their practices to achieve the new quality requirements for education. This paper presents the results of an investigation of CS teachers’ views on educational belief changes in the KSA schools. The paper addresses how and why CS teachers adopt new educational beliefs in their teaching. The paper presents the results of the investigation of the CS teachers views on educational belief changes in the KSA schools and the STCS policy document guidelines. Research in the area of changing educational epistemology in teaching CS identifies six factors that influence teachers, these are personal pedagogical beliefs, peer learning, curriculum, self-directed learning, student feedback and the STCS. A mixed method study approach was adopted in this work. Content analysis has been applied to the interview transcript and thematic coding analysis to the government policy document (STCS). The results provide a valuable case study in the KSA and emphasize the weak relationship between educational epistemology change and the STCS norms. The findings show that the STCS should provide stronger guidance for CS teachers to keep changing beliefs in teaching CS. The STCS should offer supporting official resources to CS teachers to help them in changing their beliefs in regard to teaching CS.
  • Alghamdi, Fayiq, et al. (author)
  • Computer science teachers perspectives on competencies - A case study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • 2018
  • In: 11th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives, ISSEP 2018, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. - Cham : Springer. - 9783030027490 ; , s. 129-140
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has recently adopted the Saudi Teaching Competencies Standard (STCS). This paper tries to answer how these competencies are achieved, how they are maintained, and what support exists to support teaching CS competently in the KSA. This paper presents the results of an investigation of teacher awareness of, and attitudes to, the STCS in the Kingdom. Through the study reported here, we address an urgent need in the Kingdom to understand teacher preparedness in terms of CS teaching competencies. The study draws on interviews with ten CS teachers in five different cities in the KSA. A thematic coding analysis approach was used. This study explores the CS teaching competencies held by teachers in three areas of CS teaching, focusing on connection to society, professional practice and professional development. The results of the study highlight the CS teaching competencies that CS teachers feel they currently grasp well in the KSA. By enhancing awareness of what teachers currently do well we contribute to the adjustment and improvement of the STCS and help to build a program which addresses the current in-service training needs of CS teachers. The outcomes also help to raise awareness of the challenges of implementing the Computer Education curriculum in KSA schools.
  • Alghamdi, Fayiq, 1985- (author)
  • Dimensions of Professionalism : A Study of Computer Science Teaching in Saudi Arabia
  • 2020
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In Saudi Arabia, new computing education programs have been introduced in alignment with the Saudi Vision 2030, which is a plan launched in 2017 to reduce Saudi Arabia's reliance on oil, diversify its economy, and develop its health, education, recreation, infrastructure and tourism. Computer science is a rapidly changing area, which places high demands on teachers in the subject to develop both their subject and pedagogical competence. This thesis explores computer science teachers’ perspectives on professional development from three viewpoints—the Saudi Teaching Competencies Standard, engagement in teachers’ awards and self-directed learning. The thesis examines the efforts of computer science teachers as they develop new pedagogies during their teaching careers as a result of the new regulations. The main question is ‘How do Saudi Arabian computer science teachers develop their teaching professionalism?’ Conclusions draw on the outcomes of four sub-studies. A mixed-methods approach consisting of interviews and questionnaires was used to collect data. The participants comprised 389 computer science teachers from different Saudi Arabian cities with different demographics and different teaching experience. The analysis drew on a theoretical framework that integrates elements of the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Adult Learning Theory. A model for pedagogical change was developed and used to understand how and why computer science teachers change their educational pedagogy. The model explains the teachers’ shift in pedagogy and answers the question of how and why computer science teachers adopt a new pedagogical strategy. The studies show that both internal and external factors motivate the study participants to engage in competency development. In the Saudi model, the Saudi Teaching Competencies Standard and awards are external factors as they include a preparatory period of intensive skills development. Teachers' experience from this informs the picture of Saudi teachers' training that is presented in the dissertation. Indeed, the trial participants stated that they mainly used self-directed learning for their competence development, drawing on internal motivation. One reason for this was that they felt that many of the skills development programs offered lacked timeliness and relevance. The studies on which the dissertation is based have been conducted in Saudi Arabia, but the results also provide insights into general challenges associated with regulating teachers' competence and the design of in-service training for teachers. The results clearly point out the importance of teachers' participation in the development of the profession in order for changes to be accepted and incorporated into their profession. Behavior change theories can be used to understand and predict how new regulations and pedagogical strategies will be received, and if they are likely to be accepted or rejected by teachers. These theories, therefore, constitute a useful tool in regulating teaching and the teaching profession.
  • Alghamdi, Fayiq, 1985-, et al. (author)
  • Teachers’ Awards : an Incentive for Pedagogical Development in Saudi Arabia
  • 2019
  • In: 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). - 9781728117461 - 9781728117478
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This work-in-progress paper presents a study on how K-12 Computer Science teachers in Saudi Arabia have changed their pedagogy as a result of engaging in one year of professional development leading up to applying for a teacher's award. The results are based on thematic analysis of fourteen interviews with teachers that have been awarded either the `Education Excellence Award' or the `Microsoft Expert in Education'. The study focuses on how preparing for and getting the teaching award has influenced them focusing on changes in their pedagogical development and subsequent practices. The work provides an in-depth description of several aspects of the Saudi Arabian teaching culture. It explores and discusses the affordances of mechanisms used to strengthen pedagogical competence in a teacher community, paying extra attention to awards. This study identifies four main factors that motivate teachers to engage in pedagogical development in teaching Computer Science. The research suggests that awards can be an efficient motivator in establishing a culture of excellence among Computer Science teachers.
  • Andersson, Staffan, et al. (author)
  • Ämnesdidaktisk forskning : Ett stöd för utbildningsexcellens
  • 2014
  • In: I stort och smått – med studenten i fokus. - : Uppsala universitet. ; , s. 241-249
  • Book chapter (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • I en tid fylld av viktiga vägval för högre utbildning krävs pålitlig information för att fatta välgrundade beslut. Där spelar ämnesdidaktisk forskning med fokus på högre utbildning en betydelsefull roll. Detta forskningsområde har vuxit fram under inflytande från olika utbildningspolitiska beslut och även gett flera viktiga bidrag till den högskolepedagogiska utvecklingen. För att stärka utvecklingen ytterligare krävs olika stödjande strukturer som bland annat stärker forskningsverksamheten, underlättar samverkan mellan olika intressenter och bidrar till praktiska tillämpningar av den ämnesdidaktiska kunskapen.
  • Apiola, Mikko, et al. (author)
  • A Scientometric Journey Through the FIE Bookshelf : 1982-2020
  • 2021
  • In: 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). - : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). - 9781665438513
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education turned 50 at the 2020 virtual conference in Uppsala, Sweden. This paper presents an historical retrospective on the first 50 years of the conference from a scientometric perspective. That is to say, we explore the evolution of the conference in terms of prolific authors, communities of co-authorship, clusters of topics, and internationalization, as the conference transcended its largely provincial US roots to become a truly international forum through which to explore the frontiers of educational research and practice. The paper demonstrates the significance of FIE for a core of 30% repeat authors, many of whom have been members of the community and regular contributors for more than 20 years. It also demonstrates that internal citation rates are low, and that the co-authoring networks remain strongly dominated by clusters around highly prolific authors from a few well known US institutions. We conclude that FIE has truly come of age as an international venue for publishing high quality research and practice papers, while at the same time urging members of the community to be aware of prior work published at FIE, and to consider using it more actively as a foundation for future advances in the field.
  • Apiola, Mikko, et al. (author)
  • A Scientometric Journey Through the FIE Bookshelf : 1982-2020
  • 2021
  • In: 2021 IEEE frontiers in education conference (FIE 2021). - : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education turned 50 at the 2020 virtual conference in Uppsala, Sweden. This paper presents an historical retrospective on the first 50 years of the conference from a scientometric perspective. That is to say, we explore the evolution of the conference in terms of prolific authors, communities of co-authorship, clusters of topics, and internationalization, as the conference transcended its largely provincial US roots to become a truly international forum through which to explore the frontiers of educational research and practice. The paper demonstrates the significance of FIE for a core of 30% repeat authors, many of whom have been members of the community and regular contributors for more than 20 years. It also demonstrates that internal citation rates are low, and that the co-authoring networks remain strongly dominated by clusters around highly prolific authors from a few well known US institutions. We conclude that FIE has truly come of age as an international venue for publishing high quality research and practice papers, while at the same time urging members of the community to be aware of prior work published at FIE, and to consider using it more actively as a foundation for future advances in the field.
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  • Result 1-10 of 155
Type of publication
conference paper (97)
journal article (30)
doctoral thesis (9)
book chapter (8)
licentiate thesis (5)
reports (4)
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editorial proceedings (2)
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Type of content
peer-reviewed (128)
other academic/artistic (24)
pop. science, debate, etc. (3)
Pears, Arnold (72)
Pears, Arnold, Profe ... (31)
Pears, Arnold, 1964- (25)
Daniels, Mats (20)
Berglund, Anders (20)
Nylen, Aletta (15)
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Gumaelius, Lena, 196 ... (13)
Buckley, Jeffrey, 19 ... (10)
Daniels, Mats, 1956- (10)
Malmi, Lauri (9)
Peters, Anne-Kathrin (9)
Berglund, Anders, 19 ... (7)
Cajander, Åsa (7)
Pears, Arnold Nevill ... (6)
Eckerdal, Anna (6)
Seery, Niall (5)
Tedre, Matti (5)
Daniels, Mats, Profe ... (5)
McDermott, Roger (5)
Kinnunen, Päivi (5)
Kann, Viggo, 1964- (5)
Berglund, Per (4)
Wiggberg, Mattias (4)
Cajander, Åsa, Profe ... (4)
Högfeldt, Anna-Karin (4)
Pears, Arnold Nevill ... (4)
Andersson, Staffan (4)
Pears, Arnold, Docto ... (4)
Seery, N. (4)
Mannila, Linda (4)
Lopez-Pernas, Sonsol ... (3)
Fincher, Sally (3)
Moström, Jan-Erik (3)
Pears, Arnold, Profe ... (3)
Kari, Leif (3)
Hartell, Eva, 1973- (3)
Elmgren, Maja (3)
Gumaelius, Lena (3)
Apiola, Mikko (3)
Saqr, Mohammed (3)
Lister, Raymond (3)
Box, Ilona (3)
Isomöttönen, Ville (3)
Schulte, Carsten (3)
Norden, Lars-Åke (3)
McDermott, R. (3)
Hyland, Tomás (3)
Frezza, S. (3)
Kozma, Cecilia (3)
Pears, Arnold Nevill ... (3)
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Uppsala University (102)
Royal Institute of Technology (64)
Linköping University (3)
RISE (3)
Umeå University (2)
Mälardalen University (2)
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Stockholm University (1)
University of Gävle (1)
Örebro University (1)
Chalmers University of Technology (1)
Blekinge Institute of Technology (1)
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English (148)
Swedish (7)
Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Social Sciences (109)
Natural sciences (89)
Engineering and Technology (6)
Medical and Health Sciences (1)


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