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Search: (WFRF:(Starrin Bengt))

  • Result 1-10 of 378
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  • Janson, Staffan, 1945-, et al. (author)
  • Äldre i Värmland : Om hälsa, levnadsvanor och livssituation 2006
  • 2007
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Landstinget har i samarbete med Karlstads universitet gjort flera befolkningsundersökningar i Värmland och publicerat rapporter om både den vuxna befolkningens och barns hälsa, senast med rapporten Värmlänningarnas Liv och Hälsa 2004. Någon befolkningsstudie av de äldres hälsa och livsvillkor har dock inte gjorts tidigare.Efter tre års förarbeten och samråd mellan landstinget, Värmlands kommuner och flera institutioner vid Karlstads universitet genomfördes den föreliggande studien av de äldres hälsa under senhösten 2006, i form av en omfattande postenkät. Urvalet utgjordes av 2500 slumpmässigt uttagna kvinnor och män som var 80 år eller äldre. Svarsfrekvensen var 60 procent, vilket får betraktas som mycket bra med tanke på att cirka 15 procent i denna åldersgrupp lever i särskilda boenden.Studien avspeglar således hälsan och livsvillkoren för de äldre. Överlag visar det sig att de äldre mår bra och har stor kapacitet att fungera som aktiva samhällsmedborgare. Samtidigt är det många som har kroniska besvär, med värk, syn- och hörselnedsättning, inkontinensbesvär etc. Det föreligger också en klar social gradient, där särskilt äldre kvinnor med arbetarbakgrund har både mer sjukdom och större ekonomiska problem än de övriga.
  • Starrin, Bengt, 1947-, et al. (author)
  • Sverige Dansar
  • 2013. - 1
  • Book (other academic/artistic)
  • Adolfsson, Eva Thors, et al. (author)
  • Type 2 diabetic patients' experiences of two different educational approaches : A qualitative study
  • 2008
  • In: International Journal of Nursing Studies. - : Elsevier BV. - 0020-7489 .- 1873-491X. ; 7:45, s. 986-994
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Objective: The aim of the current study was to explore patients' experiences of participating in an empowerment group education programme or receiving individual counselling. Method: In total, 28 patients from seven primary care centres were interviewed. Of these, 14 had received individual counselling and the remaining 14 had also participated in 4-5 empowerment group sessions. The semi-structured interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using qualitative content analysis. Findings: Three main categories crystallized from the interviews: (I) relationships, (II) learning and (III) controlling the disease. The relationships in the individual counselling seemed vertical, characterized by one-way communication with care providers acting as superiors and patients as subordinates. The relationships in the empowerment group appeared to be horizontal, characterized by trust and mutual communication. Those who had received individual counselling talked about learning by compliance-care providers acted as superiors, giving advice they expected the patients to follow. In the empowerment groups the patients talked more about participatory learning, whereby the facilitators and patients shared their knowledge and experiences. Controlling the disease could be labelled external in individual counselling, which made it difficult for patients to take responsibility for and control of their diabetes self-care. On the contrary, the patients in the empowerment group achieved the insight that diabetes is a serious disease but can be influenced, which contributed to their experience of self-control. Conclusions: The current study indicates that vertical relationships, learning by compliance and external control seem to limit patients' ability to take responsibility for their disease, while horizontal relationships, participatory learning and self-control may contribute to strengthening patients' ability to influence and be actively involved in their own care.
  • Almqvist, Kjerstin, et al. (author)
  • Psykisk ohälsa
  • 2005
  • Reports (peer-reviewed)
  • Alvinius, Aida, et al. (author)
  • Becoming a Swedish military ranger : a grounded theory study
  • 2016
  • In: Norma. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1890-2138 .- 1890-2146. ; 11:1, s. 34-51
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The armed forces in virtually all countries are traditionally male-dominated organisations. Military rangers constitute an elite unit whose chief skills and capabilities centre on unconventional warfare and intelligence gathering in enemy territory, as well as conducting low-intensity warfare. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the process of becoming a military ranger and what it means to be one in this context from a masculinity perspective. The study was carried out with informants from three military ranger units in Sweden: the Army’s ranger battalion, parachuting rangers from an airborne battalion and intelligence battalion, and coastal rangers. In total, 28 informants participated in the study. All of them were men. A qualitative analysis resulted in a model where the core variable was labelled on becoming a ranger through reproducing masculinity as a form of emotional regime. This core variable is built up by three different strategies, each of which contains a number of actions: building social identity by means of coolness strategies, observing symbols and rituals to build a sense of pride and building cohesion to maintain group intimacy, and emotionally exclude the external environment
  • Alvinius, Aida, et al. (author)
  • Emotional smoothness and confidence building : boundary spanners in a civil-military collaboration context
  • 2014
  • In: International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion. - : InderScience Publishers. - 1740-8938 .- 1740-8946. ; 6:3, s. 223-239
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This study illuminates a deeper understanding of the processes of confidence building and emotion management among boundary spanners from organisations with a bureaucratic structure in a multinational civil-military operational context. Twenty-one informants (mainly military officers) were interviewed. They had a variety of experiences and occupational roles in civil-military collaboration contexts. A grounded theory analysis of interview data yielded a model according to which the most central aspects of civil-military collaboration are confidence building, maintaining existing confidence, avoiding distrust and rebuilding damaged confidence. The study shows that boundary spanners strategically utilise a variety of emotion management strategies in order to fulfil the demands laid upon them by their collaborating counterparts in the hostile environment and by their own organisation. Three interrelated dimensions of smoothness were identified: cultural, structural and smoothness in risky situations. By acting ‘smoothly’, an adaption to the dynamic environment can be achieved. The proposed model is compared to existing writings on emotional labour and self-presentation.
  • Alvinius, Aida, 1979-, et al. (author)
  • Hotet mot det sociala självet till följd av covid-19 pandemin : En sonderande analys
  • 2022
  • In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv. - Karlstad : Karlstads universitet. - 1400-9692 .- 2002-343X. ; 28:3-4, s. 67-86
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • I samband med covid-19 pandemins utbredning tvingades arbetsgivare ställa om sina verksamheter. Pandemin blev en sjukvårdskatastrof men också en kris med sociala och emotionella konsekvenser för arbetstagare. Syftet med denna artikel, som har ett emotionssociologiskt perspektiv, är att sondera förekomsten av hot mot det sociala självet inom arbetslivet som tar sig uttryck i termer som signalerar skam eller skamrelaterade känslor och beteenden, som kan kopplas till pandemin. Hotet mot det sociala självet kan vara avsiktligt eller oavsiktligt och bestå av beteenden och gester som upplevs som nedsättande och i termer av mobbning, kränkningar, förödmjukelser, trakasserier eller organisatoriska ingrepp och förändringar.
  • Alvinius, Aida, Docent, 1979-, et al. (author)
  • Hotet mot det sociala självet till följd av covid-19 pandemin - en sonderande analys
  • 2022
  • In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv. - 1400-9692 .- 2002-343X. ; 28:3-4, s. 67-86
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In connection with the Covid-19 pandemic, employers were forced to change their behavior and adjust to new working life challenges. Firstly, the pandemic became a healthcare disaster and secondly a crisis with social and emotional consequences for workers. The purpose of this article is to investigate the presence of threats to the social self in the working life context. We are looking for shame or shame-related feelings and behaviors, which can be linked to the pandemic. The threat to the social self can be intentional or unintentional and consist of behaviors and gestures that are perceived as derogatory and in terms of bullying, violations, humiliations, harassment or organizational changes. 
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  • Result 1-10 of 378
Type of publication
journal article (145)
book chapter (89)
reports (67)
conference paper (31)
book (28)
doctoral thesis (10)
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editorial collection (3)
other publication (3)
licentiate thesis (1)
review (1)
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Type of content
peer-reviewed (219)
other academic/artistic (105)
pop. science, debate, etc. (54)
Starrin, Bengt (318)
Starrin, Bengt, 1947 ... (52)
Larsson, Gerry (27)
Hagquist, Curt (27)
Larsson, G (25)
Rantakeisu, Ulla (25)
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Forsberg, Erik (16)
Janson, Staffan (14)
Svensson, P-G. (14)
Nilsson, Kent W. (12)
Hagquist, Curt, 1952 ... (11)
Lundberg, B. (10)
Lundberg, Bertil (10)
Kalander Blomqvist, ... (9)
Janson, Staffan, 194 ... (9)
Rantakeisu, Ulla, 19 ... (9)
Eriksson, Ulla-Britt (9)
Åslund, Cecilia (8)
Eriksson, Ulla-Britt ... (7)
Jönsson, L R (7)
Leppert, Jerzy (6)
Starrin, Bengt, prof ... (6)
Askheim, Ole-Petter (6)
Wettergren, Åsa (6)
Brenner, S-O (6)
Swärd, Hans (5)
Janson, S. (5)
Rønning, Rolf (5)
Dahlgren, L (5)
Flacking, Renée (5)
Jönsson, LR (5)
Almgren, S (4)
Alvinius, Aida (4)
Molarius, A. (4)
Bergh, Daniel, 1974 (4)
Styrborn, S. (4)
Engström, Lars-Gunna ... (4)
Jerdén, Lars (4)
Jönsson, Leif Roland (4)
Ewald, Uwe (3)
Almqvist, Kjerstin (3)
Bergh, Daniel (3)
Angelöw, B. (3)
Lindgren, Gerd (3)
Randell, Eva (3)
Wettergren, Åsa, 196 ... (3)
Renck, Barbro (3)
Engström, Lars-Gunna ... (3)
Eriksson, UB. (3)
Willebrand, K. (3)
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Karlstad University (336)
Swedish National Defence College (30)
Uppsala University (22)
Mälardalen University (10)
Lund University (7)
Umeå University (6)
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Högskolan Dalarna (6)
University of Gothenburg (5)
Örebro University (3)
Linnaeus University (3)
Karolinska Institutet (3)
Linköping University (2)
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Swedish (225)
English (146)
Norwegian (6)
Bokmål (1)
Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Social Sciences (328)
Medical and Health Sciences (98)


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