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Sökning: WFRF:(Qvarsell Roger)

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  • Berg, Annika, 1973- (författare)
  • Den gränslösa hälsan : Signe och Axel Höjer, folkhälsan och expertisen
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation investigates the mutual life project of Signe (1896-1988) and Axel Höjer (1890-1974), a married couple who were key actors in the construction of the Swedish welfare state. It emphasises the ways in which they went about asserting a special public health expertise in different contexts. As starting points I take the malleability of the concept folkhälsa (people’s health or population health) and the centrality of expertise in the governance of modern societies. Theoretical concepts such as gender, policy transfer, biopower and governmentality are central to the analysis. The dissertation includes three parts. The first part investigates how the Höjers agreed to coordinate their work and how they, with reference to ideas picked up in France and England at the end of World War I, attempted to reform mother and child health care in Sweden. Their strategies where rhetorical but also practical, using Hagalund outside Stockholm as their experimental ground. The second part investigates, firstly, how Axel Höjer, as General-Director of the Medical Board of Sweden (1935-52) asserted a sociomedical expertise, integrating the emerging social sciences and universalist views on the organisation of the welfare state into the realm of medicine, in order to launch ideas of a thorough reorganisation and expansion of the Swedish health care system. His focus was on preventive medicine and health care, with the complete physical, mental and social health of the whole population as an explicit goal. Secondly, it explores how Signe Höjer at the same time tried to launch ideas on health and wellbeing as a social politician and a public committee member. She also tried to define family policy as a specific policy area. However, despite her training as a nurse and a social worker, she was largely confined to asserting a particularly ”female” expertise, which made her position rather ambiguous in terms of authority. The third part investigates how the Höjers, in the 1950s and 60s, worked with international health, Axel mainly for the WHO in India and Ghana, Signe as a policy entrepreneur, primarily in the fields of childcare and family planning. My findings partly confirm theories that see development aid as an extension of domestic social policy, but they challenge the view of aid as a simple one-way process. I demonstrate how the Höjers at least tried to adapt their projects abroad to meet local circumstances, and also show how they brought lessons from the third world to a domestic public. In the latter case they did not primarily act as experts of Swedish-style social policy, but as experts on the developing countries and on development aid.
  • Den mångfaldiga historien : tio historiker om forskningen inför framtiden
  • 2000
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Om den historiska forskningen under 1970-talet var starkt inriktad på socialhistoria så upplevde politisk historia och kulturhistoria en renässans under 1980-talet. Idag är gränserna mellan forskningsområdena mer flytande och akademiker samarbetar ofta över ämnesgränserna.  I Den mångfaldiga historien diskuterar framträdande svenska historiker vad som egentligen kännetecknar ämnet av idag.Finns det fortfarande en kärna inom forskningen som alla historiker bör ha en viss förtrogenhet med? Och vart är ämnet på väg? Det är högaktuella och tänkvärda bidrag som belyser mångfalden i dagens historiska forskning.Här skriver bland annat Eva Österberg om historikern och vår kulturella mångfald och Arne Jarrick tittar närmare på historieforskningen inför framtiden. Ann-Sofie Ohlander studerar psykoanalysens förhållande till historia, medan Birgitta Odén ställer historia och framtid mot varandra. Sverker Sörlin diskuterar miljöhistoriens repertoar och Kim Salomon analyserar symboler och ritualer i politisk samtidshistoria.
  • Eklöf, Motzi, 1958- (författare)
  • Läkarens Ethos : Studier i den svenska läkarkårens identiteter, intressen och ideal 1890-1960
  • 2000
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Doctors, academically educated and authorized, assert that there is more to being a real doctor than having fulfilled the formal criteria. It has been said that there is a particular doctor's ethos, which is based not only on thorough medical education but also on traditional know-how, internalized ethics and good character. This paper contains several studies of the efforts of Swedish physicians to define themselves as doctors, individually and collectively, during the period 1890-1960 and to identify the ethos of their profession. The empirical material consists mainly of texts written by doctors for doctors on different social and political questions pertaining to the profession's interests. Studying the identities, interests and ideals that have been expressed by Swedish doctors in society and on the professional and individual level made it possible to distinguish and describe different aspects of their particular ethos.The starting point for these studies was the discussions during the inter-war period – held above all in Germany but also in Sweden – about the crisis of medicine and of the medical profession (chapter 1). Developments in legislation concerning the authorization of doctors show the ambiguity of the Swedish doctor's legal identity (chapter 2). The Swedish medical profession's efforts to hold on to the concept of internalized ethics meant that formal ethical rules were not accepted until 1951 (chapter 3). A study of medical obituaries revealed that the ideal doctor was seen as a man and a good colleague with his ethics rooted in antiquity (chapter 4). The heterogeneous medical profession has not been able to reach a consensus as to a common identity or common interests and ideals. The efforts of leading men amongst Swedish doctors gain charismatic, traditional and legal legitimacy for the profession have been opposed. After 1960, however, doctor's legitimacy in the scientific field has gained ground (chapter 5). Debate concerning the ethos of the doctors served as a strategy to unite the profession and to draw boundaries against those considered to be unqualified actors in the field of the healing arts. This, in itself, is part of this ethos.
  • Fornäs, Johan, 1952-, et al. (författare)
  • Culture Unbound : Dimensions of Culturalisation
  • 2007
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This report discusses ideas of a radical increase in the significance and scope of culture in modern society, where industrialism is said to have been superseded by a society of information, knowledge and experiences. Issues of cultural identity and community are increasingly focal concerns, the virtual worlds of media culture seem omnipotent, and the cultural sector is growing with each of its recurrent redefinitions. Politics and the economy are supposedly aestheticised, culture and design boost regional development, creativity is a core value. The theses of revolutionary -culturalisation- of society and everyday life have a long history through the various cultural turns proclaimed by scholars as well as in society at large. The report scrutinises some main arguments and their implications, pointing at a need to distinguish historical trends, material processes and ideological discourses. A differentiation is made between five main dimensions of the concept of culture that are associated with specific sets of culturalisation ideas and corresponding trans-formations of boundaries around and within the cultural field. This discussion also touches upon the position and role of cultural research itself. Examples are given from five focal areas for these processes: academic work, regional politics, public spaces, history constructions and border struggles.
  • Grip, Björn (författare)
  • Den ojämlika dödligheten : Hjärtdödlighet och samhällsutveckling i två städer
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Den ojämlika dödligheten är en studie av främst hjärt–kärldödlighet avseende perioden 1950–2010 i tvillingstäderna Linköping och Norrköping och konsekvenserna av ojämlikhet. Skillnaderna mellan städerna i dödlighet är stora. Under 1970-talet, då jämlikheten stod i focus, minskade dessa. Efterhand som ekonomisk politik och samhällsvärderingar mera anpassades till en global monetaristisk politik ökade också den ojämlika dödligheten mellan städerna.Stora förändringar ägde rum inom respektive stad när det gäller hjärtdödligheten. Miljonprogramområdena i de båda städerna blev relativt sett fattigare och präglades allt mer av flyktinginvandring, samtidigt som städernas centra gentrifierades, inte minst i Linköping. Skillnaderna i dödlighet mellan ytterområdena och centrum ökade under 1990- och 2000-talen. Detta gäller i större utsträckning i Linköping än i Norrköping.Avhandlingen består av tre delar. I licentiatuppsatsen analyseras städernas utveckling från 1950-talet till 2006. Studien gör också ett försök att spåra orsaker till ohälsoskillnader och för tidig död. Artikel 1 handlar om vad som hände med folkhälsan på vägen från ett högindustriellt till ett postindustriellt samhälle. Ett särskilt focus har varit att studera skillnader i hjärtsjuklighet mellan olika stadsdelar i de bägge tvillingstäderna. I artikel 2 analyseras skillnader i hjärt–kärldödlighet på stadsdelsnivå under perioden 1976 till 2010.
  • Grip, Björn, 1947- (författare)
  • Samhällsförändring och det ömtåliga hjärtat : En analys av samhälle, ohälsa och hjärtdödlighet i Linköping och Norrköping från 1950-tal till 2000-tal
  • 2012
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The study Social Change and the Fragile Heart is an analysis of contemporary history in two neighboring Swedish cities, Linköping and Norrköping. The analysis has been made from a special perspective: the changes in deaths due to heart disease in the age group 50-74 years.The differences in mortality between the two cities is a measurable way to study how well a society functions and is governed. These cities in the county of Östergötland differ historically and socially. This has led to clear differences in socio-economic conditions and even variations in health and mortality that have been to Norrköping’s disadvantage.There is an exception, the 1970’s, when the rise in the numbers of deaths due to heart disease was broken in Norrköping, while the figures continued to increase in the neighboring city, especially among men. Uneasiness about the future and opportunities to make a living grew. This may have influenced health negatively, especially among middle-aged men who feared their jobs were threatened. In Norrköping the textile industry had definitely died in the beginning of the 1970’s. The closing of this industry meant at the same time that poor working conditions and low-paid work were phased out. The earlier rising trend in deaths due to heart diseases was broken, and instead a noticeable decline occurred that was especially clear among women.Deaths due to heart disease in ages 50–74 began to decline generally in the 1980’s and sank significantly in the following decade. The difference between the cities, however, grew from the relatively equal situation of the 1970’s. These are the years during which economic and political power shifted from Norrköping to Linköping. As the regional center and a relatively new university town, Linköping survived the recession of the 1990’s rather well. Simultaneously, Norrköping suffered from what might be called a “social exhaustion depression.” During the last decade of the 20th century long-term unemployment and illness affected far more people than in Linköping. The great transformation from an industrial to a post-industrial society left its mark on Norrköping in the form of increased differences between the cities in the case of premature deaths due to heart disease.
  • Hodén, Tintin, 1987- (författare)
  • Motsättningarnas museum : Samproduktionen av museiideal i den offentliga debatten om Moderna museet 1972–2013
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation examines how the art museum’s societal function has been constructed in the Swedish public debate. The dissertation shows that the cultural section of the daily press is, and has been, a forum where actors exchange opinions about art museums, and where notions on the art museums’ functions are co-produced. The specific aim of the dissertation is to examine how museum ideals have been co-produced in the public debate on Moderna Museet (the Swedish Museum of Modern Art). The term museum ideal refers to exemplary notions about the function of the art museum, and also to ideas on how the art museum should fulfil this conceptualised function. The co-production of museum ideals is analysed in four case studies, which span from 1972 to 2013. The case studies sequentially examine the debates regarding Moderna Museet’s acquisition of the artworks in the New York Collection, the debate on the museum’s new building, the debate about the museum’s sponsorship collaboration with the multinational conglomerate corporation Sony, as well as the debates regarding the project The Second Museums of Our Wishes and the exhibition Hilma af Klint – A Pioneer of Abstraction. The dissertation concludes that four reoccurring museum ideals have been co-produced throughout the debates. The first ideal emphasises the importance of equal representation and democratic inclusion. The second ideal stresses Moderna Museet’s educational purpose. The third ideal underlines that the museum should engage in innovative and experimental activities and the fourth ideal accentuates the importance of international prestige and influence. However, the implications of the four museum ideals have not been fixed nor static. Rather, they have been adjusted to match their changing contexts. It appears that there has sometimes been a discrepancy between the museum ideals and Moderna Museet’s mission statements. However, this discrepancy only underlines the museum ideals’ status as ideals. Moderna Museet may not ever fully achieve what the ideals prescribe, but they nonetheless serve as essential objectives for the museum. Furthermore, the conflicts that have provoked the debates have had a significant impact on the ideals. As an example, the format of the debates has sometimes established polemic between the museum ideals. For this reason, some of the ideals have appeared as opposites, even though their implications have been quite similar.
  • Humanistisk hälsoforskning. En forskningsöversikt
  • 2001
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • I tio artiklar belyses den forskning inom hälsoområdet som bedrivs av bland andra antropologer, etnologer, sociologer, historiker och filosofer i Sverige.Boken kan tjäna som utgångspunkt eller kurslitteratur för dem som vill få en överblick över vilka frågor och områden som behandlats i den humanistiska hälsoforskningen.
  • Hur skall själen läkas? Förändringar inom den psykiatriska vården
  • 1997
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Hur skall själen läkas? Gång på gång genom historien har frågan ställts utan att något definitivt svar har utkristalliserats.I denna antologi får vi bland annat stifta bekantskap med den institutionskultur som gav upphov till de yttre ramarna för vården av de psykiskt sjuka, och hur man i praktiska och teoretiska sammanhang tolkat det själsliga lidandet.Några av uppsatserna betonar betydelsen av enskilda människors engagemang och arbete för de lidande. I andra står livet på anstalt i fokus. En mentalskötare berättar om sitt yrkesliv under nästan trettio år och skildrar därigenom en dramatisk epok i den psykiatriska vårdens historia.I bokens sista kapitel förs en diskussion om hur man från en psykoterapeutisk och religionsvetenskaplig utgångspunkt kan försöka förstå och närma sig det psykiska lidandets natur.Hur skall själen läkas ? riktar sig till personal inom psykiatrisk vård, socialarbetare i öppen psykiatrisk verksamhet, studerande på olika vårdutbildningar samt till alla som intresserar sig för den psykiatriska vården och dess framtid
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 116
Typ av publikation
bokkapitel (59)
tidskriftsartikel (23)
doktorsavhandling (15)
samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (8)
bok (4)
rapport (3)
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konferensbidrag (2)
licentiatavhandling (1)
recension (1)
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Typ av innehåll
övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (81)
populärvet., debatt m.m. (33)
refereegranskat (2)
Qvarsell, Roger, 195 ... (94)
Qvarsell, Roger (11)
Qvarsell, Roger, Pro ... (8)
Eriksson, Bengt Erik ... (5)
Nilsson, Ingemar (2)
Sandin, Bengt, 1949- (2)
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Sanden, Annika, 1969 ... (2)
Johannisson, Karin (2)
Ekström, Anders (1)
Aronsson, Peter (1)
Nilsson, Hans (1)
Bjurström, Erling, 1 ... (1)
Sjöberg, Mats (1)
Berg, Annika, 1973- (1)
Fornäs, Johan, 1952- (1)
Aronsson, Peter, 195 ... (1)
Fornäs, Johan (1)
Svensson, Birgitta, ... (1)
Kylhammar, Martin, 1 ... (1)
Rehn, Helena, 1966- (1)
Cederborg, Ann-Chris ... (1)
Hillström, Magdalena ... (1)
Arrhenius, Thordis (1)
Sundin, Jan, 1941- (1)
Frängsmyr, Tore (1)
Becker, Karin (1)
Becker, Karin, 1946- (1)
Kylhammar, Martin (1)
Linnér, Björn-Ola, 1 ... (1)
Beckman, Svante (1)
Bjurström, Erling (1)
Friberg, Tora (1)
Beckman, Svante, 194 ... (1)
Johannisson, Karin, ... (1)
Beckman, Jenny, Filo ... (1)
Wisselgren, Per, 196 ... (1)
Lindström, Dag (1)
Sviden, John (1)
Dahlgren, Lars, Prof ... (1)
Hayden, Hans, Profes ... (1)
Sundin, Jan (1)
Eklöf, Motzi, 1958- (1)
Sjöholm, Jenny, Bitr ... (1)
Nilsson, Louise, 197 ... (1)
Bergenheim, Åsa, Doc ... (1)
Lundgren, Frans (1)
Englund, Boel, Profe ... (1)
Friberg, Tora, 1945- (1)
Ohlander, Ann-Sofie, ... (1)
Holme, Lotta (1)
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Linköpings universitet (105)
Uppsala universitet (5)
Umeå universitet (3)
Stockholms universitet (3)
Linnéuniversitetet (2)
Örebro universitet (1)
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Södertörns högskola (1)
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Svenska (104)
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Forskningsämne (UKÄ/SCB)
Samhällsvetenskap (59)
Humaniora (42)
Medicin och hälsovetenskap (3)


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