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Sökning: WFRF:(Wieslander Gunilla Professor)

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  • Larsson, Malin, 1979- (författare)
  • Indoor Environmental Factors and Chronic Diseases in Swedish Pre-School Children : Risk factors and methodological issues investigated in a longitudinal study on airway diseases and autism spectrum disorder
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Asthma and allergies have increased considerably during the past 40-50 years. Along with this increase, a heightened awareness regarding different neuro-developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder has occurred and it has been proposed that such disorders are also on the increase. It has been suggested that environmental factors, especially in the indoor environments, may be associated with the increase in these disorder, especially among children, who spend more than 90% of their time indoors. The aim of this thesis has been to investigate certain environmental factors in homes and their impact on children’s health, in terms of asthma, rhinitis, eczema as well as autism spectrum disorders, and to identify certain methodological difficulties in epidemiological investigations. We found that the mean incidence rate per year for doctor diagnosed asthma was in the range of 0.6-2.4% and for incidence of rhinitis 1.1-3.7%. The incidence rate of eczema ever was 2.7%. These results showed that when using a cohort established after birth the estimated incidence rates are strongly dependent of how the baseline population’s health and how the studied health outcome at follow up is defined. Our results showed that the associations between parental reported moisture problems in the home and asthma in children that were revealed in cross-sectional analyses decreased or disappeared when longitudinal data were used on the same data set. Our results therefore indicate that associations between parental reported moisture problems and asthma from cross-sectional questionnaire studies should be interpreted with caution due to the risk for reporting bias. Our results show that children who were living in homes with PVC-flooring in the bedroom in early childhood were more likely to develop asthma during the following 5-year period when compared with children living in homes without such flooring material. A similar association could be seen for children with autism spectrum disorder, where PVC-flooring in early childhood was associated with more reports of autism spectrum disorder five years later. These results indicate that building materials including suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals such as phthalates might be of importance for the development of these chronic diseases. Further studies are needed to explore the early life exposure and the mechanisms and contribution of phthalates for the development of chronic diseases.
  • Edvardsson, Berit, 1953- (författare)
  • "Det är inte mig det är fel på, det är huset" : en studie av prognosfaktorer och bemötande med fokus på sjuka hus-syndromet
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Bakgrund: Sick Building Syndrome, SBS, är fortfarande 2015 ett tillstånd som vållar mycket diskussion. Symtomen kan grupperas i slemhinnesymtom, hudsymtom och allmänna symtom. I definitionen ingår att personen/ personerna som fått symtom har exponerats för dålig inomhusluft i en speciell byggnad. När personen inte är i byggnaden så förbättras eller försvinner symtomen. Många olika faktorer kan orsaka eller medverka till uppkomst eller försämringar av SBS-symtom, som t.ex. luftens innehåll av olika ämnen, luftflöden, temperatur, buller, fukt och mögel. Utbredd enighet finns om att fukt och mögel i byggnaderna påverkar eller ger upphov till symtom hos vissa personer som exponeras där. Psykosociala faktorer som arbetets organisation och krav och individuella faktorer som kön och personlighet påverkar också.Syfte: Hypotesen är att faktorer som tidigare hälsa, åtgärder på arbetet, tid, behandling, personlighet och copingresurser alla kan påverka prognosen för SBS-patienterna. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka hur symtomen påverkar arbetsförmågan och om patienterna återhämtar sig från SBS-symtomen. Ett annat syfte är att undersöka bemötande och de erfarenheter som SBS-symtomen gett en grupp av informanter med SBS. För att förstå om personlighet mätt med självbild och coping hade någon betydelse för progressionen av SBS-symtom och arbetsförmåga gjordes jämförelser av personlighet mellan en patientgrupp med SBS, en patientgrupp med handeksem, en patientgrupp med elkänslighet och en normalpopulation.Metod:  En uppföljningsenkät skickades till 239 patienter med SBS-symtom som under åren 1986–1998 blivit undersökta och bedömda på Universitets-sjukhuset i Umeå, Sverige. Frågorna innehöll social och medicinsk status, nuvarande symtom, behandlingar, åtgärder på arbetsplatsen, coping och självbild och svarsfrekvensen var 79,1%. Prognos och riskfaktorer för prognos beräknades för SBS-patienterna. Mätningar av personlighetsfaktorer gjordes med instrumentet Structural analysis of Social Behaviour, SASB, och coping mättes med Coping Resources Inventory, CRI. Likadana uppföljningsenkäter skickades till en grupp patienter med handeksem och patienter med upplevd elkänslighet. Svarsfrekvensen var 68% respektive 73% och enkätsvaren har sedan analyserats och jämförts genom beräknngar av prognos med fokus på självbild och coping för SBS-patienterna och handeksempatienterna. Jämförelser gjordes också mellan de tre olika grupperna och en kontrollgrupp vad gäller självbild och coping. För att undersöka erfarenheterna av SBS-symtomen och bemötandet genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med 10 informanter som hade eller hade haft SBS-symtom. Fem av dem hade diagnostiserats en längre tid tillbaka medan de andra fem hade haft SBS-symtomen en kortare period. Semi-strukturerade intervjuformulär användes vid intervjuerna och anlyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Graden och svårigheten av SBS-symtomen minskade över tid trots att nästan hälften av SBS-patienterna beskrev att symtomen var mer eller mindre oförändrade efter 7 år eller mer. Risken att ha symtom vid uppföljningen var större för de patienter som remitterats sent efter symtomdebut men även för de som hade kort uppföljningstid. Risken att inte ha någon arbetsförmåga vid uppföljningen var signifikant ökad om det var mer än ett års skillnad mellan symtomdebut och första läkarbesöket p.g.a. SBS-symtomen eller om patienten vid första undersökningen hade fler än 5 SBS-symtom. Dagliga aktiviteter som t.ex. bussåkning förvärrade också symtomen för patienterna. Informanternas upplevelser av SBS-symtomen från början visar en influensaliknande bild med rinnande näsa och ögon, heshet, hosta och huvudvärk. Informanterna agerar för att klara av situationen när symtomen förvärras. Genom hela processen upplever de en brist på bekräftelse och stöd från arbetsgivare, primärvård, företagshälsovård och fastighetsförvaltare.Alla tre patientgrupperna hade högre värden i spontan och positiv självbild i jämförelse med en kontrollgrupp. De hade också alla lägre värden i kontroll medan patienterna med handeksem och de med elkänslighet hade högre värden i sin negativa självbild. När det gäller coping skilde sig inte patientgrupperna från kontrollgruppen utom i CRI kognitiv där SBS-patienterna hade hög poäng i motsats till handeksempatienterna som hade låg poäng i samma domän. De elkänsliga patienterna hade i stället höga poäng i domänen andlig/filosofisk. Självbild eller copingförmåga var inte associerade med SBS-symtom eller symtom av handeksem vid uppföljningen och deras personlighet påverkade inte arbetsförmågan. Tidigare atopisk dermatit var en signifikant risk för kvarvarande symtom men inte för arbetsförmågan hos handeksempatienterna.Slutsats: En grupp av patienter som tidigare diagnostiserats för symtom från inomhusmiljön har kroniska symtom och påverkan på sitt sociala liv. Över tid minskar symtomen. Resultaten pekar på att ett tidigt omhändertagande är av vikt. SBS-symtomen är från början svåra att upptäcka för alla inblandade och kunskap om hur symtomen kan uppstå i dagligt liv kan bidra till bredare förståelse. Erfarenheterna från personer med SBS visar på avsaknad av bekräftelse och stöd från vården, företagshälsan, arbetsgivare och fastighetsförvaltare. Sambandet mellan symtom och inomhusmiljö får inte glömmas bort. Stöd och bekräftelse innebär också kunskap om skyldigheter för arbetsgivare och fastighetsförvaltare.Skillnad i självbild i jämförelse med en kontrollgrupp ses hos patientgrupperna med symtom som är delvis oförklarade men också hos handeksempatienter med ett väletablerat tillstånd. Det kan innebära att patienter med kroniska tillstånd överlag kan avvika från den allmänna populationen. Patienterna visar som grupp en hög positiv och hög spontan självbild som kan leda till svårigheter att sätta gränser. Detta kan leda till en mental stress och i förlängningen också ge en ökad känslighet/sårbarhet för miljöfaktorer. 
  • Carlsen, Hanne Krage, 1981- (författare)
  • Health effects of air pollution in Iceland : respiratory health in volcanic environments
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Air pollution has adverse effects on human health. The respiratory system is the most exposed and short-term changes in air pollution levels have been associated with worsening of asthma symptoms and increased rates of heart attacks and stroke. Air pollution in cities due to traffic is the major concern, as many people are exposed. However, natural sources of air pollution such as natural dust storms and ash from volcanic eruptions can also compromise human health. Exposure to volcanic eruptions and other natural hazards can also threaten mental health. Air pollution has not been extensively studied in Iceland, in spite of the presence of several natural pollution sources and a sizeable car fleet in the capital area.The aim of this thesis was to determine if there was a measurable effect on health which could be attributed to air pollution in Iceland. This aim was pursued along two paths; time series studies using register data aimed to determine the short-term association between daily variation in air pollution and on one hand daily dispensing of anti-asthma medication or the daily number of emergency room visits and emergency admissions for cardiopulmonary causes and stroke. The other method was to investigate if exposure to the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption was associated with adverse health outcomes, either at the end of the eruption, or 6 months later.In paper I time series regression was used to investigate the association between the daily number of individuals who were dispensed anti-asthma medication and levels of the air pollutants particle matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) during the preceding days. For the study period 2006-9, there were significant associations between the daily mean of PM10 and H2S and the sales of anti-asthma medication 3 to 5 days later. Giving the exposure as the highest daily one-hour mean gave more significant results. Air pollution negatively affected the respiratory health of asthma medication users, prompting them to refill their prescriptions before they had originally intended to.In paper II the main outcome was the number of individuals seeking help at Landspitali University Hospital emergency room for cardiopulmonary disease or stroke. Time series regression was used to identify the lag that gave the best predictive power, and models were run for data for 2003-9 pollutants PM10, NO2, and O3. O3 was significantly associated with the number of emergency hospital visits the same day and two days later in all models, and both for men, women and the elderly. Only emergency hospital visits of the elderly were associated with NO2, and there were no associations with PM10.In paper III the aim was to investigate if the health effects of PM10 were affected by the addition of volcanic ash from the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull and 2011 eruption of Grímsvötn to PM10 in the capital area. Time series regression of emergency hospital visits and PM10 before and after the Eyjafjallajökull eruption showed that the effect tended to be higher after the eruption, but the results were not significant. Analysis with a binary indicator for high levels of PM10 from volcanic ash and other sources showed that volcanic ash was associated with increased emergency hospital visits. There were no associations with high levels of PM10 from other sources.In paper IV, the health of the population exposed to the ongoing eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 was investigated thoroughly. Lung function in adults was better than in a reference group from the capital area, though many reported sensory organ irritation symptoms and symptoms of stress and mental unhealth, especially those with underlying diseases.Paper V report the results from a questionnaire study which was carried out six months after the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. The study population comprised a cohort of south Icelanders exposed to the eruption to varying degrees and a reference group from north Iceland. Respiratory and eye symptoms were much more common in south Icelanders than in the reference group, after adjusting for demographic characteristics. Mental unhealth rates had declined considerably.In the studies, we found that urban air pollution and natural particles have short-term effects on anti-asthma medication dispensing and emergency room visits and hospital admissions. Exposure to natural particles in the form of volcanic dust was associated with increased respiratory symptoms in a very exposed population. There were indications that volcanic ash particles were associated with increased emergency hospital visits in the following days.
  • Kim, Jeong-Lim, 1981- (författare)
  • Environmental Factors in Relation to Asthma and Respiratory Symptoms among Schoolchildren in Sweden and Korea
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis studied environmental factors in relation to asthma and respiratory symptoms among schoolchildren in two countries. In Sweden, 1014 pupils (5-14 year) in 8 schools participated. Wheeze was reported by 7.8%, current asthma by 5.9%, doctor-diagnosed asthma by 7.7%, cat allergy by 6.8% and dog allergy by 4.8%. Current asthma was less common among those consuming more fresh milk and fish. Doctor-diagnosed asthma was less common among those consuming olive oil. Cat, dog and horse allergens were common in settled dust and related to respiratory symptoms. Pupils consuming butter and fresh milk had less respiratory symptoms in relation to allergen exposure. In schools with increased levels of microbial volatile organic compounds and selected plasticizers (Texanol and TXIB) asthma and respiratory symptoms were more common.In Korea, 2365 pupils (9-11 year) in 12 schools participated (96%). In total, wheeze was reported by 8.0%, current asthma by 5.7%, doctor-diagnosed asthma by 5.4%, cat allergy by 2.6% and dog allergy by 4.9%. Contamination of dog and mite (Dermatophagoides farinae) allergen was common while cat allergen was uncommon. Remodelling, changing floor and building dampness at home were positively associated with asthma and respiratory symptoms. The strongest associations were found for floor dampness. Indoor/outdoor concentration of NO2, formaldehyde and ultrafine particles (UFP) at schools were positively associated with asthma and respiratory symptoms. When comparing Sweden and Korea, Korean pupils had more breathlessness and asthma but reported less cat and pollen allergy. Swedish schools had CO2-levels below 1000 ppm, while most Korean schools exceeded this standard. Since both home and school environment may affect pupil’s asthma and respiratory symptoms, air quality should be an important health issue. Moreover, changes in dietary habits may be beneficial to decrease asthma and allergies. Furthermore, interaction between diet and environment needs to be further investigated.
  • Lindgren, Torsten (författare)
  • Cabin Air Quality in Commercial Aircraft : Exposure, Symptoms and Signs
  • 2003
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The objective of the dissertation was to study the cabin environment, and identify personal and environmental risk factors, associated with symptoms, and perception of cabin air quality. Another objective was to study if ban of smoking, and increased relative air humidity on intercontinental flights, could have a beneficial health effect. The studies were performed among Scandinavian cabin crew in one Airline Company. Office workers from the same company served as controls. Exposure differed between cruise and non-cruise conditions. Air humidity was very low during intercontinental flights (3-8%). Concentration of moulds, bacteria, formaldehyde, and ozone was low. Tobacco smoking increased respirable particles in the cabin air, from 3 to 49 mg/m3, and increased cotinine in urine. The ETS-exposure was highest in the aft part of the cabin. Symptoms and environmental complaints were more common among flight crew than office workers. We could identify personal factors of importance, and certain conditions that could be improved, to achieve a better cabin environment. There was an association between symptoms and environmental perceptions and work stress, lack of influence on working condition, and a history of atopy. After ban on smoking in aircraft, there was a decrease of ocular and general symptoms, and increased tear-film stability in aircrew. Air humidification reduced headache and ocular, nasal, and dermal dryness symptoms, increased tear-film stability, and increased nasal patency. Our result indicates that ETS and low air humidity are important environmental factors in aircraft, and that atopy, and work stress could be significant risk factors for symptoms and environmental perceptions.
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