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Sökning: WFRF:(Andersson Ingemar)

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  • Nilsson, Petra, 1980-, et al. (författare)
  • How to make a workplace health promotion questionnaire process applicable, meaningful, and sustainable
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of Nursing Management. - : Wiley-Blackwell. - 0966-0429 .- 1365-2834. ; 19:7, s. 906-914
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background  In workplace health promotion, a questionnaire could be of great use. Unfortunately, fatigue regarding answering questionnaires has recently become greater than before. An action research approach could be a possible way of increasing employee participation.Aim  This study reports an attempt to explore key aspects for participation in, and commitment to, a workplace health promotion questionnaire process.Method  The study was conducted at two wards in a Swedish hospital. Data was collected during an action research process. Data were analysed with regard to a framework of questions.Findings  The three key aspects for participation in, and commitment to, a workplace health promotion questionnaire process were: an applicable questionnaire, a meaningful questionnaire process and a continuous and sustainable questionnaire process. A structure is presented as practical advice to managers, describing how such a process could be established to be applicable, meaningful and sustainable.Conclusion  This study has identified key aspects and prerequisites for questionnaire processes. The prerequisites – share decision-making, involve a core group and follow a structure – are discussed and proposed for managers and workgroups to consider in further workplace health promotion questionnaire processes.Implications for nursing management  The key aspects and prerequisites presented could provide a stimulating standpoint or advice, useful for planning and accomplishing workplace questionnaire processes.
  • Nilsson, Petra, 1980-, et al. (författare)
  • The work experience measurement scale (WEMS) : a useful tool in workplace health promotion
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Work. - : IOS Press. - 1051-9815 .- 1875-9270. ; 45:3, s. 379-387
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • OBJECTIVE: To present validity data for the Work Experience Measurement Scale (WEMS), an instrument measuring multifaceted work experience from a salutogenic health resource perspective as a contrast to the more common pathogenic risk perspective, by exploring WEMS relationship to established measurements that are positively related to health and work. A salutogenic perspective focuses on finding conditions and resources in life, for example at work, that can enhance the individual's health and strength, instead of those causing illness and weakness.METHOD: This study was carried out in 2009 at a Swedish hospital with a web-based survey (WEMS) to 770 employees. Different occupational groups at the hospital participated. Additional questionnaires used at the same time were the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9), the Salutogenic Health Indicator Scale (SHIS), the General Self-Efficacy scale (GSE), and three questions about self-rated health, general well-being, and quality of life.RESULTS: Cronbach's Alpha of WEMS sub-indices were in the interval of 0.85—0.96. Convergent validity and discriminant validity of WEMS and its sub-indices were shown to be satisfying by correlations. In addition, WEMS demonstrated the ability to discriminate between groups. WEMS sub-indices discriminated even better between groups than the total index.CONCLUSION: The WEMS proved to be a workplace health promotion questionnaire that was able to measure experiences of work from a salutogenic perspective. The WEMS has a potential of being a useful tool in workplace health promotion to enhance positive human capabilities and resources to improve work performance.
  • Andersson, Anders, et al. (författare)
  • Effects of Tobacco Smoke on IL-16 in CD8+ Cells from Human Airways and Blood: a Key Role for Oxygen Free Radicals?
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: AJP - Lung cellular and molecular physiology. - : American Physiological Society. - 1522-1504. ; 300:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Chronic exposure to tobacco smoke leads to an increase in the frequency of infections and in CD8(+) and CD4(+)cells as well as the CD4(+) chemo-attractant cytokine IL-16 in the airways. Here, we investigated whether tobacco smoke depletes intracellular IL-16 protein and inhibits de novo production of IL-16 in CD8(+) cells from human airways and blood, while at the same time increasing extracellular IL-16 and whether oxygen free radicals (OFR) are involved. Intracellular IL-16 protein in CD8(+) cells and mRNA in all cells was decreased in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples from chronic smokers. This was also the case in human blood CD8(+) cells exposed to water-soluble tobacco smoke components in vitro; in which oxidized proteins were markedly increased. Extracellular IL-16 protein was increased in cell-free BAL fluid from chronic smokers and in human blood CD8(+) cells exposed to water-soluble tobacco smoke components in vitro. This was not observed in occasional smokers after short-term exposure to tobacco smoke. A marker of activation (CD69) was slightly increased whereas other markers of key cellular functions (membrane integrity, apoptosis and proliferation) in human blood CD8(+) cells in vitro were negatively affected by water-soluble tobacco smoke components. An OFR scavenger prevented these effects whereas a protein synthesis inhibitor, a beta-adrenoceptor, a glucocorticoid receptor agonist, a phosphodiesterase, a calcineurin phosphatase and a caspase-3 inhibitor did not. In conclusion, tobacco smoke depletes preformed intracellular IL-16 protein, inhibits its de novo synthesis and distorts key cellular functions in human CD8(+) cells. OFR may play a key role in this context.
  • Bergström, Lena, et al. (författare)
  • Fiskundersökningar vid Lillgrund vindkraftpark : Slutredovisning av kontrollprogram för fisk och fiske 2002–2010
  • 2013
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Regeringen gav 2001 tillstånd till uppförande av en vindkraftpark på Lillgrund i Öresund. Slutliga villkor för verksamheten och omfattningen av uppföljningsprogrammet fastställdes av miljödomstolen 2002.  Lillgrunds vindkraftpark togs i drift under år 2008, och är den idag största fullföljda satsningen på havsbaserad vindkraft i Sverige. Fiskeriverket har genomfört undersökningar i området under åren före (2002–2005) respektive efter (2008–2010) anläggandet av vindkraftparken (baslinjeperiod respektive driftperiod). Syftet har varit att undersöka vindkraftparkens inverkan under driftfasen på bentisk (bottennära) och pelagisk (i fria vattnet levande) fisk samt fiskvandring. Undersökningarna har delvis varit integrerade med undersökningar utförda inom forskningsprogrammet Vindval som finansieras av Energimyndigheten. Arbetet har skett under kontinuerlig kontakt mellan Fiskeriverket och Vattenfall, som äger och driver vindkraftparken, samt tillsynsmyndigheten (Länsstyrelsen i Skåne län).Akustik (ljud) • Den samlade ljudenergin från vindkraftparken under vattenytan genereras huvudsakligen genom vibrationer från växellådan.• En analys av den totala ljudnivån i området från Lillgrunds vindkraftpark visade ett samband mellan ljudnivån och antalet turbiner i vindkraft- parken (så kallad parkeffekt), där varje enskild turbin bidrar till att öka den totala ljudnivån i området.• Ljudmätningar vid Lillgrunds vindkraftpark visar att ljudnivåerna endast inom ca 100 meter från en turbin och vid höga vindstyrkor är tillräckligt höga för att medföra en risk att vissa arter av fisk påverkas negativt, i form av direkt flyktbeteende eller möjlig maskering av kommunikation.• Stressreaktioner kan förekomma även på längre avstånd än 100 meter från en turbin. Detta orsakas av att ljudet från turbinerna är kontinuerligt och högre än bakgrundsljudet inom vissa frekvenser.    Mätningar av undervattensljud utfördes på olika avstånd till enskilda turbiner, liksom på längre avstånd från hela vindkraftparken och på ett kontrollområde (Sjollen) 10 km norr om vindkraftparken. Resultaten visar att vindkraftverken producerar ett bredfrekvent buller under 1 kHz samt ett par toner där 127 Hz tonen är den kraftigaste (vibrationer från ett steg i växellådan). Av den samlade ljudenergin under vattenytan från vindkraftparken ligger större delen runt tonen 127 Hz.  De maximala beräknade ljudnivåerna, genererade av vindkraftverken vid full effekt (12 m/s), vid 1 m var 136 dB re 1µPa(RMS) för den av turbinerna dominanta 127 Hz (integrerad över 123–132 Hz) tonen och 138 dB re 1µPa(RMS) vid fullt spektrum (integrerad över 52–343 Hz). På ett avstånd av 100 m från en turbin gick nivåerna ner till 104–106 dB re 1µPa(RMS) för fullt 9 Havs- och vattenmyndighetens rapport 2013:18  spektrum, vilket är nära det lokalt uppmätta bakgrundsljudet i Öresund, men ljudnivån låg fortfarande omkring 23 dB över bakgrunden för 127 Hz tonen.En analys av den totala ljudnivån i området från Lillgrunds vindkraftpark visade ett samband mellan ljudnivån och antalet turbiner i vindkraftparken (så kallad parkeffekt). På nära håll (<80 m) dominerade den enskilda turbinen ljudmiljön med en beräknad utbredningsförlust på 17·log (avståndet). På längre avstånd (80 m till 7000 m) var utbredningsförlusten mindre än 17•log (avståndet). Detta förklarades av att de andra turbinerna i vindkraftparken bidrog till den totala ljudnivån. På längre avstånd (>7 km) verkade hela vindkraftparken som en punktkälla och utbredningsförlusten var återigen 17•log (avståndet).Ljudnivåer motsvarande de uppmätta och beräknade ljudnivåerna vid Lillgrunds vindkraftspark har inte visats ge några fysiska skador på fisk enligt befintliga publicerade vetenskapliga studier. Endast inom ca 100 m från en turbin och vid höga vindstyrkor var nivåerna tillräckligt höga för att medföra en risk att vissa arter av fisk påverkas negativt i form av direkt flyktbeteende eller möjlig maskering av kommunikation. Responsen beror på den individuella artens känslighet för ljud. Fiskar har visats bli stressade av att befinna sig i en konstant bullrig ljudmiljö, vilket i sin tur kan resultera till exempel i lägre tillväxthastighet eller påverka fortplantningen. Stress i allmänhet kan även i kombination med andra negativa faktorer öppna upp för sjukdomar m.m. på grund av försämrat immunförsvar. Djur kan dock välja att stanna kvar i ett område trots störningar, om området är tillräckligt viktigt för dess överlevnad eller fortplantning.Baserat på den beräknade ljudutbredningen omkring vindkraftparken skulle lax och ål teoretiskt kunna upptäcka 127 Hz tonen på 250 m respektive 1 km avstånd vid en driftseffektivitet på 60 och 100 %, vilket motsvarar vindstyrkorna på ca 6 och 12 m/s. De beräknade avstånden skulle begränsas av de båda fiskarternas hörselförmåga och inte av bakgrundsljudet i Öresund. För sill och torsk beräknades ett teoretiskt detektionsavstånd på mellan 13 respektive 16 km för en driftseffektivitet på 60 och 100 %. Detta avstånd skulle ha varit längre men begränsades för dessa arter av bakgrundsbruset i området. Beräkningarna anger alltså att fisk potentiellt kan detektera ljud från vindkraftparken på relativt långa avstånd. Lokala variationer av bottendjup och fysiska hinder som halvöar, t.ex. Falsterbonäset, kan dock ha en stor inverkan på förutsättningarna för den faktiska ljudutbredningen. Bentisk (bottennära) fisk• Fisksamhällets utveckling på Lillgrund var likartat det i referensområdena under de studerade åren. För vindkraftparken som helhet noterades ingen effekt på fisksamhällets artrikedom, artsammansättning eller mängden fisk. • Flera arter av bottenlevande fisk visade en ökad förekomst i närområdena för de enskilda vindkraftverken jämfört med på längre avstånd, framför allt ål (gulål), torsk, stensnultra och rötsimpa. Resultaten återspeglar mer sannolikt en omfördelning av fisk inom vindkraftparken, än en förändrad produktivitet eller en inflyttning från omkringliggande områden. Ansamlingen beror sannolikt på att vindkraftverkens fundament erbjuder möjlighet till skydd och födosök.• Effektavståndet inom vilken en ansamling kunde noteras skattades, för de olika arterna, till mellan 50 och 160 m från ett vindkraftverk.  Fiskens fördelning hade även ett visst samband med den lokala ljudmiljön, i form av en lägre grad av aggregation nära vindkraftverken vid högre ljudnivåer. Effekten var tydligast hos tånglake och ål (gulål). Omfattningen av effekten av ljud var dock lägre än aggregationseffekten till närområdet för tornen. Hos torsk sågs ingen respons i förhållande till ljudnivå.  Förändringar i fisksamhällets sammansättning över tid undersöktes i jämförelse med två referensområden. Av dessa hade det norra referensområdet (Sjollen) starkare marina inslag än det södra referensområdet (Bredgrund). Artsammansättningen vid Lillgrund hade likheter med båda referensområdena. Resultaten av provfisken med ryssjor och nätlänkar indikerade att det inte skett någon kraftig förändring i artantal, artsammansättning eller mängd fisk efter det att anläggningen uppförts, sett till vindkraftparken som helhet. Hos enskilda arter noterades dock vissa förändringar. En ökad fångst av strandkrabba och ål (gulål) observerades under de två första åren av drift, men inte under det tredje året. Fångsten av tånglake ökade i alla områden under den studerade perioden, men i något mindre omfattning på Lillgrund än i referensområdena. För de övriga arterna skedde parallella förändringar på Lillgrund och på minst ett av referensområdena. Resultatet antyder att fisksamhället inom vindkraftparken i första hand påverkats av samma övergripande faktorer som fisksamhället i referensområdena, snarare än av skeenden inom vindkraftparken. Vid en analys av fördelningsmönster nära tornen noterades en ökad förekomst i närområdet för vindkraftverken hos fyra av åtta studerade fiskarter, nämligen rötsimpa, stensnultra, torsk och ål (gulål). Effekten syntes redan efter det första året av drift och var likartad under samtliga tre studerade år. Hos tånglake sågs en svag effekt, som var signifikant endast i det utökade dataunderlaget från 2010. Aggregationen var tydligast inom ett avstånd på upp till 50–160 meter från vindkraftverket, med avseende på de olika arterna. En jämförelse av olika påverkansfaktorer baserat på data från 2010 visade att det observerade fördelningsmönstret i högre grad kunde förklaras av vindkraftparkens närvaro än av områdets djupförhållanden. Analysen indikerade även ett samband mellan mängden fisk och den lokala ljudmiljön, med en minskad förekomst av fisk vid högre ljudnivåer. Den tydligaste responsen sågs hos tånglake och ål. Hos torsk sågs ingen respons i förhållande till ljudnivå, och hos rötsimpa och strandkrabba sågs en respons endast under hösten. Omfattningen av effekten av ljud var dock lägre än aggregationseffekten till närområdet för tornen. Resultaten tolkades som att fisken aggregerades till området nära vindkraftverken under samtliga förhållanden, men att effekten var relativt svagare under förhållanden med högre ljudnivåer. Det vore lämpligt att återbesöka vindkraftparken efter några år för att följa den långsiktiga utvecklingen av fisk, och se om den observerade ansamlingen av vissa fiskarter nära vindkraftverken fortsatt, och eventuellt tilltagit till att även omfatta kvantitativa effekter. En av förutsättningarna för en sådan utveckling är att uttaget av fisk, till exempel genom fiske eller predation från marina däggdjur och fiskätande fågel, inte ökar i området.Pela
  • Bergström, Lena, et al. (författare)
  • Study of the Fish Communities at Lillgrund Wind Farm : Final Report from the Monitoring Programme for Fish and Fisheries 2002–2010
  • 2013
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In 2001, the Swedish Government authorised the construction of an offshore wind farm at Lillgrund in the Öresund Strait between Denmark and Sweden. In 2002, the Environmental Court defined the final terms and conditions for the wind farm development and the extent of the monitoring programme required.  Lillgrund wind farm came into full operation in 2008, and is currently the largest offshore wind farm in operation in Sweden.  The Swedish National Board of Fisheries conducted a monitoring programme, in the area, in the years before (2002–2005) and after (2008– 2010) the construction of the wind farm; a base line study and a study when the wind farm was operational, respectively. No investigation was conducted during the construction phase. The aim was to investigate the impact of the wind farm during the operational phase on the benthic and pelagic fish as well as on fish migration. These studies have partly been integrated into work conducted as a part of the Vindval Research Programme, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.Acoustics (sound)  • The overall sound energy from the wind farm under water is mainly generated by vibration from the gearbox.• An analysis of the sound pressure level for the wind farm area, showed a correlation between noise level and the number of turbines in the wind farm (the so called park effect), where each individual turbine helps to increase the overall noise level in the area. • Sound measurements from Lillgrund wind farm showed that noise levels within a distance of 100 metres from a turbine at high wind speeds are high enough to be a risk for some species of fish to be negatively affected, e.g. in the form of direct escape behaviour, or masking of vocal communication between individuals. • Stress reactions can also occur at distances of more than 100 metres from a turbine. This is due to the fact that the noise from the turbines is continuous and louder than the ambient noise levels within some frequencies.   Measurements of the underwater noise levels were carried out at varying distances from individual turbines, from longer distances away from the entire wind farm as well as within a reference site (Sjollen) 10 km north of the wind farm. The results show that the wind farm produces a broadband noise below 1 kHz as well as one or two tones where the 127 Hz tone is the most powerful (vibrations from the first stage in the gear box). The majority of the overall underwater sound energy from the wind farm lies around the tone of 127 Hz.  The maximum noise levels, generated by the wind turbine, working at full production (12 m/s), at 1 m were 136 dB re 1µPa(RMS) for the dominant tone of the turbine which was 127 Hz (integrated across 123–132 Hz) and 138 dB re 1µPa(RMS) at the full spectrum (integrated across 52–343 Hz). At a distance of 100 m from the turbine, the noise levels are reduced to 104–106 dB re 1µPa(RMS) across the full spectrum, which is close to the locally measured ambient noise in the Öresund Strait, but the noise level was still around 23 dB above the background level for the 127 Hz tone.An analysis of the sound pressure level for the wind farm area showed a correlation between noise level and the number of turbines in the wind farm (called the park effect). Close to the wind farm (<80 m), the noise environment was dominated by the individual wind turbine with a calculated sound propagation loss of 17•log (distance). At greater distances (80 m to 7000 m) the sound propagation loss was non-linear and less than 17•log (distance). This is explained by the fact that the other turbines in the wind farm contributed to the total noise level. At even greater distances (>7 km) the entire wind farm functioned as a point source and the sound propagation loss was once again measured as 17•log (distance). The noise levels equivalent to those recorded and calculated from Lillgrund wind farm have not been shown to cause any physical injury to fish according to the current published scientific literature. It was only within some 100 metres from a turbine at high wind speeds that the noise levels were high enough to result in the risk of negative effects on some species of fish in the form of direct escape behaviour or possible masking of communication. The response depends upon the individual species’ sensitivity to sound. Fish have been shown to become stressed when they find themselves in a consistently noisy environment, which in turn can result in for example, lower growth rates or can have an impact on reproduction. Stress in general can also, in combination with other negative factors, make them more susceptible to disease etc., due to an impaired immune system. Animals can choose however, to remain in an area despite the disturbance, if the area is sufficiently important for their survival or reproduction.  Based on the calculated sound propagation around the wind farm, salmon and eel could theoretically detect the 127 Hz tone at 250 m and 1 km distances respectively at a productivity rate of 60 and 100 %, which is equivalent to a wind speed of approximately 6 and 12 m/s. The calculated distances would be limited by the hearing ability of both fish species and not the background noise levels in the Öresund Strait. For herring and cod, the theoretical detection distance was calculated to be between 13 and 16 km respectively for a production rate of 60 and 100 %. This distance should have been greater, but is limited for these species due to the ambient noise levels in the area. These calculations indicate that fish can potentially detect sound from the wind farm at relatively long distances. Local variations with regard to depth and physical barriers such as peninsulas, e.g. Falsterbonäset in the southern end of the Öresund Strait, can however, have a large impact on the actual sound propagation. Benthic Fish• The temporal development of the fish community in Lillgrund was similar to that observed in the reference areas during the study period. For the wind farm as a whole, no effect was observed on species richness, species composition or on the abundance of fish. • Several species of fish however, showed an increase in abundance close to the wind turbines compared with further away, especially eel (yellow eel) (Anguilla anguilla), cod (Gadus morhua), goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) and shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius). The results reflect a redistribution of fish within the wind farm, rather than a change in productivity or migration from surrounding areas. The increase in abundance is probably due to the wind turbine foundations providing an opportunity for protection and improved foraging. The distance within which an increased abundance could be observed was estimated, for different species, to be between 50– 160 metres from a wind turbine. • Fish distribution may to some extent have been influenced by the local acoustic environment, as a lower degree of aggregation close to the wind turbines at higher noise levels. The effect was most obvious for eelpout and eel (yellow eel). No response was seen for cod in relation to sound levels.   Changes in the species composition of the fish communities over time were studied in comparison with two reference areas. Of these, the northerly reference area (Sjollen) had a larger marine component than the southern reference area (Bredgrund). The species composition at Lillgrund had similarities with both of the reference areas.  The results from fish sampling with fyke nets and gill net series indicate that there have been no significant changes in the number of species, the species composition or the fish abundance after the wind farm was built, looking at the wind farm as a whole. Some changes have however been noted in relation to individual species. An increased catch of shore crab and eel (yellow eel) was observed during the first two years of production, but not in the third year. The catch of eelpout increased in all areas during the period studied, but to a slightly lesser extent at Lillgrund when compared to the reference areas. For the other species, the changes observed at Lillgrund were similar to at least one of the reference areas. These results suggest that the fish communities within the wind farm were primarily affected by the same general environmental conditions as the fish communities within the reference areas, rather than by the effects of the wind farm.  An analysis of the distribution patterns of fish close to the turbines showed an increased abundance in the immediate vicinity of the wind turbines in four of the eight species of fish studied: specifically shorthorn sculpin, goldsinny wrasse, cod and eel (yellow eel). The effects were seen already after the first year and were similar over all three years studied. An effect was also identified for eelpout, but only in 2010. The aggregation effect was seen within a distance of 50–160 metres from the wind turbines, different for the different species.  A comparison of the relative effect of different factors, based on the data from an extended survey in 2010, showed that the observed distribution pattern could be explained to a larger extent by the presence of the turbines rather than the underwater topography of the area. The analysis also indicated weak effects of the local acoustic environment on fish distribution patterns, with a reduced presence of fish at higher noise levels. The response was strongest for eelpout and eel. No response in relation to noise level was seen for cod. For shorthorn scuplin and common shore crab a response was seen only 11 Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management Report 2013:19  during the autumn. The magnitude of the effect of noise was, however, lower than the aggregation effect. Hence, fish aggregated close to the wind turbines in all conditions, but the effect was weaker when the noise levels were higher. It is recommended that the t
  • Eriksson, Therese, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Panax ginseng induces anterograde transport of pigment organelles in Xenopus melanophores
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Journal of Ethnopharmacology. - : Elsevier. - 0378-8741 .- 1872-7573. ; 119:1, s. 17-23
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Melanophores from Xenopus laevis are pigmented cells, capable of quick colour changes through cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cAMP) coordinated transport of their intracellular pigment granules, melanosomes. In this study we use the melanophore cell line to evaluate the effects of Panax ginseng extract G115 on organelle transport. Absorbance readings of melanophore-coated microplates, Correlate-EIA direct cAMP enzyme immunoassay kit, and western blot were used to measure the melanosome movement and changes in intracellular signalling. We show that Panax ginseng induces a fast concentration-dependent anterograde transport of the melanosomes. No significant increase in the cAMP level was seen and pre-incubation of melanophores with the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor EGF-R Fragment 651-658 (M-EGF) only partly decreased the ginseng-induced dispersion. We also demonstrate that Panax ginseng, endothelin-3 (ET-3) and alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) stimulate an activation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). Pre-incubation with M-EGF decreased the MAPK activity induced by ET-3 and MSH, but again only marginally affected the response of Panax ginseng. Thus, in melanophores we suggest that Panax ginseng stimulates an anterograde transport of pigment organelles via a non-cAMP and mainly PKC-independent pathway.
  • Khodayari, R, et al. (författare)
  • Deactivation and regeneration of SCR catalysts used in bio fuel power plants
  • 2000
  • Ingår i: Industrial furnaces and boilers. - 9728034040 ; , s. 543-554
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The SCR technique is used (1998) in five Swedish wood fired CHP plants. These plants are among the first references in the world for SCR in combination with bio fuels. The experiences show some problems with the catalyst function because of deactivation and ash-plugging. The deactivation has been handled by seasonal washing of the catalyst. In this work the cause for and the extent of catalyst deactivation has been investigated when using 100 % wood as fuel. The field tests have been performed in the CFB boiler in Norrkoping, firing forest residues, and in the boiler in Jordbro, firing pulverised wood (PC). Samples of four different commercial catalyst types have been exposed to flue gas in a test rig connected to the convection section of the boiler. The results after 2 100 hours show a large difference in deactivation trends between the two plants; when using a conventional honeycomb catalyst 80 % of the original activity remains in the CFB boiler but only 20 % remains in the PC boiler. The deactivation in the CFB boiler is about 3 - 4 times faster than what is expected for a conservative design for a coal fired boiler. Potassium neutralising the acid sites of the catalyst is suspected to be the reason for the deactivation. The potassium on the catalyst dissolves easily in both water and sulphuric acid. Washing of deactivated catalyst samples with water resulted in higher activity than for the fresh samples if it was supplemented by sulphatization with sulphur dioxide. The use of sulphatization, periodic washing and the use of an optimised catalyst are promising methods to increase the catalyst lifetime and to reduce the operation costs for SCR in bio fuel fluidised bed based power plants.
  • Larsson, Gerry, et al. (författare)
  • A comprehensive system for leader evaluation and development
  • 2003
  • Ingår i: Leadership & Organization Development Journal. - : Emerald. - 0143-7739 .- 1472-5347. ; 24:1, s. 16-25
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim was to describe the development of a theoretical model for leader evaluation and development, an instrument based on this model, and a strategy for large scale implementation in the Swedish armed forces. The model rests on an interactional person by situation paradigm. It emphasises “developmental leadership”, which is inspired by transformational and functionalistic leadership approaches. The developmental leadership questionnaire (DLQ) was operationalised from the model and refined through structural equation modelling. The model and the DLQ will be used for three purposes: yearly evaluation of all personnel in the Swedish armed forces; yearly planning dialogues between each employee and his or her nearest supervisor; and a tool for leadership training. The implementation strategy includes an initial course in developmental leadership for all colonels. This is followed by the selection and training of local trainers, who, in turn, initiate the comprehensive programme locally. The system should be fully implemented by 2005.
  • Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O., et al. (författare)
  • Determinants of morbidity and mortality following emergency abdominal surgery in children in low-income and middle-income countries
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: BMJ Global Health. - : BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. - 2059-7908. ; 1:4
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Child health is a key priority on the global health agenda, yet the provision of essential and emergency surgery in children is patchy in resource-poor regions. This study was aimed to determine the mortality risk for emergency abdominal paediatric surgery in low-income countries globally.Methods: Multicentre, international, prospective, cohort study. Self-selected surgical units performing emergency abdominal surgery submitted prespecified data for consecutive children aged <16 years during a 2-week period between July and December 2014. The United Nation's Human Development Index (HDI) was used to stratify countries. The main outcome measure was 30-day postoperative mortality, analysed by multilevel logistic regression.Results: This study included 1409 patients from 253 centres in 43 countries; 282 children were under 2 years of age. Among them, 265 (18.8%) were from low-HDI, 450 (31.9%) from middle-HDI and 694 (49.3%) from high-HDI countries. The most common operations performed were appendectomy, small bowel resection, pyloromyotomy and correction of intussusception. After adjustment for patient and hospital risk factors, child mortality at 30 days was significantly higher in low-HDI (adjusted OR 7.14 (95% CI 2.52 to 20.23), p<0.001) and middle-HDI (4.42 (1.44 to 13.56), p=0.009) countries compared with high-HDI countries, translating to 40 excess deaths per 1000 procedures performed.Conclusions: Adjusted mortality in children following emergency abdominal surgery may be as high as 7 times greater in low-HDI and middle-HDI countries compared with high-HDI countries. Effective provision of emergency essential surgery should be a key priority for global child health agendas.
  • Agosti, Madelaine Törnquist, et al. (författare)
  • "the importance of awareness, support and inner strength to balance everyday life" - A qualitative study about women's experiences of a workplace health promotion program in human service organizations in Sweden
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: BMC Women's Health. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1472-6874. ; 19:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: In many European countries, women have a higher sickness absence rate than men. Women also report higher levels of work-life conflict, which has a negative impact on women's self-perceived health. Interventions studies on work-life balance literature are scarce. This research adds knowledge about work-life balance by examining female employees' experiences of a newly developed intervention program, the BELE program (Balance in Everyday Life Empowerment program), aiming to enhance the work-life balance and wellbeing of female employees. Methods: All participants in the BELE program were included in the sample (n = 55) of the study. The methods used for gathering data were focus group interviews (n = 8) and semi-structured individual interviews (n = 8). A qualitative content analysis was used for the analyses. Results: The results showed that a majority of the participants experienced a process of change for enhancement of wellbeing and balance in their everyday life when taking part in the BELE program. In the analyses, three main themes emerged. Reflecting and strengthening inner resource, Trying to change everyday patterns and habits and Experiencing more balance and well-being. Conclusions: The results point out the importance of awareness and reflection on everyday life to promote work-life balance and wellbeing. The BELE program was described as a wakeup call to one's own life and as an enhancer of empowerment processes and equality in the homes. Moreover, the results showed the need for health education in the workplace focusing on both work and private life to enhance balance and wellbeing among female employees'. The findings indicate that it is important to work at individual and group levels in work-life balance interventions and not merely at the organizational level or in the workplace setting.
  • Andelid, Kristina, 1953, et al. (författare)
  • Systemic cytokine signaling via IL-17 in smokers with obstructive pulmonary disease: a link to bacterial colonization?
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1178-2005. ; 10, s. 689-702
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We examined whether systemic cytokine signaling via interleukin (IL)-17 and growth-related oncogene-alpha (GRO-alpha) is impaired in smokers with obstructive pulmonary disease including chronic bronchitis (OPD-CB). We also examined how this systemic cytokine signaling relates to bacterial colonization in the airways of the smokers with OPD-CB. Currently smoking OPD-CB patients (n=60, corresponding to Global initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung Disease [ GOLD] stage I-IV) underwent recurrent blood and sputum sampling over 60 weeks, during stable conditions and at exacerbations. We characterized cytokine protein concentrations in blood and bacterial growth in sputum. Asymptomatic smokers (n=10) and never-smokers (n=10) were included as control groups. During stable clinical conditions, the protein concentrations of IL-17 and GRO-alpha were markedly lower among OPD-CB patients compared with never-smoker controls, whereas the asymptomatic smoker controls displayed intermediate concentrations. Notably, among OPD-CB patients, colonization by opportunistic pathogens was associated with markedly lower IL-17 and GRO-alpha, compared with colonization by common respiratory pathogens or oropharyngeal flora. During exacerbations in the OPD-CB patients, GRO-alpha and neutrophil concentrations were increased, whereas protein concentrations and messenger RNA for IL-17 were not detectable in a reproducible manner. In smokers with OPD-CB, systemic cytokine signaling via IL-17 and GRO-alpha is impaired and this alteration may be linked to colonization by opportunistic pathogens in the airways. Given the potential pathogenic and therapeutic implications, these findings deserve to be validated in new and larger patient cohorts.
  • Andersson, Ann-Catrin, 1973- (författare)
  • Identity politics and city planning : the case of Jerusalem
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Jerusalem is the declared capital of Israel, fundamental to Jewish tradition, and a contested city, part of the Israel–Palestine conflict. Departing from an analysis of mainly interviews and policy documents, this study aims to analyze the interplay between the Israeli identity politics of Jerusalem and city planning. The role of the city is related to discursive struggles between traditional, new, and post-Zionism. One conclusion is that the Israeli claim to the city is firmly anchored in a master commemorative narrative stating that Jerusalem is the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel. A second conclusion is that there is a constant interplay between Israeli identity politics, city policy, and planning practice, through specific strategies of territoriality. The goals of the strategies are to create a political, historical and religious, ethnic, economic, and exclusive capital. Planning policies are mainly focused on uniting the city through housing projects in East Jerusalem, rehabilitating historic heritage, ancestry, and landscapes, city center renewal, demographic balance, and economic growth, mainly through tourism and industrial development. An analysis of coping strategies shows that Jerusalem planners relate to identity politics by adopting a self-image of being professional, and by blaming the planning system for opening up to ideational impact. Depending on the issue, a planner adopts a reactive role as a bureaucrat or an expert, or an active role, such mobilizer or an advocate. One conclusion drawn from the “Safdie Plan” process is that traditional Zionism and the dominant collective planning doctrine are being challenged. An alliance of environmental movements, politicians from left and right, and citizens, mobilized a campaign against the plan that was intended to develop the western outskirts of Jerusalem. The rejection of the plan challenged the established political leadership, it opened up for an expansion to the east, and strengthened Green Zionism, but the result is also a challenge to the housing needs of Jerusalem.
  • Andersson, Ann-Catrin, 1973-, et al. (författare)
  • Staden som livsmiljö : vision och verklighet: slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram
  • 2005
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Allt fler människor koncentreras till städer och andra urbana samhällen. Stadsmiljön är attraktiv och efterfrågad samtidigt som den innebär sociala, psykiska  och fysiska påfrestningar för invånarna. Förändrade villkor för utvecklingen av städer och regioner har lett till en ökad efterfrågan på mångvetenskaplig kunskap och kompetens. När det FORMAS-finanserade forskningsprogrammet Staden som livsmiljö - vision och verklighet formulerades tod vi fasta på den motsägelsefulla bilden av staden med plats för både visionerna och verkligheten. Den teoretiska ramen kring projekten kombinerar statsvetenskapligt förankrad regimteori med vardagslivsteori som hämtat inspiration från strömningar i kulturgeografi, sociologi och andra discipliner. Detta utgör slutrapporten för projektet.
  • Andersson, Anne, et al. (författare)
  • Camera-based Colour Contrast Evaluation
  • 2012
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This project studies whether or not a digital camera can be used to evaluate colour difference or colour contrast. When characterizing a test object that changes colour over time it is not always possible to do a normal colour measurement with a spectroradiometer. The alternative could be to use film or rapid fire photography to record the changes and extract the colour data from the digital information. This project involves development of a method where spectroradiometric data of a colour chart is compared to digital data taken from photos and film of the same colour chart using Photoshop. In each measurement 22 colours have been evaluated by calculating the colour difference between a direct spectroradiometric measurement of a single colour and data taken from Photoshop of that same colour. The data is compared in the CIELAB colour space using the ?E94 metric which should faithfully represent how the human eye perceives colour difference. Three sets of measurements are made .Two sets where the spectroradiometric data is compared to data from still photos, first with photos directly from the camera and then with RAW-data from the camera. The third measurement compared the spectroradiometric data with data from a frame from a video. The results show that the 22 colours are reproduced with varying degrees of accuracy in photos and video compared to a direct measurement using a spectroradiometer. For the two photo measurements the results span from ?E94 = 0.82 for the best colour reproduction to ?E94 = 17.01 for the worst reproduction. The average deviation was ?E94 = 7.48 and ?E94 = 8.46 respectively where a colour difference of ?E94 =1.0 is considered a just noticeable difference. For video the deviation spans from ?E94 = 4.89 to ?E94 = 18.11 with an average deviation of ?E94 = 11.59. ?E94 has also been used to evaluate how the colour contrast between two different colours differ between the spectroradiometric measurement and data from Photoshop. The results show that for photos the colour contrast deviates quite a bit between the two methods. A deeper evaluation of the video method shows that as long as the contrast between two colours is small the deviation compared to the spectroradiometric measurement will also be small.
  • Andersson, Anders, et al. (författare)
  • IL-36 Cytokines Promote Inflammation in the Lungs of Long-term Smokers
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology. - 1535-4989. ; 64:2, s. 173-182
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive inflammatory lung disease with high morbidity and mortality. The IL-36 family are proinflammatory cytokines that are known to shape innate immune responses, including those critical to bacterial pneumonia. To determine whether IL-36 cytokines promote a proinflammatory milieu in the lungs of long-term smokers with and without COPD. Levels of IL-36 cytokines were measured in plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from subjects in a pilot study (n=23) of long-term smokers with and without COPD in vivo, and from a variety of lung cells (from 3-5 donors) stimulated with bacteria or cigarette smoke components in vitro. Pulmonary macrophages were stimulated with IL-36 cytokines in vitro, and chemokine and cytokine production was assessed. IL-36α and -γ are produced to varying degrees in murine and human lung cells in response to bacterial stimuli and cigarette smoke components in vitro. Moreover, while IL-36γ production is upregulated early after cigarette smoke stimulation and wanes over time, IL-36α production requires a longer duration of exposure. IL-36α and -γ are enhanced systemically and locally in long-term smokers with and without COPD, and local IL-36α levels display a positive correlation with declining ventilatory lung function and increasing proinflammatory cytokine levels. In vitro, IL-36α and -γ induce proinflammatory chemokines and cytokines in a concentration-dependent fashion that requires IL-36R and MyD88. IL-36 cytokine production is altered in long-term smokers with and without COPD and contributes to shaping a proinflammatory milieu in the lungs.
  • Andersson, Anders, et al. (författare)
  • Impact of tobacco smoke on interleukin-16 protein in human airways, lymphoid tissue and T lymphocytes
  • 2004
  • Ingår i: Clinical and experimental immunology. - : Oxford University Press (OUP). - 0009-9104 .- 1365-2249. ; 138:1, s. 75-82
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes are mobilized in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the CD8(+) cytokine interleukin (IL)-16 is believed to be important in regulating the recruitment and activity of CD4(+) lymphocytes. In the current study, we examined whether tobacco smoke exerts an impact not only on IL-16 in the lower airways but also in CD4(+) or CD8(+) lymphocytes or in lymphoid tissue. The concentration of IL-16 protein was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in concentrated bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) collected from 33 smokers with chronic bronchitis (CB), eight asymptomatic smokers (AS) and seven healthy never-smokers (NS). The concentrations of IL-16 and soluble IL-2 receptor alpha (sIL-2Ralpha) protein were also measured in conditioned medium from human blood CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes stimulated with tobacco smoke extract (TSE) in vitro. IL-16 mRNA was assessed in vitro as well, using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Finally, the intracellular immunoreactivity for IL-16 protein (IL-16IR) was assessed in six matched pairs of palatine tonsils from smokers and non-smokers. BALF IL-16 was higher in CB and AS than in NS. TSE substantially increased the concentration of IL-16 but not sIL-2Ralpha in conditioned medium from CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes. There was no corresponding effect on IL-16 mRNA. IL-16IR in tonsils was lower in smokers than in non-smokers. The current findings demonstrate that tobacco smoke exerts a wide impact on the CD8(+) cytokine IL-16, in the airway lumen, in blood CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes and in lymphoid tissue. The effect on IL-16 release may be selective for preformed IL-16 in CD4(+) lymphocytes. New clinical studies are required to evaluate whether tobacco smoke mobilizes T lymphocytes via IL-16 in the lower airways and whether this mechanism can be targeted in COPD.
  • Andersson, Anders, et al. (författare)
  • Interleukin-16-producing NK cells and T-cells in the blood of tobacco smokers with and without COPD
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1178-2005. ; 11, s. 2245-2258
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke causes local inflammation in the airways that involves not only innate immune cells, including NK cells, but also adaptive immune cells such as cytotoxic (CD8(+)) and helper (CD4(+)) T-cells. We have previously demonstrated that long-term tobacco smoking increases extracellular concentration of the CD4(+)-recruiting cytokine interleukin (IL)-16 locally in the airways. Here, we hypothesized that tobacco smoking alters IL-16 biology at the systemic level and that this effect involves oxygen free radicals (OFR). Methods: We quantified extracellular IL-16 protein (ELISA) and intracellular IL-16 in NK cells, T-cells, B-cells, and monocytes (flow cytometry) in blood samples from long-term tobacco smokers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and in never-smokers. NK cells from healthy blood donors were stimulated with water-soluble tobacco smoke components (cigarette smoke extract) with or without an OFR scavenger (glutathione) in vitro and followed by quantification of IL-16 protein. Results: The extracellular concentrations of IL-16 protein in blood did not display any substantial differences between groups. Notably, intracellular IL-16 protein was detected in all types of blood leukocytes. All long-term smokers displayed a decrease in this IL-16 among NK cells, irrespective of COPD status. Further, both NK and CD4(+) T-cell concentrations displayed a negative correlation with pack-years. Moreover, cigarette smoke extract caused release of IL-16 protein from NK cells in vitro, and this was not affected by glutathione, in contrast to the decrease in intracellular IL-16, which was prevented by this drug. Conclusion: Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke does not markedly alter extracellular concentrations of IL-16 protein in blood. However, it does decrease the intracellular IL-16 concentrations in blood NK cells, the latter effect involving OFR. Thus, long-term tobacco smoking exerts an impact at the systemic level that involves NK cells; innate immune cells that are critical for host defense against viruses and tumors-conditions that are over-represented among smokers.
  • Andersson, C G, et al. (författare)
  • Islands of high-spin yrast isomers
  • 1978
  • Ingår i: Nuclear Physics, Section A. - 0375-9474. ; 309, s. 141-176
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
  • Andersson, C, et al. (författare)
  • Triple specificity of ZnT8 autoantibodies in relation to HLA and other islet autoantibodies in childhood and adolescent type 1 diabetes
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Pediatric Diabetes. - : Wiley-Blackwell. - 1399-543X .- 1399-5448. ; 14:2, s. 97-105
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Andersson C, Vaziri-Sani F, Delli AJ, Lindblad B, Carlsson A, Forsander G, Ludvigsson J, Marcus C, Samuelsson U, Ivarsson SA, Lernmark A, Elding Larsson H, the BDD Study group. Triple specificity of ZnT8 autoantibodies in relation to HLA and other islet autoantibodies in childhood and adolescent type 1 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 2013: 14: 97-105. Objective To establish the diagnostic sensitivity of and the relationships between autoantibodies to all three Zinc transporter 8 (Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody to either one, two, or all three amino acid variants at position 325, ZnT8A) variants to human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQ and to autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA), insulinoma-associated protein 2 (IA-2A), and insulin (IAA). Methods We analyzed 3165 patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the Better Diabetes Diagnosis study for HLA-DQ genotypes and all six autoantibodies (ZnT8RA, arginine 325 Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody; ZnT8WA, tryptophan 325 Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody; ZnT8QA, glutamine 325 Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody; GADA, IA-2A, and IAA). Results ZnT8A was found in 65% of the patients and as many as 108 of 3165 (3.4%) had 13 ZnT8A alone. None had ZnT8QA alone. Together with GADA (56%), IA-2A (73%), and IAA (33%), 93% of the T1D patients were autoantibody positive. All three ZnT8A were less frequent in children below 2 yr of age (pandlt;0.0001). All three ZnT8A were associated with DQA1-B1*X-0604 (DQ6.4) and DQA1-B1*03-0302 (DQ8). ZnT8WA and ZnT8QA were negatively associated with DQA1-B1*05-02 (DQ2). Conclusions Analysis of ZnT8A increased the diagnostic sensitivity of islet autoantibodies for T1D as only 7% remained islet autoantibody negative. The association between DQ6.4 and all three ZnT8A may be related to ZnT8 antigen presentation by the DQ6.4 heterodimer.
  • Andersson, David, et al. (författare)
  • States that are far from being stabilizer states
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Journal of Physics A. - : IOP Publishing. - 1751-8113 .- 1751-8121. ; 48:34
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Stabilizer states are eigenvectors of maximal commuting sets of operators in a finite Heisenberg group. States that are far from being stabilizer states include magic states in quantum computation, MUB-balanced states, and SIC vectors. In prime dimensions the latter two fall under the umbrella of minimum uncertainty states (MUSs) in the sense of Wootters and Sussman. We study the correlation between two ways in which the notion of ` far from being a stabilizer state' can be quantified. Two theorems valid for all prime dimensions are given, as well as detailed results for low dimensions. In dimension 7 we identify the MUB-balanced states as being antipodal to the SIC vectors within the set of MUS, in a sense that we make definite. In dimension 4 we show that the states that come closest to being MUS with respect to all of the six stabilizer MUBs are the fiducial vectors for Alltop MUBs.
  • Andersson, Eva A., et al. (författare)
  • Physical activity for persons with obesity—a health project reported
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Forum on Public Policy Online. - : Oxford Round Table. - 1938-9809. ; 4:Spring
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In public health contexts, increased physical activity habits and fitness (aerobic and strength capacities) are positively related for promoting health and preventing  and treating common diseases/problems, including obesity and overweight. A strongly graded inverse association between physical activity and obesity has been shown both for adults and children. However, a lower mortality risk has been shown for those with greater weight but good aerobic capacity than for those of recommended weight but less fit. On the basis of a health project with physical activity for persons with or without obesity, the paper discusses evidence-based methods for promoting physical activity. General guidelines for the amount of physical activity for persons are described, as are the numerous physiological and medical advantages of physical activity. The economic benefits are also illustrated. The paper exemplifies methods of measuring physical activity habits and physical fitness. These two factors must be observed when showing improvements in public-health contexts, including groups with obesity. 
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, 1950- (författare)
  • Biomedicin : viktig grund men också hinder
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Andersson, Ingemar &amp; Ejlertsson, Göran (red.). Folkhälsa som tvärvetenskap. - Lund : Studentlitteratur. - 9789144040097 ; , s. 63-85
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar (författare)
  • Biomedicin : viktig grund men också hinder
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Andersson, Ingemar & Ejlertsson, Göran (red.). Folkhälsa som tvärvetenskap. - Lund : Studentlitteratur. ; , s. 63-85
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, 1950-, et al. (författare)
  • Characteristics of subjects with chronic pain, in relation to local and widespread pain report : a prospective study of symptoms, clinical findings and blood tests in subgroups of a geographically defined population
  • 1996
  • Ingår i: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. - 0300-9742 .- 1502-7732. ; 25:3, s. 146-154
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The relation between reported chronic pain and clinical findings was studied by comparing survey data six months before and eighteen months after a clinical examination. Studied individuals (n = 165) were randomly selected from subsamples of an initial survey (n = 1806) to a general population. Among individuals reporting chronic pain 85% were assessed to have chronic pain at the examination. Diagnoses were found in 22% of examined pain individuals. Myofascial pain syndrome and myalgia were the most common findings. Compared with located neck-shoulder pain, widespread pain had a greater impact on the individual, a worse prognosis regarding pain duration and working capacity, and revealed a raised serum urate level of unclear significance. Although no specific cause of pain is found in individuals with widespread pain it is important to identify and treat this group due to the great effects on functional capacity and the worse prognosis.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, 1950- (författare)
  • Chronic pain : epidemiological studies in a general population
  • 1998
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim was to study the epidemiology of chronic pain (> 3 months duration) and factors associated to pain prevalence, prognosis, health care and medication in a general population. A cross-sectional mailed survey to a random population sample (n = 1806) was followed by a clinical examination and a prospective study of three selected groups. Pain related diagnoses from primary health care was monitored and compared with pain prevalence. The most important findings were: - a high total prevalence of chronic pain, 55.2%, without gender difference but varying by age and socioeconomic level. About one fourth (12.8%) reported high pain intensity and functional impairments. Women experienced pain at more locations and with higher intensity. - in a multivariate analysis increasing age, female gender, low education, high work strain, depression and insomnia were associated with chronic pain. - widespread pain showed a worse 2- year prognosis compared with neck shoulder pain. - musculoskeletal location of pain dominated, myalgia and myofascial pain being the most common symptom descriptions. - co-morbidity with chronic pain was common. More hypertensives and an increased level of serum uric acid associated to widepread pain indicated possible metabolic connections to pain. - smoking (current and previous) was associated with low-back and widespread pain. - chronic pain had a substantial influence of primary health care-seeking and medication; high pain intensity being the most important predictor of care and medication. - pain related diagnoses in primary health care increased between 1987 and 1996. Chronic pain, mainly with musculoskeletal location, is a community health problem. A multi-factorial approach in prevention and treatment on the basis of present knowledge is necessary.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, 1950-, et al. (författare)
  • Chronic pain in a geographically defined general population : studies of differences in age, gender, social class, and pain localization.
  • 1993
  • Ingår i: The Clinical Journal of Pain. - 0749-8047 .- 1536-5409. ; 9:3, s. 174-182
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • OBJECTIVE: To establish basic epidemiological data on chronic pain (duration > 3 months) in a defined population. Relationships between age, gender, and social class were tested. DESIGN: A survey of pain symptoms, including location, intensity, duration, and functional capacity, was conducted by means of a mail questionnaire. SETTING: General populations in two Swedish primary health care districts. Medical care was provided in a state health system. SUBJECTS: A random sample (from the population register) of 15% of the population aged 25-74 (n = 1,806). The response rate was 90%. OUTCOME MEASURES: Descriptive epidemiologic data in relation to objectives of the study. RESULTS: Without sex differences, 55% (95% confidence interval, 53-58%) of the population had perceived persistent pain for 3 months and 49% for 6 months. Among individuals with chronic pain, 90% localized their pain to the musculoskeletal system to a variable extent. Women experienced more multiple localizations of pain and had pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, and thigh to a greater extent than men. Prevalence of pain increased by age up to 50-59 years for both genders and then slowly decreased. The neck-shoulder area was the most common site of pain (30.2%), followed by the lower back (23.2%). Even in the youngest age groups more than one of four reported chronic pain. Blue-collar workers and employers (including farmers) reported chronic pain to a greater extent than other groups. In 13% of the population, manifest pain problems were associated with reduced functional capacity. CONCLUSION: Chronic pain symptoms are common but unevenly distributed in a general population. The results may influence planning and consultation in primary health care as well as warranting selective prevention activities.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, et al. (författare)
  • Chronic pain in a geographically defined general population : studies of differences in age, gender, social class, and pain localization.
  • 1993
  • Ingår i: The Clinical Journal of Pain. - 0749-8047. ; 9:3, s. 174-182
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • OBJECTIVE: To establish basic epidemiological data on chronic pain (duration > 3 months) in a defined population. Relationships between age, gender, and social class were tested. DESIGN: A survey of pain symptoms, including location, intensity, duration, and functional capacity, was conducted by means of a mail questionnaire. SETTING: General populations in two Swedish primary health care districts. Medical care was provided in a state health system. SUBJECTS: A random sample (from the population register) of 15% of the population aged 25-74 (n = 1,806). The response rate was 90%. OUTCOME MEASURES: Descriptive epidemiologic data in relation to objectives of the study. RESULTS: Without sex differences, 55% (95% confidence interval, 53-58%) of the population had perceived persistent pain for 3 months and 49% for 6 months. Among individuals with chronic pain, 90% localized their pain to the musculoskeletal system to a variable extent. Women experienced more multiple localizations of pain and had pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, and thigh to a greater extent than men. Prevalence of pain increased by age up to 50-59 years for both genders and then slowly decreased. The neck-shoulder area was the most common site of pain (30.2%), followed by the lower back (23.2%). Even in the youngest age groups more than one of four reported chronic pain. Blue-collar workers and employers (including farmers) reported chronic pain to a greater extent than other groups. In 13% of the population, manifest pain problems were associated with reduced functional capacity. CONCLUSION: Chronic pain symptoms are common but unevenly distributed in a general population. The results may influence planning and consultation in primary health care as well as warranting selective prevention activities.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, 1950-, et al. (författare)
  • Folkhälsovetenskap : perspektiv och framtid
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Folkhälsa som tvärvetenskap. - Lund : Studentlitteratur. - 9789144040097 ; , s. 367-375
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, et al. (författare)
  • Folkhälsovetenskap : perspektiv och framtid
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Folkhälsa som tvärvetenskap. - Lund : Studentlitteratur. ; , s. 367-375
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, 1950-, et al. (författare)
  • Impact of chronic pain on health care seeking, self care, and medication : results from a population-based Swedish study
  • 1999
  • Ingår i: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. - 0143-005X .- 1470-2738. ; 53:8, s. 503-509
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • STUDY OBJECTIVE: To explore individual and social factors that could predict health care utilisation and medication among people with chronic pain in an unselected population. DESIGN: A mailed survey with questions about pain and mental symptoms, disability, self care action, visits to health care providers, and medication. SETTING: General populations in two Swedish primary health care (PHC) districts. Medical care was given in a state health system. PARTICIPANTS: A random sample (from the population register) of 15% of the population aged 25-74 (n = 1806). MAIN RESULTS: Among people reporting chronic pain 45.7% (compared with 29.8 of non-chronic pain persons, p < 0.05) consulted a physician and 7.2% (compared with 1.2%, p < 0.05) a physiotherapist during three months. Primary health care was the most frequent care provider. High pain intensity, aging, depression, ethnicity, and socioeconomic level had the greatest impact on physician consultations. Alternative care, used by 5.9%, was associated with high pain intensity and self care. Use of self care was influenced by high pain intensity, regular physical activity, and ethnicity. Alternative care and self care did not imply lower use of conventional health care. Women reporting chronic pain consumed more analgesics and sedatives than corresponding men. Besides female gender, high pain intensity, insomnia, physician consultation, social network, and self care action helped to explain medication with analgesics. Use of herbal remedies and ointments correlated to self care action, visit to an alternative therapist, high pain intensity, and socioeconomic level. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of chronic pain has an impressive impact on primary health care and medication. Various therapeutic actions are common and are partly overlapping. The use of health care among people with chronic pain depends above all on pain perception and intensity of pain but is also affected by ethnicity, age, socioeconomic level, and depressive symptoms. Among people with chronic pain use of analgesics is common in contrast with other types of pain relief (acupuncture, physiotherapy) suitable for treating chronic pain symptoms.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, et al. (författare)
  • Impact of chronic pain on health care seeking, self care, and medication : results from a population-based Swedish study
  • 1999
  • Ingår i: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. - : BMJ Publishing Group. - 0143-005X .- 1470-2738. ; 53:8, s. 503-509
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • STUDY OBJECTIVE: To explore individual and social factors that could predict health care utilisation and medication among people with chronic pain in an unselected population. DESIGN: A mailed survey with questions about pain and mental symptoms, disability, self care action, visits to health care providers, and medication. SETTING: General populations in two Swedish primary health care (PHC) districts. Medical care was given in a state health system. PARTICIPANTS: A random sample (from the population register) of 15% of the population aged 25-74 (n = 1806). MAIN RESULTS: Among people reporting chronic pain 45.7% (compared with 29.8 of non-chronic pain persons, p < 0.05) consulted a physician and 7.2% (compared with 1.2%, p < 0.05) a physiotherapist during three months. Primary health care was the most frequent care provider. High pain intensity, aging, depression, ethnicity, and socioeconomic level had the greatest impact on physician consultations. Alternative care, used by 5.9%, was associated with high pain intensity and self care. Use of self care was influenced by high pain intensity, regular physical activity, and ethnicity. Alternative care and self care did not imply lower use of conventional health care. Women reporting chronic pain consumed more analgesics and sedatives than corresponding men. Besides female gender, high pain intensity, insomnia, physician consultation, social network, and self care action helped to explain medication with analgesics. Use of herbal remedies and ointments correlated to self care action, visit to an alternative therapist, high pain intensity, and socioeconomic level. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of chronic pain has an impressive impact on primary health care and medication. Various therapeutic actions are common and are partly overlapping. The use of health care among people with chronic pain depends above all on pain perception and intensity of pain but is also affected by ethnicity, age, socioeconomic level, and depressive symptoms. Among people with chronic pain use of analgesics is common in contrast with other types of pain relief (acupuncture, physiotherapy) suitable for treating chronic pain symptoms.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, 1950- (författare)
  • Increased mortality among individuals with chronic widespread pain relates to lifestyle factors : a prospective population-based study
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Disability and Rehabilitation. - 0963-8288 .- 1464-5165. ; , s. 1-8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose. Widespread chronic pain has been related to disability and loss of quality of life, but in a few epidemiological studies also to increased mortality. The aim of this study was to further investigate the relationship between chronic pain, lifestyle factors and all cause mortality. Methods. A random sample of an adult (age 25-74) Swedish population (n = 1609) responded to a comprehensive questionnaire on pain, other symptoms, lifestyle, work and socioeconomic factors in 1988. Mortality data for this cohort between 1988 and 2002 were analysed. Survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier) and Cox proportional regression were used to study initially reported factors influencing survival. Results. Individuals with widespread chronic pain showed an increased mortality risk (hazard ratio, HR = 1.95, CI: 1.26-3.03) compared to the group without chronic pain. Death due to cardiovascular disease accounted for the increased mortality. Adjustment for lifestyle factors eliminated the excess risk. Conclusions. Increased mortality among individuals with widespread chronic pain is related to factors like smoking, sleep disturbances and low physical activity. The result emphasises the importance of including lifestyle factors in a cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation process. It remains to be shown whether health promotion activities aimed at lifestyle could change mortality among individuals with chronic pain.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar (författare)
  • Increased mortality among individuals with chronic widespread pain relates to lifestyle factors : a prospective population-based study
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Disability and Rehabilitation. - : Informa Healthcare. - 0963-8288 .- 1464-5165. ; , s. 1-8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose. Widespread chronic pain has been related to disability and loss of quality of life, but in a few epidemiological studies also to increased mortality. The aim of this study was to further investigate the relationship between chronic pain, lifestyle factors and all cause mortality. Methods. A random sample of an adult (age 25-74) Swedish population (n = 1609) responded to a comprehensive questionnaire on pain, other symptoms, lifestyle, work and socioeconomic factors in 1988. Mortality data for this cohort between 1988 and 2002 were analysed. Survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier) and Cox proportional regression were used to study initially reported factors influencing survival. Results. Individuals with widespread chronic pain showed an increased mortality risk (hazard ratio, HR = 1.95, CI: 1.26-3.03) compared to the group without chronic pain. Death due to cardiovascular disease accounted for the increased mortality. Adjustment for lifestyle factors eliminated the excess risk. Conclusions. Increased mortality among individuals with widespread chronic pain is related to factors like smoking, sleep disturbances and low physical activity. The result emphasises the importance of including lifestyle factors in a cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation process. It remains to be shown whether health promotion activities aimed at lifestyle could change mortality among individuals with chronic pain.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, 1950-, et al. (författare)
  • Increased serum uric acid - a marker of non-gouty widespread pain? : a study of female patients with inflammatory and non-inflammatory pain
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. - 0300-9742 .- 1502-7732. ; 35:4, s. 261-267
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between reported chronic pain and the level of serum urate (SU) among women with various diagnoses of the musculoskeletal system. METHODS: Consecutive female patients (aged 20-70 years, n = 124), at rheumatology and rehabilitation practices, with chronic musculoskeletal pain of different origins were followed for 1 year after an initial survey of pain, lifestyle, quality of life, and disability. Repeated blood samples (including urate, creatinine, cholesterol, and glucose) were analysed. Multiple regression analysis was performed to explain initial variations in SU level in relation to pain and confounding factors. RESULTS: The level of SU was increased among individuals with widespread pain (>5 locations) independent of underlying diagnoses compared to those with fewer pain sites (270.5 vs. 241.2 micromol/L). Serum creatinine, body mass index (BMI), the number of pain locations, and sleep disturbances independently contributed to the SU level and explained 43% of the variation in SU. Individual variation in SU during 4 months was low. CONCLUSIONS: Epidemiological data on the relationship between the extent of body pain and SU were confirmed in a clinical setting. Besides known factors such as impaired renal function and obesity, widespread pain and sleep disturbances were related to an increase in SU. Medication and alcohol intake could not explain the findings. Longitudinal studies are necessary to elucidate whether the level of SU has any implications for the prognosis of chronic pain.
  • Andersson, H. Ingemar, et al. (författare)
  • Increased serum uric acid - a marker of non-gouty widespread pain? : a study of female patients with inflammatory and non-inflammatory pain
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. - : Informa Healthcare. - 0300-9742 .- 1502-7732. ; 35:4, s. 261-267
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between reported chronic pain and the level of serum urate (SU) among women with various diagnoses of the musculoskeletal system. METHODS: Consecutive female patients (aged 20-70 years, n = 124), at rheumatology and rehabilitation practices, with chronic musculoskeletal pain of different origins were followed for 1 year after an initial survey of pain, lifestyle, quality of life, and disability. Repeated blood samples (including urate, creatinine, cholesterol, and glucose) were analysed. Multiple regression analysis was performed to explain initial variations in SU level in relation to pain and confounding factors. RESULTS: The level of SU was increased among individuals with widespread pain (>5 locations) independent of underlying diagnoses compared to those with fewer pain sites (270.5 vs. 241.2 micromol/L). Serum creatinine, body mass index (BMI), the number of pain locations, and sleep disturbances independently contributed to the SU level and explained 43% of the variation in SU. Individual variation in SU during 4 months was low. CONCLUSIONS: Epidemiological data on the relationship between the extent of body pain and SU were confirmed in a clinical setting. Besides known factors such as impaired renal function and obesity, widespread pain and sleep disturbances were related to an increase in SU. Medication and alcohol intake could not explain the findings. Longitudinal studies are necessary to elucidate whether the level of SU has any implications for the prognosis of chronic pain.
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