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Sökning: WFRF:(Eriksson Inger Professor) > (2020-2023)

  • Resultat 1-9 av 9
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  • Andersson, Charlotta (författare)
  • Relationer eller operationer - två sidor av samma mynt : Elevers utforskande av en del-helhetsmodell som redskap för att urskilja relationer i additiva strukturer
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med denna licentiatuppsats är att pröva en specifik strukturell modell som stöd för elevers utforskande av relationer mellan tal i additiva strukturer även när negativa tal är inkluderade. En intention är att resultatet ska kvalificera undervisningen och utgöra ett stöd vid planering och genomförande av en undervisning avseende ekvationer med additiv struktur utifrån algebraisk undervisning som alternativ till att i första hand finna en lösning med stöd av regler och procedurer. Under studien kartlades, kategoriserades och beskrevs elevernas erfarande av fenomenet relationer mellan kvantiteter. I studien prövades även om, och i sådant fall, på vilka sätt en specifik strukturell modell användes av elever under arbetet med att utforska ekvationers struktur.Elever från årskurserna 3, 8 och 9 deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer samt i forskningslektioner. Tre grupper av lärare samt två forskare planerade, genomförde och reviderade forskningslektionerna baserat på ansatsen learning study.Fenomenografi var den teoretiska ansatsen för de inledande semistrukturerade intervjuerna. Variationsteori och lärandeverksamhet var de teoretiska ramverken för forskningslektionerna där Davydovs program var en inspirationskälla.För att uppnå syftet formulerades följande forskningsfrågor:Vilka skilda sätt att erfara fenomenet relationer mellan kvantiteter kan urskiljas i elevintervjuer?På vilka sätt använder elever en specifik strukturell modell för att utforska ekvationer?Den första forskningsfrågan besvaras i Artikel 1 som visar att elever erfar relationer mellan kvantiteter som någonting som ska beräknas alternativt någonting som ska relateras. Den andra forskningsfrågan besvaras i Artikel 2 som visar att elever använde sig av den i studien prövade specifika strukturella modellen såsom ett formulär att fylla i alternativt som en lärandemodell och redskap för att identifiera del-helhetsstrukturen mellan tal i en ekvation samt för att välja lämplig operation att lösa ut det obekanta talet.                          Resultaten visar på möjligheten, men även utmaningen, att introducera en algebraisk undervisning med fokus på analys och teoretiska resonemang även för elever med erfarenheter från en alternativ bakgrund.
  • Bengtsson, Henning, 1974- (författare)
  • Att utveckla mellanstadieelevers kritiska och temporala tänkande : En lärandeverksamhetsteoretisk studie rörande hållbar utveckling
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of the study is to investigate what critical and temporal thinking can mean for younger students (aged 9-10) that requires the adoption of various perspectives in the context of sustainable urban planning, and how such knowing can be orchestrated in joint theoretical exploration work. A particular area of interest is the concept of contradictions (as used in activity theory) as a potential didactic tool for the subject, i.e. in what way it can be a driver for students and teachers to jointly identify problems, explore knowledge content with different tools (learning models) and discuss possible creative solutions to environmental and sustainability issues.This study used the learning study research approach. In collaboration with teachers, lessons were designed, analysed and evaluated to extract knowledge through the iterative process that characterises this approach. The design of the research lessons was structured in accordance with Davydov’s theory of learning activity. The students’ experiences were analysed phenomenographically and the analysis of the lessons was guided by Engeström and Sannino’s conceptual tools for how contradictions can manifest themselves (such as in dilemmas, conflicts and double-binds). The results of the study include phenomenographical descriptions of what it means to know how to use a natural site for sustainable urban planning, and what critical aspects students need to be able to discern in order to be competent to participate in such a practice. The results also show that the way contradictions are manifested in joint work (involving teachers and students) affects the form of practice that develops and the opportunities for students to jointly make the problem their own and explore the complexity of sustainable urban planning using mediating tools (learning models).The discussion highlights how the results of the study can be used as tools for designing, implementing and evaluating teaching, and, more broadly, the results are reflected in ways in which the task used in the research lessons can be developed.
  • Theorell, Ebba, 1971- (författare)
  • Kraft, form, transformationer : Om kinestetisk musikalitet och kroppsvärldande i pojkars krigslek
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • War play has generally been studied with violence as a central perspective, investigating its impact on children’s aggression, both in a positive and negative sense. Some research results have claimed that war play can contribute to normalising or even encouraging violent behavior amongst children, while other results have claimed that children can develop important physical, cognitive or social skills through war play. However, this study examines the aesthetic dimensions that children create and explore in war play in their early childhood, above all by placing their movement at the foreground. The phenomenon of war play is here reframed and analysed, mainly through a dance theoretical framework. This framework embraces phenomenology with a focus on the body-subject´s movement in the world–a focus which is further displaced towards movement in the world with the help of process philosophy.The research data is mainly based on ethnographic field studies and art film, but also of interviews with the participants who are boys aged three to nine years old. The structure and organisation of the analysis is inspired by the principles of Grounded Theory. Six main categories emerged as the result of the study: rhythm, orchestrating space, fictional characters as spaces for exploring movement-quality, the movement canon of war play, phrases and aesthetic attention. Concluding, the results of the thesis are discussed with a focus on the core category, kinesthetic musicality, that connects all the categories found in the research data. Kinesthetic musicality also constitutes the core of an emerging theory that can be further tested and developed in future research. This emerging theory can be described as capturing a dimension of how children in their early childhood understand, explore and create the world. 
  • Björk, Marie, 1963- (författare)
  • Att främja elevers teoretiska utforskande av bassystemet : En undervisningsutvecklande studie i matematik på mellanstadiet
  • 2023
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Den här licentiatuppsatsen handlar om hur en undervisning kan främja elevers förståelse av tiobassystemet genom att de bjuds in till en undervisning där de kan delta i ett kollektivt utforskande av bassystemet, som en övergripande nivå av tiobassystemet. Syftet är att exemplifiera och diskutera hur en undervisning, som främjar elevernas möjligheter att utveckla ett tänkande om tiobassystemet på en generell eller övergripande nivå, kan utformas. Vidare är syftet att studera vad i en undervisning, designad enligt principerna för lärandeverksamhet, som kan förstås som förebyggande i specialpedagogisk mening.Studien bygger på resultatet av två artiklar med följande frågeställningar: 1) Vilka aspekter i uppgifternas utformning och genomförande främjar elevers möjligheter att pröva relationen mellan olika bastal och övergång till successivt större respektive mindre talenheter? 2) Vad i elevernas resonemang och arbete med speciellt designade uppgifter kan ses som tecken på teoretiskt tänkande om bassystemet?Learning study har använts som forskningsramverk och genererat data för uppsatsens två artiklar. Learning studyn genomfördes i årskurs 4, tillsammans med tre matematiklärare. Design och analys är inspirerad av El’konins och Davydovs matematiska program och några principer från lärandeverksamhet. Analysen i de bägge artiklarna är genomförd med stöd av teoretiska principer för lärandeverksamhet. Datamaterialet består av videoinspelningar från tre lektioner (totalt cirka 420 minuter), transkriptioner och datasammanställningar av uppgifter, transkriptioner och anteckningar från utvärderingarna i det iterativa arbetet med lektionerna.Resultatet består av tre aspekter som behöver synliggöras genom uppgifternas utformning och genomförande för att eleverna ska kunna arbeta teoretiskt med bassystemets struktur: (1) Bastalet, (2) Tal som mätetal, och (3) Talenheternas representationer. Eleverna behöver urskilja aspekterna för att kunna identifiera att det fattas en lämplig talenhet och för att kunna pröva och reflektera över relationen mellan bastalet och övergången till successivt större respektive mindre talenheter i olika baser. Resultatet består också av ett antal exempel på tecken på teoretiskt tänkande inom tre identifierade kategorier: 1) basens funktion för det värde som siffrorna anger i talet, 2) positionsväxling, och (3 entalet som ett av en kvantitet. I analysen har Davydovs definition av teoretiskt tänkande, som något som kan komma till uttryck i form av teoretisk reflektion, analys och planering samt reproduktion av grundläggande principer för ett specifikt ämnesinnehåll, använts.Resultatet ger ett bidrag till den matematikdidaktiska forskningen och till den specialpedagogiska forskningen med inriktning mot matematik genom beskrivningar av de tre aspekterna och av tecken på teoretiskt tänkande. Vidare kan beskrivningarna av uppgifternas utformning och genomförande användas i undervisning och i fortsatta studier.I diskussionen behandlas hur en undervisning kan utformas som främjar elevernas möjligheter att utveckla ett teoretiskt tänkande om bassystemet. Diskussionen behandlar också vad i en undervisning designad enligt principerna för lärandeverksamhet som kan förstås som förebyggande i specialpedagogisk mening genom att skapa möjligheter för elever att redan tidigt i grundskolan kollektivt utforska och förstå hela positionssystemet som en struktur. Slutligen diskuteras implikationer för specialundervisning och studiens bidrag.
  • Eriksson, Helena, 1965- (författare)
  • Att utveckla algebraiskt tänkande genom lärandeverksamhet : En undervisningsutvecklande studie i flerspråkiga klasser i grundskolans tidigaste årskurser
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to develop and explore teaching possible to promote algebraic thinking together with young, multilingual students six to twelve years old. One underlying assumption for the aim is that algebraic thinking can be developed by students participating in learning activities that are characterized by collective mathematical reasoning on relations between quantities of positive whole and rational numbers. Two overall research questions support this work: (1) What in students work indicate algebraic thinking identified in learning activities and as experiences of algebraic thinking? (2) How can learning models manifest in learning activity, in what ways do learning models change and enhance, and which characteristics of learning actions are enabled?   Data was produced by interviews and from research lessons with students in lower grades in a multilingual Swedish school. The research lessons were focused on learning activity as suggested by Davydov (1990, 2008/1986), aimed at developing theoretical thinking – here algebraic thinking. They were staged in two research projects conducted as networks of learning studies. In these learning studies, the group of teachers iteratively designed and revised learning activities whereby the students could identify mathematical knowledge and collectively solve mathematical problems. The findings in the articles signal that learning models were developed as rudimentary, preliminary, prototypical and finally symbolic. Rudimentary models were grounded in algebraic thinking when the students analysed problem situations and identified the problem. Preliminary and prototypical models were developed by initiating and formalising actions understood as algebraic thinking. Different tools were initiated by the students and the teachers. These tools were formalised by the students. The students used algebraic symbols and line-segments to think together when comparing different quantities (Article 2). They carried out operations using unknown quantities when reflecting on additive and multiplicative relationships (Article 3). The students also used algebraic symbols to reflect on subtraction as non-commutative (Article 3). The different tools they used interacted on different levels of generalisation (Article 1). Algebraic thinking grounded the students reflections but interacted with, for example, fractional thinking in their arguments during the development of their learning models (Article 4). The different ways of thinking interacted in arguments when developing the rudimentary, the preliminary and the prototypical models. However, in the conclusion of their collective reasoning and in the development of the symbolic learning models, these different ways of thinking were intertwined in the same arguments (Article 4).As a conclusion, the four articles signal that learning models including algebraic symbols developed in a learning activity can be used by newly-arrived immigrant students to reflect on structures of numbers.
  • Tuominen, Jane (författare)
  • Kritiska aspekter för att urskilja en del-helhetsstruktur : Ett undervisningsutvecklande forskningsprojekt i grundskolan
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med licentiatuppsatsen är att bidra med kunskap om vilka aspekter som kan vara nödvändiga för elever att urskilja för att identifiera och analysera en del-helhetsstruktur och i förlängningen bemästra ekvationer. I forskningsprojektet medverkade lärare och forskare i ett kollaborativt och intervenerande arbete. Elever i årskurserna 3, 8 och 9 deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer och forskningslektioner för att producera data. Forskningslektionerna genomfördes med learning study som forskningsansats, vilken erbjuder iterativa processer. De teoretiska ramverken utgjordes av fenomenografi, variationsteori och lärandeverksamhet. Ansatsen fenomenografi utgjorde ett analysverktyg när intervjuerna analyserades. Variationsteori och lärandeverksamhet utgjorde kompletterande ramverk när forskningslektioner designades och analyserades. Resultatet i Artikel 1 påvisar en kritisk aspekt, vilken formulerades som: två kvantiteter tillsammans (två delar) bildar en tredje kvantitet (en helhet) med samma ”värde” som de två delarna tillsammans. Resultatet i Artikel 2 påvisar fem kritiska aspekter, vilka formulerades som (1) det är en relation mellan alla tal i en ekvation, (2) två delar tillsammans är ekvivalenta med en helhet med samma värde, (3) vad som utgör en helhet respektive delar, (4) samma relation kan formuleras på fyra olika sätt och (5) helheten kan anta ett lägre värde än delarna. En slutsats är att det kan vara en fördel redan för unga elever att delta i undervisning med utgångspunkt i early algebra och lärandeverksamhet där generella matematiska strukturer fokuseras. En ytterligare slutsats är att det kan vara gynnsamt att delta i teoretiska resonemang där ekvationer med negativa tal inkluderade utforskas med stöd av en lärandemodell.
  • Dessen Jankell, Lotta, 1970- (författare)
  • Förstå verkligheten som system : - att utveckla gymnasieelevers systemgeografiska kunnande genom geografiundervisning
  • 2023
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This doctoral thesis is concerned with how upper secondary students in Sweden develop system geographical knowing through Geography teaching, where complex issues such as climate change are dealt with. In many countries, these issues are particularly relevant for the school subject of Geography since the subject is responsible for issues that involve system changes. These issues involve a complex web of aspects and dimensions so it is challenging for students to develop indepth holistic understandings. Commonly, students are left alone to synthesise the various parts into a whole. Systems thinking is suggested as an approach to dealing with these challenges, but there is little research on what such thinking implies in Geography teaching, or what students need to experience to develop this knowing. This educational design study departs from practice theory to explore and broaden systems thinking in Geography teaching by introducing a model task with connection web models that combine system dynamic causality, soft systems thinking, and spatial dimensions in a new way. The model task was developed and tested empirically in two upper secondary schools in Sweden. Research data consist of interviews and recordings of the students’ work with connection web models as a way of exploring complex issues. Findings from the study are presented in four peer-reviewed articles that together answer the two research questions: i) what does it mean to become system geographically knowledgeable when managing complex geographical issues? and ii) how can Geography teaching be designed to develop students’ system geographical knowing? Article I proposes a subject didactic model where the systems concept and other geographical concepts were used as organising tools to design Geography teaching. The model was developed in collaboration with Geography teachers and was used for designing the teaching interventions in the present study. Article II contributes findings from a series of lessons where the connection web model was introduced and presents four qualitatively different aspects of knowing that are critical for students to be able to use the model. For instance, being able to discern different causal characters of connections, to use place and scale as analytical tools, and to interpret the holistic pattern of interwoven connections. Article III analyses three different teaching designs and presents four design principles that teachers can use to support the development of the students’ system geographical knowing and overcome challenges that have been identified. Article IV presents findings about how the students experience the phenomenon of using the connection web models as a way of managing complex issues. Three different ways of experiencing the phenomenon are presented as well as critical aspects that students need to experience to qualify their knowing. This doctoral thesis broadens the view on what systems thinking can mean in the integrated and spatial school subject of Geography and contributes didactic models for teachers and researchers to use to develop the students’ knowing. The study argues that system geographical knowing is relevant for students to better understand complex issues concerning system changes. Finally, it is argued that connection web models have the potential to function as learning models if the model work is considered as a long-term process.
  • Harvey, Frida, 1985- (författare)
  • Kollegialt lärande i matematik : Ett verksamhetsteoretiskt perspektiv
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the last decade, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are increasingly used as models for teachers’ joint efforts in developing their teaching. The overall aim of this licentiate thesis is to expand the knowledge of PLCs in mathematics, by deepening the understanding of aspects that influence the establishment, organization, and implementation of PLCs in mathematics. Specifically, the aim is to contribute with an overview of how PLCs in mathematics are organized and framed, and also to explain what may enable and hinder PLCs in mathematics. To fulfill the purpose, two studies are conducted where Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) is used as a conceptual and analytical framework. In the first study, previous research of PLCs in mathematics are synthesized through a configurative literature review, resulting in a description of how PLCs in mathematics are organized and framed. In the study, similarities, and differences between different models of PLCs in mathematics are examined regarding subjects, objects, mediating artifacts, rules, community, division of labor and outcomes. The result shows three different activity systems, with different objects or motives for implementing the PLCs. The activity systems vary concerning the use of mediating artifacts, and what norms regulate the activity system, but are similar regarding participants, context, and division of labor. In the second study, contradictions, and their manifestations in PLCs in mathematics are analyzed. Contradictions may enable or hinder the work of PLCs depending on whether they are identified or not. Contradictions, and their manifestations, are in the study examined through interviews with teacher leader coaches with experience in coaching teacher leaders of PLCs in mathematics. In the study, four contradictions, in and between activity systems, are identified. These four contradictions are manifested through 26 conflicts and dilemmas. The identified contradictions are connected to the norms and traditions that are part of mathematics as a discipline as well as the teacher profession. Taken together, the result of the two studies can be useful in establishing, organizing, and implementing future PLC endeavors.
  • Lundin, Jonatan (författare)
  • Shaping thought through action : A study of the use and design of technical information
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation deals with the design of technical information, such as a user manual for an industrial device, based on the searching and reading behaviour of process operators and maintenance technicians. Such industrial professionals, who use tools like measuring equipment, are sometimes unable to get the support they need from searching and reading in a text- and image-based tool manual in order to perform work tasks. If such a manual is the only available source of information, the user will either give up or attempt a workaround which ends up compromising the safety, quality, satisfaction, efficiency or effectiveness of the work task. Research within technical communication and human-computer interaction suggests how manuals can be designed to support users in accomplishing tasks. These suggestions are based upon studies of how users approach the use of tools and tool manuals, as well as how the design of procedural and declarative information supports users. However, there is limited knowledge about how users search and read manuals, and how manuals can be designed to support such searching and reading behaviour. This dissertation aims to contribute knowledge to technical communicators about how technical information can be designed to support industrial professionals in accomplishing their work tasks. An ethnographic research method was selected to study the behaviour exhibited by process operators and maintenance technicians’ while they search and read sources of information in order to perform work tasks with tools. The results show that some participants were unable to perform a task after searching and reading the manual. The empirical material has been analysed using Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. This was to gain a deeper understanding of how thought and language influence—and are influenced by—searching and reading behaviours, as well as the task behaviours during tool use. This dissertation's contribution is a design method for technical communicators that will enable them to support users in the shaping of mental representations about what results are possible to accomplish with a tool. The method involves the design of tangible tokens that signify the results and components of a tool. As the end-user arranges these symbols into a result model they are supported in their process of shaping a mental representation.
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