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Sökning: WFRF:(Stålne Kristian)

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  • Andersson, Jonas E, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Addressing and transforming complexities in cities : Exploring logics and routines in Sweden
  • 2024
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Well-managed urbanization can be a transformative force towards socially and environmentally sustainable cities. The transformative change relies on knowledge and collaborative action, rather than disconnected knowledges from different scientific disciplines and of sectorial actors. A problem that hinders collaborative action is the complexity of sustainable urbanization. In this paper we aim to expand thinking on urban transformation from a multisectoral and tri-disciplinary research perspective. Methods in use are tri-disciplinary essays to identify multisectoral interests, logics and routines in urban transformation. Essayistic insights form and develop three analytical dialogues on a range of urban transformation specificities in the urban complexity and related to sustainable urbanization. The essays are collaboratively interpreted as a Saskia Sassen inspired de-theorising process to get hold of complexities in cities by social, self-reflective and introspective processes. There are multi-sectoral issues difficult to develop with current modes of thinking and independent logic of developments. A re-theorization is proposed with collective ways of understanding, interacting and developing urban sustainable solutions that aims to appropriately address the complexities of the urban environment. Two ways of thinking and acting is contrasted. Independent and interdependent logics of leadership cultures for sustainable development are considered as a new way to theorise around the sustainable city. Implications concern complexities in cities such as how to design and develop urban projects that embraces actors' concerns and knowledge for sustainable development. There appear many simultaneous action nets of urban transformation specificities. These are based on actors’ logics, routines, ambitions, and collaboration. Leadership for transformation is not the independent cultures with one or few actors in the action nets but the interdependent culture making room for and adapt specificities of the engaged actors.  
  • hagström, tom, 1943-, et al. (författare)
  • The generality of adult development stages transformation : comparing meaning-making and logical reasoning
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Integral Review. - 1553-3069. ; 11:3, s. 30-71
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Human development theories differ in “context sensitivity,” covering those stressing development stages and those stressing continuously progressing changes. The former theories differ in whether, how and why the stages are regarded as being generalized across domains, i.e. their generality claims. Piaget’s developmental stage theory of logical complexity of children and adolescents fulfill “strong” such claims, including fixed stage sequentiality of increasing complexity levels and higher stage structures integrating earlier ones. His theory has inspired a number of adult development stage theories with varying generality claims. These provide suggestions of stages and stage transitions reaching beyond “pure” cognition, integrating more of e.g. emotional, value and moral dimensions. From a neo-Piagetian perspective, core generality aspects seem to concern on the one hand logical reasoning and on the other hand meaning-making. This raises questions of how these aspects are related to each other in terms of stage structures and transformations.The aim of the article is to discern general features in adult development stage structures and transitions, in terms of logical reasoning and meaning making. This is carried out by a “thought experiment” interrelating two theories that differ in these respects but that are both based on Piaget’s theory, namely Robert Kegan’s constructive developmental Subject-Object Theory (SOT) and Michael Common´s behaviouristic Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC). This comparing approach concerns the 3rd, 4th and 5th order of consciousness as well as transitions between these according to SOT, and order 9 to 12 and corresponding transitions according to MHC. The thought experiment indicates that the generality claims of both models can be argued for without one of them necessarily being subordinated to the other one. Both theories are interpreted as differing but partly overlapping structures of coherence, while also being involved in transformative thesis-antithesis-synthesis processes. The possible interrelatedness between logical reasoning and meaning making is considered and discussed, as well as the relevance of differing generality claims, and contrasting subjectivistic and objectivistic “scientific positions.” Finally, it is argued for the need of contextualizing adult development theory and research by relating it to postindustrial societal demands and challenges in terms of e.g. a “transform-actional” approach.”
  • Kjellström, Sofia, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • A developmental questionnaire on knowing and learning
  • 2014
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Are students and teachers up to the developmental challenge of teaching and learning the exceptional capabilities needed to address the complex issues of our time? Issues such as moving towards a sustainable development of society are typically quite complex and ill-structured. In order for higher education to provide opportunities for intellectual growth and development among students, a key issue besides complex thinking is to acknowledge the different epistemological beliefs of teachers and students, such as conceptions of teaching and learning, that may influence the teaching and learning experience and so the quality of the learning outcome. We will present a newly constructed epistemological beliefs questionnaire, concerning views on knowledge and learning. The questionnaire consists of 6 domains (a good study book, discussions, application of knowledge, responsibility for learning, understanding, good teaching), with 6 items in each domain, which are rated and ranked. The questionnaire is based on adult developmental theory (e.g. van Rossum & Hamer, 2010), where the developmental trajectory goes from a view of knowledge as being true or false and provided by the teacher as authority, to a view that emphasizes the constructed and contextual nature of knowledge – allowing teachers to adapt the teaching to the context and the student’s developmental level. In the spring of 2014, this questionnaire and a previously developed value system questionnaire will be sent to all teachers at Jönköping University (JU). The epistemological beliefs questionnaire is to be analysed with multivariate methods such as a multivariate pattern recognition method and factor analysis. Previous analyses of the value system questionnaire, using corresponding methods, have resulted in an identification of several developmental stages of values, and the epistemological beliefs questionnaire is expected to yield a similar result. Results from the two questionnaires will be compared in order to investigate the relationship between values and epistemological assumptions.
  • Kjellström, Sofia, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • A dialogue map of leader and leadership development methods : A communication tool
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Cogent Business & Management. - : Cogent OA. - 2331-1975. ; 7:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The dialogue map is a new pedagogical framework that provides an overview of leader and leadership development methods and is designed to facilitate dialogues about how to promote leadership development. The aim was to create and test a dialogue map. This was accomplished through an iterative process using the literature, experts on leadership development, 45 interviews, 16 questionnaire responses and 6 workshops in three large organizations with managers, professionals and human resources experts. The dialogue map is designed as a table with five categories: developmental relationships, developmental assignments, feedback-intensive processes, education and self-development activities. Each category consists of individual leader development methods and collective leadership development methods. Thirty three methods are presented. The pilot test showed that the dialogue map increased awareness about available methods and enabled more deliberate choices regarding development activities. The dialogue map contributes by providing a systematic overview of collective leadership development, not only individual leadership development. Leadership development becomes more democratized because it focuses on activities that can be done in daily work, inside and outside work, at both an individual and collective level.
  • Kjellström, Sofia, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • Adult development as a lens : Applications of adult development theories in research
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Behavioral Development Bulletin. - : American Psychological Association (APA). - 1942-0722. ; 22:2, s. 266-278
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Adult development (AD) theories have a great potential for use in providing perspective and create new understanding of societal problems and challenges. The use of AD as a lens provides insights into people’s qualitative, different ways of thinking, talking, and acting. The theories are used by researchers and practitioners with various backgrounds in several different scientific domains. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of different approaches on how theories of AD are applied in research, with a focus on the potential of using it and how to eliminate the possibility of reproducing existing knowledge. The results consist of 6 approaches of how AD is currently presented and used in research: introductory work, creating and refining stages, making comparisons with established models, tracing the dynamics of promoting development, analysis of mismatches in adult life, and societal and organizational development. There are several promising avenues for future research by using a combination of these approaches as a way forward to promote the development of this scientific field.
  • Kjellström, Sofia, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • Komplexitet för kvalitet i lärande och undervisning : bedömning av komplexa problem och studenters resonemang
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Högre Utbildning. - 2000-7558. ; 1:1, s. 15-26
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Vi utbildar studenter för att de ska ha möjlighet att lösa mycket komplexa samhällsproblem,men hur vet vi att de har utvecklat de former av tänkande och handlande som krävs? Forskning visar att vuxna tänker, talar och handlar utifrån olika nivåer av komplexitet, och att utbildning i hög grad påverkar människors förmågor. Model of Hierarchical Complexity(MHC) är en teori som beskriver hur komplext information sätts samman och hur komplext personer resonerar i en fråga, vanligtvis på någon av nivåerna konkret, abstrakt, formellt, systematiskt eller metasystematisk. Syftet med denna artikel är att introducera MHC och visa på dess relevans som verktyg inom högre utbildning. Med hjälp av teorin är det möjligt att analysera både hur komplex en uppgift är och hur studenter klarar av att lösa den, vilket speglar förståelse inom ett ämne. Med modellen som mått på komplexitet tydliggörs svårighetsgraden i det som ska läras och på vilken nivå studenterna klarar att ta till sig kunskapsinnehållet. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur studenter kan stödjas att utvecklasina förmågor till komplext resonerande och därmed skapa kvalitet i både lärande och undervisning.
  • Kjellström, Sofia, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • Nya perspektiv på individuell och kollektiv ledarskapsutveckling i komplexa organisationer
  • 2019
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Detta forskningsprojekt om ledarskapsutveckling i företag finansierades av KK-stiftelsen och genomfördes under 2017-2019 av forskare från Jönköping University, från Malmö universitet och med de deltagande företagen Sandvik, Svenska Spel och NCC. Syftet med forskningsprojektet var att undersöka hur ledarskapsutveckling kan bedrivas och användas för att utveckla företagens förmåga att hantera en komplex omgivning. Forskningsprojektet var samproducerande i och med att forskare tillsammans med företagen utforskade olika perspektiv på hur ledarskapsutveckling bedrivs och kan bedrivas på ett systematiskt vis. Ledarskapsutvecklingen studerades i ett avgränsat sammanhang hos Sandvik och Svenska Spel gällande nyligen genomförda organisationsförändringar och hos NCC gällande hur man organiserar för att hantera stora projekt.Ledarskapsutveckling kan dels innebära en utveckling av ledarna som individer i termer av kompetenser som krävs för att utföra sitt arbete som ledare eller av vidare förhållningssätt till ledarrollen som kan vara formell eller informell. Begreppet involverar även utvecklingen av ett kollektivt ledarskap där ledarskapet fördelar sig över en grupp, avdelning eller hel organisation. Forskningsprojektets samproducerande forskningsansats kan ses som ett exempel på när sådant kollektivt ledarskap utövas av deltagarna.Forskningsprojektet resulterade i akademiska publikationer såväl som ett antal utvecklingsprojekt i företagen. De akademiska resultaten var följande fyra forskningsartiklar:Studie 1: Perspektiv på ledarskapsutveckling, som bygger på intervjuer med ledare från de olika företagen och beskriver sex olika perspektiv och sätt att förstå ledarskapsutveckling som ordnats efter ökad komplexitet.Studie 2: Metoder för ledarskapsutveckling, som ger en översikt över olika metoder för ledarskapsutveckling. En pilotversion av en dialogkarta skapades som kan vara användbar för att ledare såväl som HR-personal ska kunna få en överblick över möjliga sätt att systematiskt stödja ledarskapsutvecklingen.Studie 3: Komplexa organisationer som driver ledarskapsutveckling, som beskriver hur två av företagen, Sandvik och Svenska Spel, har genomfört organisationsförändringar som ökat komplexiteten i organisationsstrukturerna på ett liknande sätt. Förändringarna har gett upphov till nya ledarroller och tillfällen för utveckling av ledarna som berörs samt utveckling av ett mer kollektivt ledarskap.Studie 4: Ett ramverk för ledarskapsutveckling, som introducerar hur ledarskapsutvecklingen kan förstås ur fyra olika perspektiv: individens utveckling, kollektivets utveckling, den strukturella utvecklingen och uppgiftens komplexitet.För företagen resulterade forskningsprojektet i utvecklingsaktiviteter och lärande. Några lärdomar och rekommendationer är att organisationer bör involvera inte bara ledare utan även medarbetare i aktiviteter kring ledarskapsutveckling, initiera6diskussioner kring vad gott ledarskap och ledarskapsutveckling innebär, utveckla inte bara individer utan också det kollektiva ledarskapet, samt att ledarskapsutveckling inte bara sker vid enstaka kurser eller insatser utan kan ske vid det dagliga arbetet, exempelvis vid förändringar i arbetsuppgifter, roller eller organisatoriska förändringar. I detta forskningsprojektet har vi sett det som en central uppgift för en ledare, utöver att leda och bidra till verksamhetens mål, att kontinuerligt och systematiskt stödja den egna och kollegors ledarskapsutveckling. I en föränderlig värld finns inte något slutgiltigt svar på vad ett önskvärt ledarskap är – ledarskapet behöver ständigt utvecklas.
  • Kjellström, Sofia, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • Six ways of understanding leadership development : An exploration of increasing complexity
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Leadership. - : Sage Publications. - 1742-7150 .- 1742-7169. ; 16:4, s. 434-460
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Leadership development is a multifaceted phenomenon with a multitude of definitions and meanings requiring closer exploration. The aim of this study was to identify and investigate qualitatively different ways of understanding leadership development and categorize them from a complexity perspective. We conducted 21 semi-structured interviews with professionals and managers. Analysis using a phenomenographic approach revealed six categories and different ways of understanding leadership development: (1) one's own development, (2) fulfilling a leadership role, (3) personal development, (4) leader and organizational development, (5) collective leadership development, and (6) human development. The categories were arranged hierarchically according to increasing complexity. Our contribution recognizes more nuanced interpretations than previously identified and highlights underlying structures of complexity. The results help to empirically ground and elaborate current theories and distinctions within the field of leadership development research where similar patterns can be observed. They may assist researchers in making both their own and other's assumptions on leadership development explicit, as well as informing the practice of tailoring leadership development activities to better match individuals and organizational contexts.
  • Norrman Brandt, Eva, et al. (författare)
  • Leader capabilities in the 21st century
  • 2014
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We know from decades of empirical research in adult development that leaders at more advanced stages of development are more effective than their counterparts in carrying out a variety of leaderships’ tasks, but also that few leaders have these advanced level of leadership (Joiner & Josephs 2007; Torbert 1987). But are leaders up to the task of handling complex issues at work? Knowing that the complexity and speed of change requires higher levels of adult development it seems obvious that there is a need for supporting managers to develop their level of development and maybe recruit leaders with a higher level of development. There is a need for research focusing on the link between adult ego development in leaders and transformational leadership (McCauley, Drath, Palus, O´Connor&Baker 2006), and studies on leader-follower interaction.The aim of this study is firstly to examine the correlation between leadership behaviors, value systems and complexity, and secondly if the correlation between self report and subordinates evaluation of leadership are higher for individuals with more advanced levels of value systems and/or levels of leadership.Participants are managers in 4 Scandinavian organizations in different market segments including municipalities. The mangers are invited to answer a basic web survey including three instruments: a value system questionnaire (Sjölander et al.2013); Developmental Leadership Questionnaire which is a hierarchical test based on the theory of transformational leadership and it measures leadership behaviors through a self-evaluation and a 360 test where subordinates evaluate leadership of the manager; and a complexity test. Some managers do only the self-evaluation and some a full 360 feedback test. The study is carried out in the spring 2014 and preliminary results will be presented.
  • Pedersen, Eja, et al. (författare)
  • Challenges in transdisciplinary research : Example from a study on people as part of energy and ventilation systems in residential buildings (PEIRE)
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Cold Climate HVAC 2018 : Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates - Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates. - 9783030006617 - 9783030006624 ; , s. 802-812
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Energy efficiency measures in residential buildings typically include changes in ventilation and heating systems, and increased thermal insulation of the building envelope. The expected energy efficiency is not always reached, despite large knowledge and professional implementation of each separate measure. Thereis a lack in understanding of how technical systems interact, and how the ocupants are influenced by and in turn influence the systems by their behaviour. A holistic view and a transdisciplinary research approach are needed to understand relevant interactions and propose integrated energy efficiency measures. The aim of this paper is to reveal challenges in transdisciplinary research projects that include real world studies on both humans and technical systems with measurements before and after renovation of multifamily housing. It is based on experiences from the PEIRE-project (People, Environment, Indoor, Renovation, Energy) carried out by a research team with expertise on environmental psychology, human behaviour, interaction design, universal design, building physics, building services, thermal comfort, aerosol technology, exposure assessment, acoustics, daylight, and complex thinking. Differences in theoretical bases and methodology needed to be dealt with. Metatheory building could help with the transition from a multi- to a transdisciplinary understanding.
  • Pedersen, Eja, et al. (författare)
  • Challenges in Transdisciplinary Research—Example from a Study on People as Part of Energy and Ventilation Systems in Residential Buildings (PEIRE)
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Cold Climate HVAC 2018. - Cham : Springer. - 9783030006617 - 9783030006624 ; , s. 803-812
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Energy efficiency measures in residential buildings typically include changes in ventilation and heating systems, and increased thermal insulation of the building envelope. The expected energy efficiency is not always reached, despite large knowledge and professional implementation of each separate measure. There is a lack in understanding of how technical systems interact, and how the occupants are influenced by and in turn influence the systems by their behaviour. A holistic view and a transdisciplinary research approach are needed to understand relevant interactions and propose integrated energy efficiency measures. The aim of this paper is to reveal challenges in transdisciplinary research projects that include real world studies on both humans and technical systems with measurements before and after renovation of multifamily housing. It is based on experiences from the PEIRE-project (People, Environment, Indoor, Renovation, Energy) carried out by a research team with expertise on environmental psychology, human behaviour, interaction design, universal design, building physics, building services, thermal comfort, aerosol technology, exposure assessment, acoustics, daylight, and complex thinking. Differences in theoretical bases and methodology needed to be dealt with. Metatheory building could help with the transition from a multi- to a transdisciplinary understanding.
  • Pedersen, Eja, et al. (författare)
  • Good indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and high energy efficiency in multifamily dwellings: How do tenants view the conditions needed to achieve both?
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Building and Environment. - : Elsevier BV. - 0360-1323 .- 1873-684X. ; 191
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Sustainable housing that both creates good indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and avoids unnecessary energy use has proved difficult to realize. Renovations of multifamily houses provide an opportunity to find this balance. This study concerns whether tenants perceive that conditions for achieving sufficient IEQ with low energy use exist. Focus group interviews with 42 participants, in areas where the rents were in the lower range and included heating up to 21 °C, aimed to capture the tenants' perceptions of: IEQ and actions taken to regulate it; information and control; the connections between IEQ and energy use; and the role of the housing company. Good IEQ was crucial to interviewees, who described it as sufficient heat without draughts, ability to ventilate, and no disturbing sounds or smells. The main responsibility was attributed to the housing company, but daily regulation controlled by tenants. However, unclear interfaces between tenants and the systems that regulate IEQ make it difficult for tenants to act as a positive part of the system. Tenants did not link IEQ to energy use. A holistic view of the physical environment's affordances, including intuitive interfaces, could optimize the balance between good IEQ and energy use.
  • Stålne, Kristian, et al. (författare)
  • Assessing complexity in learning outcomes - a comparison between the SOLO taxonomy and the model of hierarchical complexity
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. - : Taylor & Francis. - 0260-2938 .- 1469-297X. ; 41:7, s. 1033-1048
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • An important aspect of higher education is to educate students who can manage complex relationships and solve complex problems. Teachers need to be able to evaluate course content with regard to complexity, as well as evaluate students’ ability to assimilate complex content and express it in the form of a learning outcome. One model for evaluating complexity is the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy. The aim of this analysis is to address the limitations of the SOLO taxonomy in detecting the more subtle differences of the learning outcomes and to clarify the concept of learning modes. This is done by analysing the SOLO taxonomy by means of the model of hierarchical complexity (MHC). The two models are compared by examining their respective theoretical background, the definitions and descriptions of the stages of each model, as well as through evaluating examples illustrating the SOLO levels using MHC. The two models can be viewed as compatible, with MHC also being able to put the SOLO taxonomy in an adult development context, thereby emphasising the importance of developing the students’ access to complex thinking.
  • Stålne, Kristian (författare)
  • Hygro-Mechanics of Wood Fibre Composite Materials
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The work presented in this thesis deals with modelling and testing of hygro-mechanical properties of wood fibre composite materials. The material studied experimentally is high pressure laminate, HPL, which is a wood fibre network composite, made up of craft paper impregnated with phenolic or melamine resin. An analytical model for the hygro-mechanical properties has been developed. The model calculates the stiffness, hygroexpansion, creep and mechanosorption behaviour of the composite material from the given corresponding properties of the constituents. The analytical model is based on the assumption of homogeneous strain. This assumption is validated by comparison of the stiffness and hygroexpansion predictions with the predictions of another analytical model developed as a part of the research. The model is validated also by the results of two finite element homogenisation methods, one 2-dimensional and one 3-dimensional. The comparisons show that the homogeneous strain assumption overestimates the composites stiffness by approximately 15 % and underestimates the composites hygroexpansion by approximately 15 %. Experimental tests of two HPL materials with melamine resin as matrix material and with different fibre volume fraction were carried out. The tests comprised strength, stiffness, Poisson’s ratio, free hygroexpansion, creep, mechanosorptive strains, moisture sorption isotherms and moisture equilibrium curves. Strain was recorded in the direction of the inplane tensile load and in the transverse direction. The results show that creep, unlike the elastic stiffness, is significantly influenced by the moisture content. The creep was of very different character in transverse direction as compared to the creep in the direction of the load, and furthermore linear with respect to the stress up to at least 40 % of the failure stress. By development of an empirical hygro-mechanics model was mechanosorption identified and found to be of significant magnitude. The free hygroexpansion of the HPL composite was found to much larger than first expected. The analytical model is compared with the test results. Material data for hygroexpansion, creep and mechanosorption of the matrix material is however lacking. This made it difficult to validate the analytical model by the test results. By assuming matrix material data it was found that the analytical model can be capable to capture the hygro-mechanical behaviour of composite materials. Tests of the matrix material are proposed. It is believed that the proposed model can be successfully used for predicting the hygromechanical properties of new wood fibre composite materials. Such a model can be a useful tool in the process of optimal design of new composites and thus extending the good use and the area of application of wood fibre composites.
  • Stålne, Kristian (författare)
  • Modelling of Stiffness and Hygroexpansion of Wood Fibre Composites
  • 2001
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Paper 1The eld of research involving the analytical modelling of the stiff ness and hygroexpansion of composite material is reviewed. This paper can be regarded as an introduction to the area of the mechanics of composite materials in general and to wood fibre composites in particular. The most important models, such as the Reuss and Voigt bounds and the Halpin-Tsai, are described, along with their advantages and limitations. The report also contains examples ofcalculations made for various models, allowing them to be compared.Paper 2In this paper, coordinate transformations of the stresses, strains and stiffness of composite materials are described. A new method for interpolating between the extremes of homogeneous strain and homogeneous stress for calculating the stiffness matrix of composites is introduced. This new interpolation method is shown by use of advanced matrix theory, to be coordinate independent.Paper 3A 3D analytical model for stiffness and hygroexpansion is presented. The model involves two steps. The first step is the homogenisation of a structure composed of a single wood fibre coated by a layer of matrix material. The second step is the integration of the various fibre orientations involving a linear and an exponential interpolation between an extreme case of homogenous strain and an extreme case of homogenous stress. A comparison is made between the prediction as modelled and measurement data for stiffness, Poisson's ratio andhygroexpansion. The matrix material is assumed to have isotropic properties, whereas the fibres and the particle material can have arbitrary orthotropic properties. The model can be used for all volume fractions and is also valid for particle composites.Paper 4This paper presents a 3D numerical model for the stiffness and hygroexpansion properties of wood fibre composite materials. The microstructure of a composite composed of a number of fibres is modelled by use of a fibre geometry preprocessor. The model is employed for analysing the mechanical behaviour of wood fibre composites that have bre network geometries. Results obtained by use of the model are compared with results based on the analytical model presented in paper 3 and with various test results.
  • Stålne, Kristian, et al. (författare)
  • Three-dimensional model for analysis of stiffness and hygroexpansion properties of fiber composite materials
  • 2002
  • Ingår i: Journal of Engineering Mechanics. - 1943-7889. ; 128:6, s. 654-662
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A three-dimensional model for stiffness and hygroexpansion of fiber and particle composite materials is presented. The model is divided into two steps, first a homogenization of a single fiber with a coating representing the matrix material, then a network mechanics modeling of the assembly of coated fibers that constitutes the composite material. The network modeling is made by a fiber orientation integration including a linear and an exponential interpolation between the extreme case of homogenous strain and the extreme case of homogenous stress. A comparison between the modeled prediction and measurement data is made for stiffness, Poissons ratio, and hygroexpansion. The matrix material is assumed to have isotropic properties and the fiber or particle material may have arbitrary orthotropic properties.
  • Stålne, Kristian, et al. (författare)
  • Transdisciplinary Research on Indoor Environment and Health as a Social Process
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - : MDPI. - 1661-7827 .- 1660-4601. ; 18:8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Although issues concerning indoor environments and their interaction with humans span many disciplines, such as aerosol technology, environmental psychology, health, and building physics, they are often studied separately. This study describes a research project with the transdisciplinary aim of bridging such disciplinary boundaries. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the twelve project members to explore their understanding of transdisciplinarity regarding the conceptual as well as social aspects of collective learning and leadership and the measures taken to achieve this. The interviews were coded in NVivo (QSR International, Doncaster, Australia), which was used to identify themes concerning notions associated with transdisciplinarity, collective leadership, collective intelligence, and learning. A shared understanding of transdisciplinarity meant that the researchers transcended their disciplinary boundaries by moving into each other's fields. This collective learning process was facilitated by introductory lectures on each other's fields, contributing to collective leadership and a safe atmosphere. We argue that a transdisciplinary approach is appropriate in order to address indoor environment issues as well other complex problems, for which additional time and resources should be allocated for individual and collective learning processes.
  • Stålne, Kristian, 1974- (författare)
  • Vuxen men inte färdig : vuxenutveckling - stadier av komplexitet och mening
  • 2018. - 1
  • Bok (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Vad innebär utveckling för dig som individ? Är det att göra nya saker, resa till nya kontinenter, skaffa hus och familj? Eller är det att lära dig nya saker såsom kinesiska, dansa tango eller programmera? Kanske är det att nå en ökad personlig mognad - vad det nu innebär. När det gäller barns utveckling är vi alla mer eller mindre medvetna om att barn går igenom ett antal utvecklingsstadier och stegvis utvecklas till vuxna individer. Vid 18-20-årsåldern är man vuxen. Färdig. Vad är sedan meningen med livet?I den här boken presenterar Kristian Stålne på ett lättillgängligt sätt vad forskningen säger om att utvecklas som människa, med fokus på komplext tänkande, meningsskapande och förmågan till självreflektion. Han tar avstamp i sin egen drivkraft som ledde honom från ingenjörsstudierna vidare till att bli forskare inom vuxenutveckling. Vuxna utvecklas också i stadier, även om det inte är lika märkbart för omgivningen som barnens utveckling. Ett flertal forskares teorier om de olika stadierna presenteras. Centralt är hur individens förmåga att hantera komplexare frågeställningar och att se världen ur olika perspektiv utvecklas stegvis. I den tredje och avslutande delen av boken återknyter Stålne till sin personliga resa. Hur har de här insikterna förändrat honom? Är det eftersträvansvärt att utvecklas?Boken fungerar som textbok i vuxenutveckling och ger en strukturerad framställning av teorier från Kohlberg, Commons, Kegan, Loevinger, van Rossum och Hamer, King och Kitchener. Samtliga teorier presenteras i förhållande till utveckling av komplext tänkande, kunskapssyn, jagutveckling, och vad vi uppfattar som meningsfullt. Sammantaget ger Vuxen men inte färdig läsaren en introduktion med både inlevelse och teori, bredd och djup kring temat vuxenutveckling med fokus på förmåga till komplext tänkande och meningsskapande. Förmågor som ter sig allt viktigare i vårt samhälle och dess utveckling. 
  • Törnblom, Oskar, et al. (författare)
  • Analyzing roles and leadership in organizations from cognitive complexity and meaning-making perspectives
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Behavioral Development Bulletin. - : American Psychological Association (APA). - 1942-0722. ; 23:1, s. 63-80
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Organizations can be seen as social systems with hierarchical structures and roles at different levels of complexity with correspondingly different complexity of tasks. This article applies the perspectives of two theories from the field of adult development, namely, the model of hierarchical complexity (MHC) and ego development theory (EDT) to analyze stratified systems theory (SST). Although the theories are not regarded as strictly comparable and commensurable on account of differences in basic assumptions and methods of the theories, the analysis leads to the conclusion that descriptions of role complexity and individual capabilities in SST, to some extent, correspond to descriptions of developmental levels according to the MHC and EDT. Both comparisons support the notion that task and leadership complexity increases with organizational level, and thereby demonstrates support for the existence of qualitatively different levels of leadership. However, based on the methodological choices of the study, it is beyond the scope of the article to validate the key concepts, constructs in SST, as well as provide support or nonsupport for the proposed value of application in practice. Furthermore, we point out the lack of a more thorough analysis and comparison between the theories built on rich empirical material. Nevertheless, we conclude that the MHC, EDT and SST are fruitful lenses that can further the understanding of organizations as social systems with hierarchical structures.
  • Törnblom, Oskar, et al. (författare)
  • Increasingly complex organizational design as an explicit and implicit driver for leadership development
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • More organizations need to adapt to increasingly complex contexts and this often calls for more collective forms of leadership. The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the relationship between increasingly complex organizational design and collective leadership development and individual leader development. The study used a comparative case study design and data were collected with multiple qualitative methods in two technology-, knowledge-, and project-intensive organizations. The results demonstrate that increasingly complex organizational design fosters (1) collective leadership development, (2) new opportunities for leader development, and (3) operational improvements. The study contributes to organizational design and leadership development studies and their intersection. The results illustrate the value for both researchers and practitioners in viewing collective leadership development and leader development from an organizational design perspective. Finally, the results may support practitioners in enabling leadership development in connection with the implementation of new organizational design.
  • Törnblom, Oskar, 1970- (författare)
  • Organizational Design and Leadership Development: The Role of Increasing Complexity​
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Many organizations need to adapt to increasingly complex environments. New forms of organizational design and leadership are called for and, under some circumstances, more collective leadership practices are needed. Furthermore, values and beliefs in some societal contexts foster a general positive bias for collective leadership. Paradoxically, many investment decisions regarding leadership development activities do not pay off. At the same time, the research fields of collective leadership development and on-the-job leader development are underutilized. The research field of leadership is in need of consolidation and integration within and between research areas. There has been much less research done on collective leadership development compared with leader development, and research on leadership development has been focused more on individual and collective change rather than on contextual facilitating factors such as organizational design.To address these theoretical and practical challenges, the aim of the thesis was to explore organizational design and leadership development in terms of increasing complexity in the empirical context of technology-, knowledge-, and project-intensive organizations. The research design was centered around two studies that were part of a larger interactive research project and two conceptual studies that jointly investigated (1) organizational design and increasing complexity, (2) leadership development and increasing complexity, (3) how increasingly complex organizational design can foster leadership development. The interactive research project had four goals in terms of creating common learning for the project partners involved, new academic knowledge, and organizational development not only for the participating organizations but also for organizations in general.The thesis contributes to the research fields of organizational design and leadership development as well as their intersection. It adds to theory by providing a more fine-grained definition of ways of understanding leadership development according to increasing complexity. Furthermore, it adds to the understanding of how increasingly complex organizational design can foster leadership development, especially collective leadership, thus demonstrating empirical examples of leadership development without traditional leadership development investments.The thesis proposes future research on emerging technology as an accelerator for leadership development and interactive research in partnership with organizations in order to further integrate the research fields of organizational design and leadership development. In terms of managerial contributions, a number of suggestions are offered to support better knowledge creation and decision-making regarding organizational design, on-the-job leader development, and especially collective leadership development. Furthermore, a shift from a psychology-centered leadership development approach toward more of a systemic and organizational design-centered leadership development approach that includes both individual and collective dimensions is called for. This shift will potentially change the leadership development industry, making many of the contemporary investments in leadership development obsolete.
  • Wierzbicka, Aneta, et al. (författare)
  • Healthy Indoor Environments : The Need for a Holistic Approach
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - : MDPI. - 1661-7827 .- 1660-4601. ; 15:9
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Indoor environments have a large impact on health and well-being, so it is important to understand what makes them healthy and sustainable. There is substantial knowledge on individual factors and their effects, though understanding how factors interact and what role occupants play in these interactions (both causative and receptive) is lacking. We aimed to: (i) explore interactions between factors and potential risks if these are not considered from holistic perspective; and (ii) identify components needed to advance research on indoor environments. The paper is based on collaboration between researchers from disciplines covering technical, behavioural, and medical perspectives. Outcomes were identified through literature reviews, discussions and workshops with invited experts and representatives from various stakeholder groups. Four themes emerged and were discussed with an emphasis on occupant health: (a) the bio-psycho-social aspects of health; (b) interaction between occupants, buildings and indoor environment; (c) climate change and its impact on indoor environment quality, thermal comfort and health; and (d) energy efficiency measures and indoor environment. To advance the relevant research, the indoor environment must be considered a dynamic and complex system with multiple interactions. This calls for a transdisciplinary and holistic approach and effective collaboration with various stakeholders.
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