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  • Aleksejeva, Olga (author)
  • Blue copper proteins as bioelements for bioelectronic devices
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis is focused on bioelements for biological electric power sources,specifically, on blue copper proteins with and without an intrinsic biocatalyticactivity, i.e. ability to reduce oxygen directly to water. These proteins, viz. differentlaccases, ceruloplasmin, and rusticyanin, were characterised in detailand employed for the construction of both self-charging and conventional biosupercapacitors.First, similarities and particularities of oxygen electroreductionvs. bioelectroreduction were reviewed. Moreover, being a promising candidatefor the construction of autotolerant implantable biocathodes, the electrochemistryof human ceruloplasmin was revisited. For the first time, a clearbioelectrocatalytic reduction of oxygen on ceruloplasmin modified electrodeswas shown. Second, computational design combined with directed evolutionresulted in a high redox potential mutated laccase, GreeDo, with increased redoxpotential of the T1 site, increased activity towards high redox potentialmediators, as well as enhanced stability. Third, GreeDo was electrochemicallycharacterised in detail. The mutant exhibited higher open circuit potentialvalues and onset potentials for oxygen bioelectroreduction compared to the parental laccase, OB-1. Moreover, the operational stability of GreeDo modifiedgraphite electrodes was found to be more than 2 h in a decidedly acidicelectrolyte, in agreement with the extended operational and storage stabilitiesof the enzyme in acidic solutions. Fourth, multi-cell single-electrolyte glucose/oxygen biodevices with adjustable open-circuit and operating voltages,which are independent on the difference in equilibrium redox potentials of thetwo redox couples, gluconolactone/glucose and oxygen/water, viz. 1.18 V, butdependent on the number of half-cells in the biodevice construction, were designedand tested. The biodevices were made from tubular graphite electrodeswith electropolymerised poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) modified withTrametes hirsuta laccase and Neurospora crassa cellobiose dehydrogenase as the cathodic and anodic biocatalysts, respectively. Due to the interplay betweenfaradaic and non-faradaic electrochemical processes, as well as betweenionic and electronic conductivities, the open-circuit voltage of the self-chargedbiodevice is extraordinarily high, reaching 3 V, when seven biosupercapacitorsoperating in a common electrolyte were connected in series. Moreover,glucose/oxygen biodevices could be externally discharged at an operatingvoltage exceeding the maximal limiting open-circuit value of 1.24 V for thecomplete glucose oxidation. Last but not least, a conventional biosupercapacitor,i.e. a biodevice lacking self-charging ability, was composed of Acidithiobacillusferrooxidans rusticyanin modified gold electrodes. The complete biodevicesas well as separate electrodes were thoroughly characterised electrochemically.The symmetrical biosupercapacitor based on two identical goldelectrodes modified with rusticyanin is able to capacitively store electricityand deliver electric power, accumulated mostly in the form of biopseudocapacitance,when charged and discharged externally.
  • Bergenfeldt Fabri, Anna (author)
  • Hälsoarbete i rörelse : ett aktionsforskningsprojekt inom etableringsreformens samhälls- och hälsoinformation
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about the conditions of a group of social and Health Communicators (HC) for changing the form of health information for newly arrived refugees. Focus is 011 how the HC's awamess evolves during their efforts to introduce physical activity as a health promotion strategy. The study also aims at making visible whether the action research process leads to any changes in the longer perspective. By applying Kemmis and Grootenboers' Theory of Practice Architectures the analysis takes its starting point in practice. The theory is based on the assurntion that a practice is constituted by different conditions or arrangements that shape the conversations, actions and activities taking place within a specific practice. The theory includes useful concepts here used as tools to describe and analyse the social context under study. To understand the working conditions for public administrators and the HCs in particulary, Lipsky's concept street-level bureaucrats is used. Using a critical action research approach, the study is based on empirical material gathered via work group meetings, focus group discussions, study visits and participation in the field. The tools employed comprise participatory observations, sound recording and documentation in the form of field notes and logg book writing. This study shows that fixed practice architectures govern the civic and heallh information practice. Initially this makes it difficult for the HCs to see how physical activity could be part of the content. The result shows that the arrangements shaping the practice within the project, differ from those that form the workday practice. A joint meeting practice was set up during the project and worked as a communicative space for collegial dialog and the ex.change of experiences. In accordance with action research methods, the HCs' had the authority over the working process which in tum led to forming and testing of new activities with participants from the target group. This paved the way for a more pronounced interest in health issues and physical activities among the newly arrived. Two years after the conclusion of the action research project, a follow-up study was conducted. The outcome illustrates that the current practice architecture constrains the implementation of physical activity as a part of the organisation. The only remains of the changes accomplished during the project, that can be trace, d are the indiviual experiences adopted by the communicators that come to the fore in their sayings The former action research project has raised the group's awareness of what is required to motivate participants to take responsibility for their own !earing , in this case regarding physical activity. Despite the somewhat daunting picture, it is still possible to discern that the action research practice contributed by building up local knowledge and awareness of what is necessary for achieving sustainable results. This is an area over which the Communicatiors currently lack any real influence.
  • Berlin Hallrup, Leena, 1967- (author)
  • Experiences of everyday life and participation for people with intellectual disabilities : from four perspectives
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • People with intellectual disabilities are dependent in many ways on the support ofothers if they are to have access to social life, services and support in society. Inorder to participate in various activities, they need intellectual and social support.This means that participation for them, depends in several ways on other people´swillingness to facilitate and promote participation. This imposes high demands onthose professionals providing formal support for them. Hence, the overall aim ofthis thesis was to explore and describe from four perspectives the experiences ofeveryday life and participation for people with intellectual disabilities. The thesiscontains four qualitatively oriented studies, which have evolved over time. StudiesI-II, including participant observations and interviews, and were conducted ingroup homes with staff and adults with intellectual disabilities. Furthermore, itemerged that adults with intellectual disabilities experienced different limitationsin their everyday life, which indicates a lack of opportunity for participation (StudyII). From the findings of these two studies, it became clear that participation is acentral focus and that leadership is of particular significance for how participationis implemented; therefore, interviews were conducted with service managers (Study III). Lastly, within the framework of this thesis, the aim was directed atfocus groups with significant others as the fourth perspective to provide a broadframing of what participation can mean for people with intellectual disabilities.Despite the fact that the disability policy has contributed to improvements forthis target group, there are currently extensive shortcomings. This study hasrevealed deficiencies such as the lack of working methods to help staff facilitateparticipation (Study I); the lack of care worker´ continuity and the existence ofmany routines and rules in the group homes (Study II); more overarchingly, thefinancial situation was not adequate to promote participation (Studies III and IV).Consequently, there were also strengths and opportunities for a good everyday life and for participation. All four perspectives are important as, together, theycontribute with a deeper understanding of what participation is and is not, inrelation to people with ID. From the findings presented in this thesis, it can be saidthat participation is double-edged as the four studies highlight both the absenceand presence of participation.
  • Cowen Forssell, Rebecka (author)
  • Cyberbullying : transformation of working life and its boundaries
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Sverige liksom många andra länder genomgår en digitaliseringsprocess som påverkar hur vi tar oss an och förhåller oss till arbete. I arbetslivets digitalisering ingår även psykosociala aspekter som uppstår som en följd av ökad digital kommunikation. Cybermobbning, eller nätmobbning som det ofta refereras till i en svensk kontext, syftar på mobbning via digitala kanaler och inkluderar aggressiva eller negativa beteenden på e-post, SMS, blogg eller sociala nätverkssajter som Facebook. Medan det har bedrivits forskning om cybermobbning bland barn och ungdomar de senaste två decennierna befinner sig forskningen om cybermobbning bland vuxna i arbetslivet fortfarande i ett utforskande skede. Den här avhandlingen syftar till att utveckla ny kunskap om hur cybermobbning i arbetslivet kan förstås och förklaras. För att uppnå syftet undersöks hur cybermobbning i arbetslivet uttrycks och vilka individuella, sociala och organisatoriska implikationer mobbning medför när det sker i digitala rum. Avhandlingen har en interdisciplinär ansats och integrerar teoretiska ansatser från urbana studier, organisationspsykologi samt sociologi. Vidare tillämpas ‘mixed methods research design’ i syfte att generera skilda och komplementära perspektiv på samma fenomen. Föreliggande sammanläggningsavhandling består av tre artiklar, varav två är publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter och en är under granskning för publicering. Den övergripande frågeställningen är formulerad enligt följande: På vilket sätt förändras mobbning i arbetslivet när den sker genom social interaktion i digitala rum? Tillsammans med den teoretiska diskussion som förs i kappan besvaras frågeställningen genom tre empiriska datakällor – en pilotstudie, en enkätstudie och en intervjustudie. Varje artikel i avhandlingen har sina specifika frågeställningar eller hypoteser, men den övergripande frågeställningen för avhandlingen besvaras genom att använda mixed methods. Tre övergripande teman identifieras i avhandlingen: nya maktdynamiker i cybermobbning, media-specifika uttryck i cybermobbning och konceptuella utmaningar i att studera cybermobbning. Nya maktdynamiker i cybermobbning beskriver hur maktrelationer i cybermobbning skiljer sig till viss del från maktrelationer i mobbning ansikte-mot-ansikte. Temat är baserat på resultatet som visar att fler personer i arbetsledande positioner än ickearbetsledande positioner är utsatta för cybermobbning. Detta antyder att digital kommunikation påverkar maktdynamiker och möjliggör för personer i formellt lägre positioner att mobba en chef. Ytterligare en aspekt som lyfts fram är att när digital kommunikation bidrar till en uppluckring av gränser i arbetslivet kan personer utanför organisationen såsom studenter, elever, kunder eller medborgare bli förövare av arbetsrelaterad cybermobbning. Det andra temat media-specifika uttryck i cybermobbning utgår ifrån att cybermobbning uttrycks olika i e-post jämfört med Facebook och bloggar och att cybermobbning därför bör förstås i förhållande till den kontext som den specifika kommunikationskanalen skapar. Temat är utvecklat mot bakgrund av resultatet som visar en övervikt av passiv och exkluderande mobbning via e-post och exempel på särskilt aggressiv och direkt uttryckt mobbning på Facebook och blogg. Vilka som är åskådare och kommunikationskanalens förankring i arbetsorganisationen förefaller påverka hur cybermobbning uttrycks. Det tredje temat, konceptuella utmaningar i att studera cybermobbning, framhåller en rumslig sammankoppling mellan cybermobbning och mobbning ansikte-mot-ansikte. Här diskuteras vilken betydelse överlappning mellan cybermobbning och mobbning ansikte-mot-ansikte har för tolkning av fenomenets omfattning. Vidare diskuteras några svårigheter med att studera cybermobbning utifrån traditionella operationaliseringar av mobbning.
  • Dawson, Victoria (author)
  • Coronal restoration in root-filled and non root-filled teeth : studies on periapical status, tooth survival, subsequent treatments and treatment decisions
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overall aim of this thesis was to study the following aspects ofdirect and indirect coronal restoration, primarily of root-filled teeth, withspecial reference to:• periapical health• the natural course of root-filled teeth, particularly furtherclinical intervention• the dentist´s decision-making process for root-filled teeth.The aims of coronal restoration are to restore the function and aestheticsof the tooth, with a tight marginal seal as protection from microbialleakage. A coronal restoration may be either direct, i.e. a direct chairsidecomposite or amalgam filling, or indirect, whereby the restoration,ceramic or a combination of metal and ceramic, is fabricated in alaboratory and then permanently cemented. For the root-filled tooth, acoronal restoration of adequate quality is an important factor for asuccessful outcome of the endodontic treatment, in terms of periapicalstatus. While indirect restoration is often advocated as the treatment of choice for a root-filled tooth, the procedure is nevertheless more timeconsumingand 3 – 4 times more expensive than a direct restoration. InSweden, composite is the predominant material for direct restorationand the majority of root-filled teeth are directly restored. However,some reports suggest an association between composite restoration andan increased risk of periapical disease. In terms of tooth survival, thereare also reports of less favorable endodontic treatment outcomes forteeth with direct restorations than for those with indirect restorations.In Studies I and II clinical and radiographic examinations wereundertaken in a random sample of 440 subjects, living in the county of Skåne, Sweden. No association was disclosed between apicalperiodontitis (AP) and direct composite restorations. In non root-filledteeth, a relationship was found between the type of restoration and AP.Those restored with direct restoration by both composite and amalgamcombined, and indirect restoration were associated with increased riskof AP, indicating that the extent of tooth substance removal rather thanthe type or material of the restoration, was an important factor ofinfluence on periapical status. For root-filled teeth, however, the qualityof the restoration and of the root-filling was more important toperiapical health than the type or material used for the coronalrestoration. In Study III, data from the Swedish Social InsuranceAgency on dental treatments were analyzed. Only minor differences inthe frequency of additional endodontic treatment for root-filled teethrestored with direct versus indirect restoration was disclosed. Theindirectly restored teeth also had a more favorable natural course duringthe 5-year follow-up period. In comparison, teeth restored with directrestorations required further clinical intervention (nonsurgical retreatment, extraction and additional restorations) significantly morefrequently.In Study IV, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted withgeneral dental practitioners. Data from 14 interviews were analyzed byQualitative Content Analysis. Study IV revealed that dentists´ decisionmakingprocess underlying the choice of coronal restoration for a rootfilledtooth, was based not only on clinical factors; contextual factorsand patient´s views, if in conflict, were decisive. Thus, despite theindications for an indirect restoration, a direct restoration wasoccasionally chosen. Accordingly, the context in which the dentistmakes decisions may be a factor influencing the fate of the root-filledtooth.It is concluded that concerns that composite restoration poses a riskfor periapical disease are not supported clinically, i.e. the use ofcomposite seems to be safe. While in non root-filled teeth, AP tended tobe associated with extensive restorations, in root-filled teeth the type ofrestoration was not an important factor of periapical health. For teethdirectly restored after root canal treatment, further clinical interventionsmay be expected, especially for restorative failures. This may beattributable in part to the dentist´s decision-making process with respectto the choice of coronal restoration.
  • Hallmer, Fredrik (author)
  • Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw : occurence, risk factors, pathogenesis & treatment
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The antiresorptive drugs bisphosphonates and denosumab arewidely used to preserve bone strength by inhibiting osteoclast mediatedbone resorption. High dose intravenous bisphosphonatesand high dose denosumab are mainly used to treat skeletal relatedevents in patients with metastatic bone disease such as metastaticbreast cancer and metastatic prostate cancer or in patients withmultiple myeloma. In patients with osteoporosis, oral bisphosphonatesare mostly used. Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw(MRONJ) is a serious side effect associated both with bisphosphonatesand denosumab treatment. The first report on MRONJ waspublished in 2003. At first, the condition was believed to be a newdisease, but it was later proved to be the same disease, which existedmore than 100 years ago in match factory workers, and phosphateminers, in whom the disease was recognized as phossy jaw. The overall aim of this thesis was to study the occurrence, risk factors,pathogenesis and treatment of MRONJ.Study I describes prevalence, trigger factors and treatment outcomesof MRONJ retrospectively between the years 2003-2010 inRegion Skåne. During this time, 55 patients had been diagnosedwith MRONJ. Of these patients, 31 patients with a malignant diseasewere treated with high dose intravenous bisphosphonates and24 patients with osteoporosis were treated with oral bisphosphonates.The prevalence of MRONJ was estimated to be 0.024% forpatient on oral bisphosphonates and 2.8% for patients on high dose intravenous bisphosphonates. Tooth extraction was the mostcommon trigger factor. After treatment of MRONJ, healing occurredmore frequently in patients with osteoporosis treated withoral bisphosphonates than in patients with a malignant diseasetreated with high dose intravenous bisphosphonates.Study II investigated the association between microflora andMRONJ by using 16S rRNA pyrosequencing technique for the detectionof bacteria in necrotic bone lesions. Included were 18 consecutivepatients with MRONJ, ten with osteoporosis and eightwith metastatic disease. Bone biopsies were retrieved with two separate3 mm sterile trepan burrs from the centre of the necroticbone and from visible healthy bone. The necrotic bone lesions containedmainly anaerobic bacteria, representative for periodontalmicroflora, suggesting that a periodontal infection in combinationwith antiresorptive treatment could initiate the osteonecrosis. Study III is a prospective cohort study where the prevalence andinitiating factors of MRONJ and the outcome of surgical therapywere analysed. All new cases of MRONJ between 2012 and 2015in Region Skåne were included. Fifty-five patients with MRONJwere identified. The prevalence of MRONJ for patients on oralbisphosphonates was 0.043%, on high dose intravenous bisphosphonates1.03% and on high dose denosumab 3.64%. Periodontaldisease preceded development of MRONJ in 41 patients. Fifty patientswere treated surgically and followed up for at least 2months. Lesions progressed to remission or healing in 80.0% ofpatients treated with sequestrectomy and in 92.5% of patientstreated with block resection. In study IV, the aim was to prospectively determine the incidenceand define risk factors for MRONJ in patients with metastaticbreast cancer treated with zoledronic acid and/or denosumab.Breast cancer patients diagnosed between 2012 and 2015 in the regionof Skåne with one or several bone metastases and treated withzoledronic acid or denosumab were included. Systemic risk factors(age, zoledronic acid or denosumab use, treatment time, chemo-therapy or corticosteroid use, diabetes and smoking habits) wererecorded. Sixteen patients of 242 (6.6%) developed MRONJ duringthe 77 months study period (from 1st of January 2012 to 31stof May 2018). The incidence of MRONJ in patients treated withhigh dose zoledronic acid was 4.1%, and for patients with highdose denosumab 13.6%. The risk of developing MRONJ in patientson denosumab was significantly higher compared to patientstreated with zoledronic acid. Corticosteroid use was associatedwith a significant decreased risk of MRONJ and diabetes was associatedwith a significantly increased risk of MRONJ. Chemotherapyor smoking was not associated with a significant increasedrisk of MRONJ. In conclusion, the incidence of MRONJ is more than three timeshigher in breast cancer patients treated with denosumab comparedto breast cancer patients treated with zoledronic acid. The prevalencein patients with osteoporosis on oral bisphosphonates is low,< 0.05%. Corticosteroid use decreases the risk of developingMRONJ whilst diabetes increases the risk. The most common localrisk factor is a periodontal disease. Periodontal bacteria play a centralrole in the pathogenesis and development of MRONJ. Thetreatment outcome of MRONJ demonstrates healing in most patientstreated surgically.
  • Hansen, Christina (author)
  • Solidarity in Diversity : Activism as a Pathway of Migrant Emplacement in Malmö
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Written at the intersection of migration studies, urban studies, and research on activism, this thesis contributes to the exploration of solidarities born on the ground in an urban context marked by immigration and economic restructuring. Based on ethnographic material collected 2013­–2016 in Malmö, Sweden, it examines alliances and friendships generated across social, cultural, ethnic, and legal divides through a particular political practice—activism as carried out by the extra-parliamentarian left. A decisive aspect is the particularity of Malmö, a city with a high density and diversity of activist groups, and Möllevången, the neighbourhood where their actions are concentrated. Möllevången is conceptualised in this thesis as an incubator for resistance to the dispossessing effects of neoliberal economic restructuring and urban gentrification. Special attention is devoted to activist groups that, at the time of fieldwork, affected the most people through their large mobilisations and solidarity-based work. While not negating differences among activists or between activists and racialised migrants in precarious legal conditions, the thesis highlights their shared experiences of co-creating political spaces and interests—commoning. This kind of embodied solidarity requires activists to experiment with non-hierarchical and non-normative ways of structuring social relations, a process filled with challenges, ambivalences, and conflicts. The thesis shows how activists cope with challenges and what they perceive as achievements. Furthermore, it shows that—despite the ever-increasing anti-immigrant rhetoric, restrictive migration policies, and neoliberalisation of the commons—solidarity and commoning contribute to pathways of migrant emplacement: re-establishing life in a particular locality, building networks, making friends, and developing a feeling of belonging to a new place. Not only does the activists’ commitment to radical equality and mutual aid create certain pathways for emplacement in the city, it also enables the political socialisation of some migrants and paves the way for a new generation of migrant activists in Malmö.
  • Hellborg, Anna Maria (author)
  • "Godispengar" eller "överdådig lyx" - om elitidrott, ekonomi och jämställdhet
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The purpose of this study is to problematize and analyze the conception and construction of elite athletes’ economical terms through a feministic lens. I will specifically try to investigate and illustrate how women and men who want to invest and try out for elite sports, are constructed as economical actors, how economical prerequisites to practice their sport is depicted and if, and in what way, the professionalization of the sport is gender equal. The four sports that are examined in this study are curling, football, golf and equestrian. The study contributes to the illustration of sport management issues from a feministic, gender and equality perspective. I have chosen multiple theories that I believe explain the different parts of my material in relation to feminism, gender equality and gender theories. The concepts used are the connection between material and cultural inequality (Fraser and Ridgeway), dominance and power structures (Young and Halldenius), the connection between the public and the private (Okin) and the gender contract (Hirdman). Mainly two types of material are used. An analysis of the sport associations’ official magazines and interviews with different organizational leaders within the associations. This dissertation shows that the issues regarding financial conditions for elite athletes are depicted differently in the different sports. There are diverse challenges for the sports and their associations in the work towards gender equality. The different conditions are affected by size, status, connections to the market and dependence of funds. Several problematic issues are identified such as distribution of resources by the associations, the distribution by sponsors, the distribution by the SOK, prize money and family life. The struggle for a gender equal distribution of resources in elite sports are ongoing. The magazines depict women as receiving less money than men in their sports. A common argument for this distribution is the greater interest in men’s sports, which refers to that men’s sports generate more money. Women’s sport is economically marginalized. An excessive redistribution of assets and a restructuring of the control over resources are necessary aspects to rectify gender inequality. Professional sports as they appear today, partly controlled by the market, are not gender equal. It appears to be a great gap between gender equality and the market logic. As it appears from this study, a key seems to be adding value to women’s sports on all levels, from associations to spectators. The relationship between the Swedish state and the sports movement (RF) is defined by an implicit contract. The state provides funds to RF and in turn, RF has a responsibility to make sure sport is equal for all. Since the implicit contract also means that the state does not interfere with how the sport confederation distribute the funds this means that the distribution of resources benefits men’s elite sports because it is considered more worthy by the sport organizations. RF do not fulfill their part of the contract and the state approves the inequality by not making demands. The implicit contract becomes gender impregnated.
  • Hofverberg, Hanna (author)
  • Crafting Sustainable Development : Studies of Teaching and Learning Craft in Environmental and Sustainability Education
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overall aim of the thesis is to contribute with new and deepened knowledge about the teaching and learning of craft when the crafting activity is considered as environmental and sustainability education (ESE). To achieve this, three objectives have been formulated: to examine what constitutes a craft subject content relevant for ESE, to examine what influences the learning process when the crafting activity is considered as ESE, and to examine how the crafting material participates in the learning process when the crafting activity is considered as ESE. The three research objectives are addressed by four studies: one literature study (Paper I) and three case studies where the empirical data is constructed through observations (video recordings) of a remake project (Papers II and IV) and an embroidery project (Paper III) in the craft subject ‘educational sloyd’ in Sweden. The main theories that the thesis draws on are Tim Ingold’s theory of making as a practice of correspondence and John Dewey’s transactional approach to meaning-making. Several methods that acknowledge learning in action are used, which makes it possible to explore how the student–material relations emerge and how both humans and more-than-humans participate in the learning activity. The findings show that a craft activity, for example a remake project, can have different purposes and pedagogies, which produce different learning experiences and sustainability outcomes. Further, I identify and distinguish a process content from a product content, which deepens our understanding of what students learn when the crafting activity is considered as ESE. By focusing on how the student–material relations emerge in the learning process – with concepts that I use and develop such as correspondence, stories, and transactant – I empirically show how the crafting material not only participates with its materiality but also creates the embodied stories that students recognise when they encounter the crafting material in the crafting activity. How humans learn in socio-material relations and what consequences these have for ESE are two key issues that are further discussed when the crafting activity is considered as ESE. 
  • Ingrell, Joakim (author)
  • What does it take to be successful here? A longitudinal study of achievement motivation in youth sport
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The focal aim of this dissertation project centers on understanding the importance of some of the underlying factors responsible for the socialization of achievement motivation in youth sport and its affective outcomes. Furthermore, this dissertation project focuses on the specializing stage of development, more specifically, student-athletes (N = 78) attending a compulsory school with a sports profile.This dissertation project was guided by the theoretical frameworks provided by achievement goal theory (Nicholls, 1984, 1989), implicit theories of ability (Dweck, 2000), Ames’ (1992a, 1992b) motivational climate, Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect (Marsh, 1984; Marsh & Parker, 1984) athletic burnout (Raedeke & Smith, 2001), and gender as a social institution (Lorber, 1994).In the first study, the aim was to analyze and problematize athletic ability longitudinally and with a gender perspective as it is perceived, discussed, and valued by student-athletes. A mixed method approach was used in this study consisting of quantitative analysis (multilevel modeling) of a three-year, six-wave data collection (N = 78). Furthermore, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 27 of the student-athletes. The two main results of this study were that entity beliefs increased, and incremental beliefs decreased during the three-year period, and that gender added a further understanding of the beliefs of student-athletes regarding athletic ability.The second study aimed to examine achievement goals in youth sport longitudinally and the within-person effects of perceived motivational climates by coaches, peers, and parents on achievement goal orientations. The student-athletes (N = 78) completed a multi-section questionnaire, six times over a three-year period, assessing the study variables and the multilevel modeling analysis revealed that both the task orientation and the ego orientation decreased for this age group over the threeyear period. Furthermore, the perceived task involving peer climate was significantly and positively related to task orientation, and perceived ego-involving coaching climate was significantly and positively related to ego orientation.In the third study, the aim was to examine the developmental trajectories of student-athlete burnout perceptions and the within-person relationship between achievement goals and burnout perceptions. The participants (N = 78), time frame, and measurement points were the same in this study, as in studies I and II. The results from the multilevel growth models revealed that burnout perceptions increased for this age group over the three-year period. Furthermore, task orientation was significantly and negatively related to a reduced sense of accomplishment and sport devaluation.The findings from this dissertation project highlight some of the complexity of achievement motivation in youth sport; the relationships between this type of motivation and the context, in this case, a school with a sports profile, and organized sports, and significant others such as coaches, peers, and parents. Furthermore, the results from this dissertation project underline the advantage of considering a specific developmental stage when studying achievement motivation in youth sport longitudinally.
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Rubin, Maria (2)
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Östman, Leif, Profes ... (1)
Adolfsson, Carl-Henr ... (1)
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Wendel, Lotta (1)
Lindh, Christina (1)
Aleksejeva, Olga (1)
Wedin, Åsa (1)
Rudnert, Joel (1)
Roos, Helena, 1974- (1)
Nilsson, Helena (1)
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Hallmer, Fredrik (1)
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Johansson, Maria C (1)
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Lund, Stefan, 1966- (1)
Sollenius, Ola (1)
Hofverberg, Hanna (1)
Bergenfeldt Fabri, A ... (1)
Berlin Hallrup, Leen ... (1)
Bogdan, Henrik, Prof ... (1)
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Karlsson, Annika (1)
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Linnaeus University (3)
Kristianstad University College (2)
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Uppsala University (1)
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Linköping University (1)
Lund University (1)
Högskolan Dalarna (1)
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English (21)
Swedish (11)
Danish (1)
Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Medical and Health Sciences (8)
Social Sciences (7)
Humanities (2)
Natural sciences (1)

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